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IroquoisPliskin (DayZ)

I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

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I personally perfer being a bandit as my means of survival, But i never fire at an unarmed person. I also try to help others but some dicks just shoot for the fun of it and never loot the bodies. I only shoot a person if they have something i need or like, Also Alice i'd like to meet you on the battlefield i hardly have any medical supplies. My means of survival this way is almost always when i help someone they fucking turn around and blow my damn head off lol..

Edited by UndeadRights

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Today i met, for the first time, another survivor. I was inside a factory near the beach at Komarovo. He was outside, heading for my way. So I hit de ingame voice and tell him to not move. He was chased by a zombie so i take my m16 and take down the beast. I asked if he was armed and told me no. So he got inside with me and aggroed like 6 zombies which i took down. I helped him getting some drinks around until he found a revolver and an axe. Paranoia kicked in! Was he going to shoot me? Zoomed in with my acog over its head and told him to keep that low which he did. I took what i need left in the factory and left for the wild. I heard a few gun shots, hope he was ok.. You can watch videos all night long, but when it happens for the first time.. for real.. you understand why evryone turns crazy! When you finaly get a gun, enought food/drink to survive.. some matches/knife/axe to make some good meat.. you dont wanna go back and you are ready to take down anyone on your path!!!

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Short story about how bandits suck.

Was going towards an isolated low yield cabin when another player started running towards it down the middle of a track with a xbow. He was bleeding out bad. He went into the cabin, I followed him. I typed and said I will bandage you and give you food. No response. Went in slowly, he shot a bolt at me and barely missed. So I tried to talk to him again, I know you are bleeding in there, please let me help you. Juked in and he missed me AGAIN with a bolt. Well, that was his last one. Waited for a minute, then started hearing those flies. Went in and checked to see what he had. Didn't have much. Buried his body and moved on.

I tried to help so many times. I think a lot of players don't even try or pay attention to voice/typed communication at all. They don't care. Just want to go in and kill things. If their health gets below 7k or something, they don't care and expect to respawn in a minute. It;s like they don't even try to to survive. Freakin' bandits are too many. I will always be a survivor, always.

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On my last post, I talked about a guy who backstabbed me when he betrayed me. I recorded the event with Bandicam (similar to Fraps). I reviewed the tape and I was able to understand what happened.

I saw him in the building behind me. He was approaching me, though it appears he was looking behind him. Instead of pointing my gun at him, I salute at him. He starts begging to me, saying "Please don't shoot me!" I said "I wont." but he still sounded uneasy, constantly saying "Don't shoot me!" I assured him that I was friendly, that I was a part of TAB (The Anti-Bandits). I told him that I was hunting a man who was killing people in Elektro. I said "Do you need food or water?" He said "Yes". As I dropped food and water he shoots me, saying "Fuck you! Fuck you!" Its really something I wont forget. I lost an AKM with 6 mags, 5 canned food, 6 water bottles, and military equipment like binoculars and maps.

However, Karma did reward me for my kindness. I respawned in Cherno! I found a new player, lost and looking for directions. His name was Pryde, he traveled a long way to get to the coast of Cherno. I helped him out, giving tips and directions. Including the rule, "Do not trust anyone." Later on, we got split up after a zombie horde attacked. We found each other again in the Airfield, as I axed the zombies chasing him. He was scared that I was a player trying to kill him, but then he was relieved when he figured out it was me. Then suddenly, a HACKER! Artillery striked the airfield, and it strucked the new guy unconscious instantly! I dragged him to safety away from the explosions, then M19 shots were heard behind me. I turned around and someone was being murdered on the other side of the wall. I hid inside a container box, thinking I could counter-attack anyone who comes inside.

After awhile, I got out of the box, but then a man with a Barret 50 cal and a M19 came into the station. I feared that he would kill me and the new guy. But instead, he came up to the new guy and looked at him. I said he was unconscious, and the guy said "Oh, I don't have an epi-pen but I did patch him up. Since you guys are unarmed, have this gun." He gave me a revolver with ammo, but then I said to give it to the new guy: I thought he needed it most.

He then said "Okay", later "Oh, I do have an epi-pen!". He revives the new guy and says "I also gave him a blood bag so his HP should be back to 12000". Me and the new guy thanks him a lot, and he goes off saying "I need to log off now and go to bed, I don't wanna log back in here. Cya!" Me and Pryde then talked to eachother about the events. He said "Man that was crazy! Was put unconcious and had broken bones and shit." I gave as many tips as I could, like to prone around zombies, zombies walk indoors, etc. We then had to go, and I tell him my forum name. He says he would PM me in the forums and that he owes me a lot. I throw a flare outside to distract the zombies.

