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Root of the problem

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The problem isn't that people can dc in combat. The problem is they have a safe place to retreat to on another server. Move characters to a server side save. With only authentication via hive and you will solve

Dc to avoid pvp death ( player will just wait on you yo log back in )

Server hopping

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Yeah right.. there will be tons of people who will not care about this. They'll just DC and go get some food er spending some time with something else. Are you really willing to wait 10 minutes? Or 30? or 120? And you'll never know if he even comes back this day or if his friends are sneaking behind you.....

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From experience I would say that most players wouldn't wait very long. Ofcourse there will be a few who do. Log out and go yo bed. Or to get food that is. But most want to play the game. And will likely not wait that long. People are incredibly impatient. And if they do leave, so what? The point is, you either play the game and die. Or you dont play the game. You shouldn't be able to pick and chose what senerio you want to play out by switching to a new world instantly.

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Here's a couple questions. So what if people dc during combat? Why is that a big deal? So what, move on. Why is everyone so up in arms that people dc? What is the true issue with that?

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Here's a couple questions. So what if people dc during combat? Why is that a big deal? So what, move on. Why is everyone so up in arms that people dc? What is the true issue with that?

Because it's cheap, bad sportsmanship, and not in keeping with the spirit of the mod. DayZ does not appear to have been designed with the intention of making the consequences of one's actions easily escapable. The sooner Rocket brings in a reasonable counter to this garbage the better.

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Consequences of one's actions... Can you give me examples of one's actions that have consequences that are not easily escapable?

Is the anger due to someone not getting "the kill"? You missed out on murdering someone... I just don't get the anger in that. Murder is not sportsmanship at all. It's the cheapest of the cheap. Don't get me wrong, I've shot my share of people, I've been shot by my share of people. I don't alt/f4. I have aborted after a firefight was over, I killed a player and I was badly hurt but alive. Had my friends come give me assistance. I did not avoid (imminent) death or the firefight but only when it was over did I abort. It's my perogative to abort when I like is it not?

I don't mind folks dc's during combat when I'm shooting at them as much as I care they can then go to another server and ghost me from behind. If you shouldn't be able to avoid combat in the zombie apocalypse by dc'ing you certainly should not be able to bend time and space to go to another dimension only to return on this dimension in a different space.

I say if anyone uses the proper way to disconnect, say using the abort menu, let them dc without issue. If they alt/f4, let them start in downtown cherno during the next log in (on the same server only) in the exact same condition they dc'd (bleeding out, unconscious, whatever).


You could also force any alt/f4 dc'd client to reconnect within say x minutes (put arbitrary number here) or risk a full respawn starting over with nothing.

Bottom line, these issues we squabble over are part of one big test bed. Working within the constraints of the current engine I doubt this will be solved. If this ever makes it to a stand alone product I'm sure something will be put in place and I'm sure it will be there by design from the beginning.

To continually argue over things that likely cannot be changed or that are not within the scope of the purpose of this alpha is ridiculous. Is it a problem? Maybe? Not for me, it's the ghosting that pisses me off. Is it a priority for the devs to put some mechanic in place to stop it at this point? I doubt it. At this point they are testing for what works what doesn't in prep for making the real game, on an entirely different engine. Should they waste time to fabricate the mechanic on this engine when they are not going to use this engine for the final product? In my opinion, no. I'd rather them spend more time on the real game.

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I agree with Chisel, it's part of the game for now. Your mad because you cannot loot this person now, and they tried to save their hide.

The other night my brother and I got a sniper rifle, and decided to use it on some elevation ;). I was shooting at an unarmed man 7 blocks away, missed him 7 times lol! I got down and reloaded, as my brother was looking around us, he got shot from a distance.. I crawled to his body, trying to grab what I could and get out of there.. One of the bandits came up the ladder and was switching weapons, he had a M4 Silenced, I shot him three times, and he disconnected... Yeah I was upset because I had the better of him.. After 10mins of shooting with the other sniper, I killed her. Looted her, came back to my spot, and there his body was.

I guess the point is, when a buddy system is enabled in this time consuming game, you want the other person to take care of the problem, meet you at the point and reclaim your hard work.

Safe place to retreat or not, Karma comes around in this game...

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DayZ is a simulation, an imitation of a real thing--in this case of a survival situation. In what real-life scenario can someone simply snap their fingers and vanish off the face of the earth to escape a difficult situation?

Naturally, DayZ isn't and never will be a perfect imitation of real life. People have to leave sometime, and a number of methods for making it more realistic have been proposed. Whatever the case, the ability to instantly escape injury/death without any consequence has no place in a simulation which is founded on survival in a hostile land. It's got nothing to do specifically with 'this person started a fight and quit when it went bad' or 'I ambushed that guy and he quit so he wouldn't lose his gear'. Both actions are equally inconsistent with the simulation.

Edited by Donaghue

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Aborting / alt-f4'ing the game completely ruins the immersion of the experience. Not to mention it's incredibly cheap. It has nothing to do with losing out on a kill; it has everything to do with being robbed of the emotional exhilaration of surviving a deadly encounter. And as someone already pointed out, it completely circumvents taking responsibility for your failures.

The people who "don't understand" why this is a problem are the people who are abusing it the most. It's only "part of the game," because the game has to have a logout feature. But using that in a dangerous situation is cheap, cowardly and outright ruining the experience for a lot of people.

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