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About Krissi

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hats off to that driver, fkn hilarious !
  2. I have skype and a microphone, I'll add you when I get on my comp. (I work at a reception, and everyone is on holiday, DayZ planning pretty much makes the day go faster :P )
  3. Im 20 years old and from Iceland. The way I play is to trust no one and when I run into a stranger and he aims at me....he better hope that he gets a good shot because my bullets will start flying. Im not a really a bandit, I just getting a bit tired of all the players that stab you in the back after muttering the words "Friendly". Even if the guy is unarmed and yelling friendly I still keep my gun aimed at him. My current state isn't that good, I was at NW airfield and got into a bit of a scrap with 2 bandits and a sniper (did manage to kill one). I bailed the scene when I heard the sniper. My blood is about 3000 and Im armed with a M16A2 with loads of ammo and Im somewhere near Devils Castle. What I expect from this group Is being able to get a guille suit (have got it twice but one time was female model and the next "lose-all-your-stuff" glitch, so I haven't wore it), a decent assult rifle or sniper, find a fkn mountain dew can and most of all, be able to enjoy some quality group DayZ time.....without getting stabbed in the back I get off work after about an 1 hour and 30 min and will start playing in about 2 houres.