Pryde, the new guy, stayed in the airfield while I enter the heart of Cherno, with a friendly mind. I wanted to help more people, so I basically approached gunfire. I had all the tools to survive, I had a gun, a hunting knife, a hatchet, and a box of matches. (The box of matches saddened me a bit, as I was looking pretty hard for them in my previous life.) I was shot up by two guys in the hospital, though I guess my entry was a surprise one. Once they went out the front door they see me looking at them. I don't blame them. They weren't like that guy saying "Fuck you! Fuck you!", who knew I was trying to help him.

Meeting a new player and the friendly sniper, inspires me on to keep helping people. Its basically my "will to live" in DayZ. Maybe you could find me around the coast helping people... but even if you shoot me I will keep on going, helping perfect strangers.

I do not know the name of the man who betrayed me, though I do know the new guy was Pryde, and the friendly sniper was [G].

tl:dr: I was betrayed, then karma respawned me in Cherno. I helped a new guy from certain death and a friendly sniper saves both of our lives from a hacker. The end.

Edited by Etmer

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Well, I just found myself a V3S Civilian Truck and it was absolutely chocker full of different weapons & gear (around 100 items all up). :D

But I was already equipped with a Bizon, a M4A1 CCO SD, a PDW Uzi and all the gear I needed to survive, so there wasn't actually anything in this truck that I needed. So I decided that it was a good time for me to live up to my name and proceeded to drive up and down the coast looking for newly spawned players, driving up to them honking my horn, and calling out "friendly", "Help yourself to some of the gear in the back of my truck". Half of them ran away from me in terror, but the other half got themselves some nice kit to start themselves off with, and I even gave some of them a ride to the closest town. I must have helped out around thirty players all up until I finally ran out of fuel and ditched the truck...... it was a ton of fun! ^_^

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Well, I just found myself a V3S Civilian Truck and it was absolutely chocker full of different weapons & gear (around 100 items all up). :D

But I was already equipped with a Bizon, a M4A1 CCO SD, a PDW Uzi and all the gear I needed to survive, so there wasn't actually anything in this truck that I needed. So I decided that it was a good time for me to live up to my name and proceeded to drive up and down the coast looking for newly spawned players, driving up to them honking my horn, and calling out "friendly", "Help yourself to some of the gear in the back of my truck". Half of them ran away from me in terror, but the other half got themselves some nice kit to start themselves off with, and I even gave some of them a ride to the closest town. I must have helped out around thirty players all up until I finally ran out of fuel and ditched the truck...... it was a ton of fun! ^_^

Now that is the best " lucky for you newbies" i have heard.. well done. Beans for you. LOL

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Another story...

So I come home after work (yeah, I work on sundays, kinda sucks I know) and log into a random server because I couldn't find my usual one. I start heading to Electro to try and meet some people when all my loot disappears, I get shape shifted into a goat and ported to what I believe where the docks of Cherno along with (I guess) all the server. Long story short, I fed myself to some infected and left the server.

After considering a rant on the forums I opted out and looked for my home server. Luckly, I found it using the in-game multiplayer browser.

I spawned nearby Electro, so I headed to my camp and got me some weapons and supplies, then got back to the city and stayed overwatch on the hill (you know the one I'm talking about) waiting to see other people. When I was about to give up and head to Cherno, I spot a survivor running away from zombies and heading to the supermakret. I sniped a couple infected that were chasing him and waited to see what he'd do. It seems he was afraid I'd kill him (he had no idea where I was) so he stayed there for a long while, so long that I actually though he had aborted, but just as I was going to head into the city to grab some food and drinks I saw him moving to the school building. I got back to my position and sniped a couple more zombies that were chasing him, he went to the rooftop and stayed there for another long time.

Eventually, he went down and looted the hospital's rooftop. I had my sights on him all along, and as he started heading towards the power plant I ditched my sniper under a tree along with anything that I'd miss if I died, and ran up to him as he was being chased by zombies. We both ran along the road until we came to the plant. I used this opportunity to talk to him and propose we work together. Of course, I wasn't sure he wouldn't just shoot me once I killed the zombies entering the power plant's firestation, but I'm used to it by now so I thought it was worth a shot.

