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Journals/Notes/ Writing pages and leaving through the map.

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Hey guys.

I don't have any clue on how I should name my idead, but here it goes:

(mechanics explained below)


The main idea is to implement a system in wich players can loot blank pages of paper, write on it and stick it to a wall, or just leave it through the map. I know that at the first look it looks like a poor idea. But it isn't. You must find blank pages and a pen, or pencil, or even a dead player's blood(from it's corpse of course). And you simply write on it and do wtv you want with it. You can murder a player and leave your mark on it. You can advise the players that certain areas are dangerous. Or you can put bounts on bandits through out the map. Or try to advise that you are loot a area and you will shoot everyone in sight. Or you can simply leave you story to the fellow survivors around chernarus.


Items Needed:

1x Blank Page(per Note/Journal)

1x Pen

Blood from Corpse(ok, it would be easy if you are a psycho to simply put your finger into a corpses wound and take some blood to write lol);

How does it work:

1- With all the items in your inventory you right-click at the page and select Write here.

2- A small text box appears(limited to 200 chars.), and you write wtv you want.

3- Finished writing, click the "Done" buttom, and at the same slot that was the Blank Page, there will be your "Note".

4- You target a valid surface(Building's walls, a player's corpses,vehicles), slide your scroll and look for the option "Stick Note here";

5- Some one finds it, scrolls over it and 2 options pop-up: Read , Remove from wall.


- If you are a friendly player you can loot a area and let other friendlies that you are looting there, or you just passed over there.

- You can let ppl know if there is a bandit on the server, without having to Alt-Tab to the forums.(ok, the Notes won't be all over the map, but whoever is nearby will have a probability to read it and be aware);

- If you wan't to group with strangers, mark a meeting, try to recruit through it.(ok, there wil always be betrayers, trolls, bandits, but in a real situation I would prefer the risk of it than trying the direct contact)(Note: even if a camper is trying to troll you, you can alwasy risk and try the contact)

- Many more...


- People will surely try to spam internet shit(solution: a character limit and restriction(only latters and a few other special chars are permitted));

- Liars;

- Trollers, scammers, etc;

- A lot of notes on the server, screwing it's performance(solution: the notes aren't "saved" so, with each server restart they are all gone)(solution2: the Blank Pages are stored at ammo and food slots, so player won't take a lot of it and are single stacked)

Why did I had this idea?:

I'm a friendly player, and all of you know that as for now, most attempts of direct comunication are almost a suicidal action. This way, you could simply put your note there and anyone who got balls enough, or are desperate to find a group would come a long. Or even, as I said, in a real situation, I would advise players that Im in the surrounding areas so, this way or they have big balls to fight me, or they keep out from my sight.

Hope you like my idea. And if any of you have some suggestions, please post it here!

p.s.: sorry for any grammar mistakes, ensligh is not my language. =)

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I will try to construct my suggestion like this: 1). 2). 3)... from the top down so you know what I'm replying to.

How does it work:

1- With all the items in your inventory you right-click at the page and select Write here.

2- A small text box appears(limited to 200 chars.), and you write wtv you want.

3- Finished writing, click the "Done" buttom, and at the same slot that was the Blank Page, there will be your "Note".

4- You target a valid surface(Building's walls, a player's corpses,vehicles), slide your scroll and look for the option "Stick Note here";

5- Some one finds it, scrolls over it and 2 options pop-up: Read , Remove from wall.

1). Yes, right click and choose write but also one should be able to edit and remove/destroy the paper also. Perhaps having the option to even burn the note should be available as a mean to really be sure that the note is destroyed.

2). A limit is good how many characters one is able to scribble down, 200 seems to be a legit limit; of course this is based on nothing but pure opinion. Also there should be a language filter added so when you read or write it changes the unwanted words to something else or scribbles them over. The filter should be optional and players should be able to add words and sentences that they themselves do not wish to read. The server itself should have a optional language filter that's really basic, it's only the optional individual filter that's constructed by the player itself that's somewhat advanced.

4). Perhaps to make a real hassle out of it one should need to have nails and hammer or duck tape perhaps. Do not how annoying this would really be but if we wish to strive for authenticity this should be added, or well perhaps added - I can't really make up my mind about it.

