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Illustrated Journal

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Wow, thanks for all the support folks! I have finished writing the next one, and half way done illustrating it. Its a bit bigger, but I think this it helps. What do you all think about me breaking this off in a blog format, that way the images and the text can be separate. It would prolly let me do a better job of both. Idk, I think if I took it off the forums though people would stop going. Let me know what you think.


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I am glad you all are diggin it. Though I don't know if I will be playing the game anymore. I know its an alpha but this mod is just a mess right now. Maybe I will come back in a few months when it is upgraded to beta. It was fun at the beginning but about 70 of the time I die its because of a bug. Thats if I can ever get on a server that isnt all roided out. We'll see, I am just sad tonight because I had managed to get a few things together only to have a server kill everyone on it. Meh, what can one expect from WalkingFluMatchSearchingNarcolepsySimulator Alpha [HARDCORE - NO CROSS - EXPERT - ALWAYS NIGHT ] :)

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Could be a lot of humor behind your killer server glitch last night if you find a way to make it fit logically within your current narrative...

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do you think its too slow moving? Also' date=' is it too much drawing or too much writing?


its freaking amazing!

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Really good work, i love the way of thinking of this guy, like he is in a real Z apocalypse but mixed with the usual language used on game XD

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Awesome, keep them coming mate.. I wonder what adventures he'll go on with Bongripper92

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*lights two extra glowsticks to search the pile of comics he scavenged*

God damn! That shop only had the OLD ones!

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