Surprisingly, he was more than happy to join up with me. I gave him my back-up (an AK-Kobra with some mags) and led him to my camp. Along the way we met another survivor who was being chased by zombies. We helped him out (actually, he did, I just shot the guy by mistake, luckly he didn't die) and asked him if he wanted to join us, but the guy aborted. Sad, but well. At my camp I told him to pick anything he wanted (I'm well stocked) and proposed a trip to Berezino, just for the kicks. We took my vehicle and headed up north. We had some fun looting the town until we hit the area with all the artifacts, so we decided to go back to the vehicle and head up north to the airfield. We ditched our transport about a mile away and scouted the airfield hoping for a UAZ or a chopper, sadly there was none to be found. Since it was getting really dark, we decided to head back to camp, but when we came back the car was gone.

It was a big downer, but I told him it okay, vechiles switch hands all the time, now someone else was enjoying it. Of course, I missed it, but what can you do about it? Well, search of course, and on our way back, we went through the Black Lake and there it was. It seems that the survivor who took it was silly enough to move it about 2 miles and ditch it for some reason. So jumped back in and made it back to camp. We didn't have much to show for our trip, but it was fun, and that's what was important.

At camp, we decided to go to Electro again and see if we could find him a better pack (he had a Czech, and I had no spares). We decked ourselves out in NVGs and some CQC weapons and went up the same hill where I had seen him for the first time. We scouted the town with binocs and saw no infected or people, so we went down to the market. There, as he was looting an ALICE pack, he got shot by a bandit who came in through the back-door. I promptly unloaded on the bandit's face with my MP5, still, my friend had died, and we had never exchanged skype or steam IDs, we had communicated through in-game voice-coms all along.

Without time for regrets (I was worried all the gunshots would attrack more infected and other survivors) I looted the high-end things from my friend, buried the bandit's corpse, and headed back to camp. Thus ended my day on Day Z.

To my newly found and lost friend, MyHotSalad (some name you have pal'), you are always welcome in my camp.

To Mushy the bandit, you are a fool. If you had but a couple more neurons, you would have talked to us first. I'm always friendly, never shoot first. I would have welcomed you the same way I welcomed the guy you killed. I would have given you NVGs as well and high-end guns as well. But no, you had to be a bandit and KOS.

To all bandits out there, you are fools to KOS. Not only do you ruin someone's day, but also, you miss out on some great opportunities like this guy Mushy here. He could have logged today with pretty much the best lot around, and two new friends. But no, he died a stupid death and lost everything. Not only that, but he cost me a friend too.

Edited by Deathcall
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I haven't been playing for that long. I am currently on my fourth play, I would like to share my first encounter with players to everyone. I had spawned on the coast and had been wandering for a long while, i came out of the woods into what I know now as Elektro. I looted several buildings until i came to an old shed. In that shed i found a m1911 and 3 mags for it. Overjoyed that i found a weapon i ran across the road stopping in panic as a UAZ pulled up. The three men that stepped out were wearing Ghillie suits armed with machine guns and sniper rifles. They told me to get on the ground and drop my weapon. I complied to the best of my ability dropping my one chance at surviving the zombies. After a moment they hauled me into the UAZ and took off to Cherno. From there they put me in a 2 story building, I heard gunshots and voices outside. Just then one of the men brought in another survivor also unarmed. The man stayed out in the hallway firing out of the window. After the gunfire had subsided they took me and the other survivor out into the street next to a second larger truck. One of them told the other to torch the UAZ, not five seconds later a columb of smoke was rising from the smashed UAZ. I would never know the reason but 2 of the three members disconnected, the last one told us that his friends cant connect so "i cant let you live..."

Yoto was killed.

that was my first time meeting other players in game. to me that was a slap to the face there is no reason whatsoever to kill unarmed people the worst part is that the player said he would give me a weapon and i would somehow be better off then i was. So now I'm trying to get into a group/clan that has the equipment to stay alive. If you know a good clan PM me. I am getting a new better computer soon so i can be a better survivor. because i don't like getting shot.

