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2 victims, one could've avoided death by ALT+F4. Why didnt they?

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The way it is now makes me sometimes NOT want to engage a player out of fear of just ALT+F4, and even then perhaps server hopping to get behind me, because I assumed he was still held up in a building I have been watching. Meanwhile I am killed from behind and now he is sitting at his computer with a huge boner talking about "get owned bitch" all the while cheating like a D-bag. (all this is based on assumptions) :)

And not everybody kills another player for just the kill count. I would easly kill another player to send them far away from me as possible. If they are running around your area sooner or later they become a threat to your health and must be killed :) Opinion.

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Last night I broke my leg, south of Solichiny and had run out of morphine. I crawled for 2 hours to the hospital in Electro and had a new spawn player try to get into my backpack and keep forcelogging himself whenever I tried to combat him. Eventually I shot and killed him. Some people will cheat no matter what. Don't want to die? Then don't run up to armed people who are nice enough to even warn you to back off. Forcelogging to avoid death from making bad decisions in the first place is lame. Can't wait for this to get fixed.

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Alt+F4'ing is indeed stupid, most people who do it are probably just kids who don't understand the value of dying in this game, the basics of risk/reward.

Whenever I get shot at and survive, I fight back guerrilla style. I sprint out of sight and then flank him with a vengeance. Always works too, for some reason. Some people are stupid enough to stay at the spot they were shooting from :/ Maybe they think I just alt+f4'ed

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2 days ago i was runnig stupid and not focused enough around stary sobor with my m4 (that i had for almost 3 weeks without dying) anyway all over sudden i got shot in the leg from a bush near me

but despite the guy who shot took a while to really hit me again and kill me i realized that i was not carefull enough and he somehow deserves that gear for manage to kill me

and altF4 was really the last thing on my mind and still i would never do this to avoid death .nevertheless i was somehow relieved and excited cause it was actually the first time spawnig after the update in which it removed the makarov from the starting gear only to find better stuff than i had before (ahhh dayz overall always a great expierience) :D

Edited by IHombreI

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Three biggest problems with the Alpha at the moment imho.

1. Duping items.

2. Combat Logging (Alt+F4)

3. Hackers

Of the three, I imagine that combat logging would be the easiest to fix but they are all intertwined.

Duping items leads to inflated item economy of rare items which leads to less foraging and more pvp. More pvp leads to more combat logging. Hackers spawn in items at will and are mainly interested in griefing (pvp).

If combat logging is fixed, cheap players will just find more ways to dupe items, or may be tempted to script in order to get the items. My fear is that just fixing just one of these three will lead to an increase in the other two. At least two of the three would need to be fixed to make a major impact.

However, imagine the pvp carnage on the coast and in the towns when combat logging is finally resolved. :)

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Personnaly when i kill someone who obv could altf4 i loot what i can and let his backpack/corpse/tent. Respect. When i see someone altf4 i rape everyfuckinthing and explode his tente With frag

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got shot at by a 50.cal yesterday crossing a field, i reached for the buttons .... z and q spent the next 30 minutes crawling around on the slope to get to cover and trying to find the guy that shot at me, then i watched him sprint into town and agro so many Z's he died, made me laugh

theres only ever two reasons to combat log

1. your a coward retard

2. goto line 1

Edited by stuffnthings

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