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Looking for DayZ Partners/Group [Europe] [18+]

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I am looking for (a group of) gamers to play DayZ with (Other games possible if all goes well).


- 3 to 4 players (More if manageable)

- 18+, Mature (Important)

- From Europe (Important)

- Understandable English (I'm not from UK myself)

- Can play at least a few hours per week (Every day isn't necessary)

- Skype and microphone (Important) (Other communication program possible if majority wants to)

Keywords: Respect, Tactical, Unselfish, Not Impetuous, Hardcore, Serious

Goals: Surviving together

Recording is allowed. If enough people agree, we could start a Youtube Channel (1 or Individual).

Interested? Please leave a message (in this topic, preferably) with some information about yourself, what you expect of this group, etc... (Just so other people can see what you are like)

You can also contact me on Skype: NymThePseudo

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Im 16, but from the uk and I im a machinima partner, and it would be cool to do things as a group and i have a mic, skype etc

add me if you want on skype ezassassin

Edited by Colonel

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I'm 20 and I'm willing to play right now. I have skype username: Sirrumz

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Sorry, but both of you either ignored what I wrote or didn't take it serious, in which case you aren't the people I'm looking for (Europe and 18+).

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Im 20 years old and from Iceland. The way I play is to trust no one and when I run into a stranger and he aims at me....he better hope that he gets a good shot because my bullets will start flying. Im not a really a bandit, I just getting a bit tired of all the players that stab you in the back after muttering the words "Friendly". Even if the guy is unarmed and yelling friendly I still keep my gun aimed at him.

My current state isn't that good, I was at NW airfield and got into a bit of a scrap with 2 bandits and a sniper (did manage to kill one). I bailed the scene when I heard the sniper. My blood is about 3000 and Im armed with a M16A2 with loads of ammo and Im somewhere near Devils Castle.

What I expect from this group Is being able to get a guille suit (have got it twice but one time was female model and the next "lose-all-your-stuff" glitch, so I haven't wore it), a decent assult rifle or sniper, find a fkn mountain dew can and most of all, be able to enjoy some quality group DayZ time.....without getting stabbed in the back

I get off work after about an 1 hour and 30 min and will start playing in about 2 houres.

Edited by Krissi

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@Krissi: Do you have a microphone and skype (or other way of communicating)? I'd be happy to talk to you and play with you some time.

(Shouldn't you be working? ;))

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I have skype and a microphone, I'll add you when I get on my comp.

(I work at a reception, and everyone is on holiday, DayZ planning pretty much makes the day go faster :P )

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I wouldn't mind meeting up with you two.

I'm 28 and from Norway.

Tried adding you on skype but it says that Skype name was not found.

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Please post your skype if it's not working, people have had that problem before for some weird reason.

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skype: hostidzko (*yellow car in pic)

country: SVK

age: 27

language: english, german

microphone: ready

plz friend request :)

I am fairly new to dayz, spent a day or two analyzing the game (doing some research., not just youbute) - I did arma 2 bootcamp and some missions to assure myself I am at least a bit fit for the trip.

looking forward to walk :)

Edited by hostage

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We are currently no longer searching for people. If we need people in the future, we will create a new topic.

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I was hopeful after a quick search to have found a group I could join up with.

I think I'll be making use of your thread to search for other people.

Same requirements as stated by NymThePseudo.

Message me if interested.

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