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the only thing that has ever hapend to me as of late was kind an amusing story, i had just finished getting some suplies from a small camp i found close to pobenda dam so but i dint found what needed most which was a compass or a map, so i just figured i would follow the road to a nerby town, (easy enough or not), i followed the road but for some reason i would always turn back and find myself at pobenda damm for over 3 times, i was almodt got mad by that, (and this was for close to 2 days tryuing to get away from the freaking dam until i went back to the camp and check if they had put anything more in it and finnaly one of them placed a compass there (happiest moment ever)

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well yesterday i came across some friendlies and i was pretty happy they didn't shoot me on spawn... i was yelling friendly in the microphone and they replied yes :)

and if i see someone i'm kinda trying to help most of the time, offering bandages and food to people i see in need...

tho some bastard actually stole my silenced CCO ;(

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The game rendering was freaking out in NWAirfield. I've never had it happen quite like that before but the whole place was freaking out.

I still managed to make my way to a survivor who was running through the broken universe from some zeds.

I managed to hit the pursuers and they shattered into little triangles and broke down.

Man that server was jacked up but those zombies died so good.

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Well this one is a bit tragic but anyway. I was at the balota airstrip with my akm looking for supplies and I noticed 2 unarmed guys slowly approaching me, when they were close enough they asked me not to shoot them, That was never my intention anyway, So i put down a hatchet for one of them to use, then they came with me to the medical camp and I took out the zombies and it seemed they didnt know how to climb a ladder.

So I went up 2 towers and found a g17 and a shotgun and gave one to each of them. but it all went wrong at the third tower, one of the guys told he was going afk for 3 mins and asked us not to leave. but then 2 zombies spawned and one of them got up to me, and one of the guys accidently shot me instead. Breaking my bones and I got low on health. the guy who shot me said he was sorry and asked me what he could do, and as there was no morphine in the camp I told him to put me out of my misery.

but as the guy had just shot me, the other one got back and he hadn't seen the message and thought he killed me, and shot him aswell. and that's what happens if you're nice :P

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Saved one. Murdered one. So I guess I'm even.

I came across a guy being chased by 4 Zeds across a field. He didn't have a weapon and they were gaining on him. I put all 4 down and I don't think he even saw me as I melted back into the woods. I might have saved him but I wasn't about to trust him.

Later that day I was looting one of the old hill top castles. There was barbed wire and tank traps set up so I suspected it might be being used as a bandit camp and was pretty nervous. I was sneaking into a ruined tower just as another player came out. I paniced and pulled the trigger just as he yelled "friendly!". To late, I hit him in the head. Poor bastard still only had his starting kit.

I want to play as a good guy but sometimes bad things just happen.

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Another story from today...

So I log in at... hell, where was I? I think nearby Olsha.

The thing is, I was so bored that I decided I'd play a scout today. The job was simple, I'd go to every vehicle spawn I could come across while still in range of food and water and tag them on the in-game map with time-stamps and info.

I started at the Airport near Olsha, nothing there. Marked it on the map with a time-stamp, hoping I'd save people some time (posted date as well, along with my name). I kept moving from there on to Black Lake, Krasnotav, Klen, Black Mountain, Novy Lug, Gvozdno, Devil's Castle and Grishino, marking every spot. There I turned north-west to a long farm house and marked a Helicopter Crash, the first find of the day.

I didn't bother looting and went on scouting. I tagged Bashnya and then went into the NAF. As I was entering the server restarted and turned into full night. As soon as I logged back in I saw another Helicopter Crash by the eastern fences, tagged it and moved on. I did a bit of scavenging for ammunition at the barracks (trying to avoid the tempest of artifacts) and made another note saying that there was no helicopter (working one) or UAZ to be had there.

From there I moved south-west on to Vybor to check the bus spawn, but midway there I got ambushed by a sniper. Somehow I managed to avoid his bullets and hid away at the school for a while before moving further west. I visited all the small housings by the western roads and actually spotted a Hilux on the buildings directly west of Pustoshka. I tagged it and left a note with the parts that were needed to fix it. Then, I kept moving south through Pass Sosnovy, Sosnovka, Green Mountain and Zelenogorsk. There I had a bit of a run in with an amazing amount of zombies and got my leg broken right in the middle of town when I got myself cornered against a fence. I had to quickly kill the zombies nearby and apply some morphine to myself (realizing that now it takes time to do it). I hid in the market for a while and ate everything there to bring my health back up.

After I was back in shape, I continued towards Kozlovka and from there I made a bee-line to Chernogosk to loot some essentials. Luckly I had no run ins with bandits while I looted the north hospital and the appartment buildings near it.

Once restocked, I moved to the Balota Airfield (pretty foolish since there's never any vehicles there, but I was trying to be thorough). The effort was, of course, futile, but I found a hidden motorcycle in working order in the forests between Cherno and the Airfield, so I tagged that and made my way to Kopyto. No heli there and no vehicles at Prigorodki either, so I kept moving along the coast to Cap Golova and then up the mountain to Pik Kozlova. No luck in either.

After a small detour on Topolka Dam I scouted the hills north of Electrozavodsk and left a note about the odd lack of snipers today. From there, I moved to Drakon where I spotted a small two tent camp from the coast. I decided it was not worth the swim so I kept moving. A quick peek at Otmel (just out of curiosity) lead me to Kamyshovo, where I spotted to newly spawned survivors. I kept my distance without being seen just in case, wondering how lucky I was since there were only three people on the server and now we were all in the same area.

From there, it was just a short jog to my homebase, and I was pretty tired after all the walking, so I decided it was time to pack it in. When I got myself ready to log, I saw one of those survivors got killed. Mustering all the strength I had left, I climbed on my PBX and scoured the coast to find the remaning survivor. It didn't take long, since the only direction in which he could have gone was west due to Electro. I picked him up while he was waving his flashlight at some grass.

The survivor was less surprised than what I had expected, but still thankful. I helped him find his friend (who had spawned near Komarovo - luckly I had plenty of fuel -) and I was ferrying them to Cherno when the guy we picked up died from blood loss (it seems they were really new). After a second pick-up, I parked us as close to the Motorcyle I found earlier as I could and brought them there. I gave one of them my NVGs and the other my compass and map, and told them how to use waypoints. From there, they were on their own.

After that much work, I went back to my PBX and sailed home, to a much deserved rest, feeling I had done some good today.

One of the guys I helped said that after what I had done for them, he'd think twice before shooting people on sight. And the other said he'd do his best to help other new players as well.

I can only hope they keep their words.

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I just met a Random guy at US 1621 while i was shooting some Zombies out of pure boredom.

He had nothing on him and i saw a death message stateing his name earlier.

I gave him my Spare M9 with 2 Mags since i dont like the M9.

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My best story comes from the Grocery store in Elektro. It was early in my current life (14 days and counting) I had found Jesse (My trusty AKM) in a hunting stand, and in the hospital in Elektro I had found antibiotics. I had just moved into the back room of the grocery store when I heard a makarov go off outside, and someone running into the building, I could tell from the shots that they were taking cover by the shelves out front, so I went prone, crawled behind the coolers and counted his shots, when I heard the eighth go off I stood up, pegged the last zed in the chest to drop him, and levelled my sights at the survivor, literally shouting into direct chat that if he was friendly he'd better say so and put his weapon down. His voice was so shaky I think I scared the crap right out of him, and he actually put his pistol on the ground for me. felt bad for scaring him like that, so I asked if he needed any supplies. He said he was hungry and thirsty, so I tossed him a can of beans, a pepsi, and a spare water canteen I had picked up only minutes before. He thanked me, and asked where he could find medical supplies, I pointed him towards the hospital, and we both ran back there, once he was patched up (I gave him a transfusion as well) I gave him some pointers on avoiding bandits and sent him on his way, making sure he went well away from my desired exit to the city.

In the apocalypse, I can't afford to be trusting, not even with someone who was so obviously new to this world. But it felt good to help a fellow man, I just wish I had been able to help the next guy I met, who I was forced to shoot because he pointed his winchester right at me. I didn't know he was out of ammo until afterwards, poor sucker didn't even have a bandage, I felt terrible, but those are the decisions we are forced to make.

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In the apocalypse, I can't afford to be trusting, not even with someone who was so obviously new to this world. But it felt good to help a fellow man, I just wish I had been able to help the next guy I met, who I was forced to shoot because he pointed his winchester right at me. I didn't know he was out of ammo until afterwards, poor sucker didn't even have a bandage, I felt terrible, but those are the decisions we are forced to make.

Well sir, you are my hero for helping that first survivor.

But I can sympathize with you on being forced to shoot the second. We had to shoot this one survivor on the road, we gave him SO many chances to say something, but he kept pointing his pistol right at us and saying nothing, I was practically begging him to say something, so we could all calm down; but my clan-mates shot him because it was fucking unnerving what he was doing. It's an awful memory that I still have until this day (happened when I first started Day Z), he didn't have any ammo, and I think he was having mic trouble or something. I mean the LEAST he could have done is disarmed himself, to show he wasn't a threat, damn.

But when I'm forced to kill for my own safety, I try and remember.

How can I help anybody, if I'm dead?

Edited by "Lost" Alice

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1. Ran into a fresh group and showed them the ropes of DayZ survival and escorted them around a few high-yield spots.

2. Saw a random survivor get mauled by a fresh bandit with a hatchet. Sniped the bandit in the leg; he passed out. I ran over to them; bandaged them both, gave the survivor morphine, and drug the bandit's body to the center of town before he regained consciousness. Placed 7 pieces of cooked meat in his pack, and left him there.

3. Was watching some guys try to repair a vehicle. I came down from the hill and said I'll help. I grabbed some parts and help fix it. Didn't even ask for a ride.

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This story made me feel a bit sad a renewed my hate for alt+f4 noobs.... [Long-ish read]

Was sitting on a hill east of Elektro with my AK Kobra waiting for my bro when I see a new spawn running along the road followed by at least 10 zombies, I bino him and his roughly 300m away, I decide in that second I am going to help seeing as I had 6 clips and 4 pistol mags for m1911, I charge down the hill shouting over direct chat "turn right buddy RIGHT!" he see's me and beelines to me, I scream over chat "get up the hill, run diagonal" HIS ABOUT 50m away and I warn him dont run at me as I am going to start firing, switching to full auto I unload into the hoard that's bunching at hill, about 38 shots later they are all dead and we are up the hill...

He thanks me and is surprised I even bothered to help, I tell him I am going to help him loot the fire station but will stay about 500m behind to provide a view of the area from the hills, he agrees and runs off bee-lining towards the fire station, I loose site as he goes into the wall and I think I loose voice chat with him from distance, because just as he enter the building I see another player crouch running through the fields towards the same station and has obviously seen him, and with bino I think he has a sniper of some sort, screaming over chat someone coming he dont hear, so I decide "FUCK IT" and run down the hill and by some miracle he dosnt see me as his focus is on my new friend, as I get closer I shout, sniper get down buddy!! he replies "what?! where?" then goes silent and I see him standing still in the second floor of the tower... shouting! "Dude get down!" but remains still... I hear the gunfire and I am still about 200m out....

This point he comes back and was like sorry went afk for a minute... then BANG! "friend is dead" he gets one last message over...dude wtf?! you kill me? then his gone...so now I got the blame for helping someone and have probably ruined that guys trust in players in same time... Fuck!! ok I am going to kill this guy, and judging by the shot noise he is very close and can get zeds charging across the field.... I decide to get into the station and wait for him... 2-3minutes pass and I hear footsteps and zeds cries... then like Usain Bolt at the Olympics he bursts through the big red doors followed by maybe 7 -8 zeds? I just unload into him shouting you sniper noob shooting unarmed people!! 10-11-12-13 shots on full auto at 10m his body starts spurting blood and drops... vengeance is mine! and also thinking sweet got a sniper ^^...

But noooooo....fucking ALT+F4 and his body spazzes out then sinks into the floor... why? you didn't even have decent gear, not even a ghillie... FUCK YOU!

Shortly died after that helping another guy loot and provide direction and over watch when he said he had found 2 Alice packs and to come to him...walked through door and he hatcheted me in the back...thanks :)

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I was running through a small village (not sure which one) and I saw a female character running from a big group of zombies through the town. I guessed she was new, as although she had an ak74 she wasn't diving behind buildings/trees to try and lose them, just running in a straight line.

I ran over to her and said "This was, we'll lose them in the building". She started to follow me towards the building, I turned round with MY AK and said "run past me, I'll take a couple out". She ran past and I managed to get just one zombie before they were close.

We ran into a firestation and started shooting the zombies as they came in.

Well, we took them all out, and just as I was about to congratulate her BANG! She was dead. BANG! Me too.

Last thing I saw was a guy in a ghillie sitting on the stairs opposite us!

Oh well....I guess I saved her from the zombies, that's better than nothing!!

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i was in Cherno looting the hospital nrar yhe apartments. A min later i saw a player running into a apartment with a few zombies chasing him. He ran up and start shooting with his Dinner Bell(of coz it attracted all the zombies near by). I thought about shooting him just in case he if he found me out and i had clear shot of him. i didnt shoot him though coz i feel like shooting people in the back without asking him if he was friendly or not is bad.

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When I got this game I had read up on it a bit, watched videos, and figured I'd have to "play the game," i.e. shoot people behind their backs without so much as asking friendly, betraying allies, etc... but the first time I actually came across a survivor (both armed; he had M1014 and I had AK Kobra), we looked at each other for a second and I yelled, "friendly!" into comm before he shot me in the chest. I went full-retard spray into his neck and got a bandit kill tick, but it felt good to know I gave him a chance and that I didn't shoot first.

Since then, I've played medic for two survivors, shared a steak with a bandit down on his luck, and killed a sniper whose tent I walked up on, but only after he fired at me and missed, and only after I announced friendly. I feel like that first experience sort of defines your character, and so far I'm playing hero. I'm sure some bandit will karmasnipe me later down the line, but meh, when it happens it happens. I'll have to pick up the pieces on the coast and continue surviving in this hostile world.

"I will not let fear compromise who I am."

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I'll never be a bandit. The internet gives us the opportunity to meet folk on the other side of the world and helps us to bond through the medium of a sandbox chat-room filled with zombies and the need to eat and drink. So much more can be gained by meeting other survivors and having fun working together to stay alive. The only other place where meeting strangers under similar circumstances is the local pub... But anyway...

I was with some of my colleges from G-G State Emergency Service (A volunteer Search & Rescue organization) when I get a text message from another friend telling me he's broken his legs near Gorka and has less than 4k blood. I convinced him not to bug out of the server because we had enough morphine and blood packs to keep a squad going for a good while and that we were about 10 minutes sprinting distance away. He plots on the map his rough location and we hastily head off to meet him. Before too long it begins to rain heavily and visibility was fading as the night set in. We get to the forest, set ourselves up and begin a line search, clearing the whole area in a few minutes with no luck finding my friend, so we check the map and head to the next foresty area. We couldn't see too well, so we had to follow the compass bearing to get us there. Once again we perform a grid search, this time we see a torchlight flashing at us in the distance. I text my friend to ask if its him, to which he responds with "Yeah, hurry".

We race over to him and one of my collegues gives him blood and morphine while I build a fire and the other keeps an eye out. Once it was all done he shared his cool drinks with us and we sat around the campfire having a chat and eventually we all logged out. It's nice when you can end your sessions on a high.

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Not necessarily a "Nice Guy" story, but more of an explanation why I will never be a bandit.

I'd heard so much about the amazingly unique experiences offered by DayZ, like people teaming up with randoms and creating impromptu groups. I guess it was my naivete that let me think that was the norm. I thought most players wanted to salute and team up, for the sake of having an amazing experience.

So I bought ArmA2 CO and installed DayZ... And was promptly murdered a few times in Cherno. Every interaction I had with a player character ended in bloodshed (usually mine, for waiting to find out their intentions before shooting). And I became bitter.

I'd done everything right! I'd called out, "Friendly." I'd been unarmed and completely harmless! But it didn't matter, these players were out for blood for the simple reason that they could.

I began to think that those amazing experiences, the stories of friendship and chance meetings and veterans mingling with noobs, taking them under their wings, were lies. They were the myths of a bygone era, and then men in those tales had been replaced with animals in the form of men. Survivors at any cost.

It wasn't fun.

I was running through Cherno after having raided the church with a hatchet and a revolver, hoping to make it out of this hellhole alive and disappear up north, raiding villages along the way, when something magical happened: I saw someone, someone who looked like they had a TON of nice loot, and they DIDN'T SEE ME.

He was crawling out of Cherno, keeping a low profile behind a bush. My bitterness welled up inside me and I thought, "This is the first, and probably the ONLY time I will ever get the drop on somebody. I should take him out, take his stuff, and flee to the north."

So I took aim and fired my last three revolver rounds at him. 15 feet away from me, and I missed. I missed so badly that I think my target thought it was just gunfire from somewhere else in the city. He didn't look around and see me, he just kept on crawling behind that stupid bush.

My heart leaped into my throat as I pulled out my hatchet. It was now or never. It was kill, or be killed, right? That was the law of this land, and that was what I told myself as I ran forward towards my prone victim and began hacking away at him.

One stroke: I broke his leg. Two strokes: He was bleeding like crazy, and had turned and fired on me with his assault rifle. Three strokes: He was dead, his spine severed and his head caved in.

I was in shock. When I came to, covered in his and my own blood, I managed to bandage myself with shaking hands, and began rummaging through his ALICE pack. Assault rifle, Blood bags, Epi-pens, Morphine. It seemed as though my victim had everything he needed to save his own life except the luck to not be spotted by a bitter coward.

I took it all. I took it all and tried to run. I left my hatchet next to his broken body as I fled aimlessly, not north but west along the beach, simply out of fear.

Unfortunately for me, the gunfire had attracted a small horde of the infected. My unsteady aim with the assault rifle drew in even more. The infected offered me as much mercy as I had offered a nameless survivor whose only crime was holding nice equipment and failing to spot me. I was dead.

I logged off and stepped away from my computer, but the thought that I had committed murder in a very real way would no leave me. Sleep eluded me that night. Work passed by in a blur as I thought about what it would be like to actually be crawling away and have a madman with a hatchet appear out of nowhere and cut you down, as you lay helpless on the ground. I imagined an axehead snapping my bones into pieces as I lay prone. And then I imagined what it would feel like to actually BE that madman.

And then I remembered that I already was.

Yes, it's only a game. No, I didn't really kill anyone. But a life was ended. Someone very real had their day ruined and lost everything they had worked to achieve in an instant because of my actions. Not only that, but I had completely destroyed this person's future potential. And I'd done it without evening bothering to find out if he was a threat. I didn't even TRY to talk to him. And I didn't even HAVE to try to talk to him. The option of just letting him crawl away unharmed had always been there. But I just... acted. And no previous bitterness could justify it.

Since then, I have felt compelled to somehow atone for my actions. It has compelled me to get back in the game and live a peaceful life (or at least a life of self-defense) and shun a life of "survival-at-any-cost." But I've also had very little human interaction in-game since then. I've still not had one of those mythical experiences where two humans meet and salute one another, and protect each other as brothers in arms. I've adopted a different, weaker strategy.

I always run now. And I cower in fear of one day meeting myself.

But I can never be a bandit.

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Im a chopper hunter. I play with a small group, we PVE for the most part but occasionally visit the citys or Military sites to liven things up. Last night i was on DE 72 doing my usual schtick. I ran from south of Novy, through the fields south and west of Guglovo, and on to the big fields near Gorka and Polana. Figured i would stop at the pond behind the factory to drink and refill, maybe sweep the factory for a heat pack since it was a cold pitch black night. As i was running to the factory from Polana, i noticed a tractor parked right on the road. Now at this point there were only 5 people on the server. Me and my two other friends and two unknowns. I scoped the surrounding areas looking for a sniper, and checked the factory for Zed spawns.... all looked clear. But i decided to pass on the tractor and just hit the pond and factory before heading north.

I drank and refilled and crawled through the hole in the back wall. Checked the two out buildings, found my heat pack and headed for the front gate. As i got to the front of the building i hear something in my right ear... my right ear only. I had two other friends in TS with me, but they were at least 4 clicks away. I asked them to stop coms for moment and soon enough i hear talking.... right close by. I hunker down near the front exterior of the building. Of course my heart is racing at this point. I have been alive 11 days, been in a few battles but had no kills. Equipment wise im pretty well geared. I have the ghillie suit, M4A1 CCO SD, nvgs and Rangefinders... (they seem to be of the most coveted items), I had a choice. I know i had the drop on this guy and could surprise him at any time, but part of me wanted to make contact and prove that there are still some nice guys out there.

Eventually i typed into direct chat, "Hello?". A few silent seconds pass before i hear muffled speach, the only word i could make out was "hello". Not that he was saying it back to be on comms, but telling someone else about me. Hmmmmm, now it seems that both the unknowns were here with me. He responded typing into direct chat, "Wassup". I typed something back, and he agian responded. All the while he was working his way around the outside of the building, hugging the wall until he was literally standing on top of me. I thought "Oh well, its been a good run" when he took off and ran into the front of the building. Fuckit i thought. I stood up, lowered my weapon and made my self known to this guy. It turned out he was alone, the other unknown disconnected. We chatted a bit more and i found out that he was looking for parts for the tractor. I offered my help in cycling some loot to find what he needed. He was thrilled. We cycled for about ten minutes, all the while my 3 friends that were elsewhere on the server were closing in on the factory in case things went south. If that happened, revenge would need to be exacted. They couldn't believe that i took the chance to contact someone rather than shoot on sight let alone actually play with the guy and help him out. But hey that's who i am.

Unfortunately, Chris on DE 72 disconnected as my friends arrived. We opted to hunt more choppers, but not before i found some Fuel tank parts and made a little repair on the tractor and saved it. Chris, if you get to read this, thanks for being cool and not blowing the head off the guy with the ghillie. It was a big risk on your part too and i appreciate it.

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