5). Absolutely a good idea but there should also be the option to alter the message by scribbling over words or, if you have an eraser, just replace them entirely.


Okey, so this was the part where I replied to your suggestion. Now I wish to add a little extra suggestion of my own here in this vain hope that I might add something of value.


Okey, so the basic mechanics is in place - how can we flesh it out a little?


If there's one thing one usually knows about pens are that there's many qualities of pens, how they operate and looks like. Under this section I wish to give a brief example of what I had in mind.

Qualities of pens: In the game there should be a array of qualities attached to the pens and it should show up through things like thickness and visibility of the letters written on the papers, also how strong the letters are against deterioration. Also how long the pens last and how many reuses it can withstand, if the pen are a fountain-pen with poor quality it might only be able to withstand two or three refills perhaps.

Types of pens: Pens varies in real life and therefore pens should too in DayZ. So in short one should be able to find these pens, I will write them down, and experience their different pros and cons. This mean that one should be able to these kind of pens with variations within each group:

Lead pencil/Soft pencil

Ink pen

Felt pen

Propelling pen

Marker pen

Ballpoint pen

Fountain pen



Aniline pen



Light pen



Of course papers and their qualities, different uses and textures are important and should perhaps also be represented in DayZ. But perhaps this, as with the pens, overdoing this beyond what's reasonable. Anyhow I will continue and give you a example how one could flesh out the papers too in this system.

Qualities of papers: in real life one will find different kind of papers with different uses, like the common A4-paper often used for printing in offices or why not the F-series that's used often for artistic reasons, its ratio is the golden section. But in DayZ it should be a little different and instead focus more on the actually ability to withstand deterioration and how good pens can mark the paper. So, basically, a type 1 quality paper should be of the lowest quality and not being able to persist for long when posted - neither should it be able to 'hold' letters that well and therefore one would see many letters being smudgy/blurry. Further it shouldn't be able to withstand many uses before it really is unusable and, what's in it, unreadable.

Types of papers: just like the suggestion about types of pens. I shouldn't need to describe it more then this but seeing that it's bad manners not doing so and very unprofessional I will anyway. So the different papers one should be able to find in the game should be all of the different formats like:








To further flesh out the system one might want to be able to store papers and pens in a more practical manner then having to carry every item individually. I then would suggest items that acts like containers for these kind of tools, containers like file folders, pencil cases and arcula for holding ink. Also one should be able to create books by papers found, how the quality of the books should be decided might be through what kind of quality of the papers being used is the most common one. Meaning: if one use ten quality five paper but five quality three papers then the book should be of quality four. I don't know but this is just an suggestion and random rantings how it might be nothing more.

Well. This will do for now.

Take care.

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Yeah, Dragon!! Really nice.

I'm sorry to almost double post it, but I really didn't found your post! Im going to read it entirely when I'm in home, working working right now!! =)

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Someone already made a suggestion for a journal just last night, search function, BUT thats not saying i dont like your idea. I do, and hopefully this make the idea noticed well

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I will try to construct my suggestion like this: 1). 2). 3)... from the top down so you know what I'm replying to.

1). Yes, right click and choose write but also one should be able to edit and remove/destroy the paper also. Perhaps having the option to even burn the note should be available as a mean to really be sure that the note is destroyed.

2). A limit is good how many characters one is able to scribble down, 200 seems to be a legit limit; of course this is based on nothing but pure opinion. Also there should be a language filter added so when you read or write it changes the unwanted words to something else or scribbles them over. The filter should be optional and players should be able to add words and sentences that they themselves do not wish to read. The server itself should have a optional language filter that's really basic, it's only the optional individual filter that's constructed by the player itself that's somewhat advanced.

4). Perhaps to make a real hassle out of it one should need to have nails and hammer or duck tape perhaps. Do not how annoying this would really be but if we wish to strive for authenticity this should be added, or well perhaps added - I can't really make up my mind about it.

5). Absolutely a good idea but there should also be the option to alter the message by scribbling over words or, if you have an eraser, just replace them entirely.


Okey, so this was the part where I replied to your suggestion. Now I wish to add a little extra suggestion of my own here in this vain hope that I might add something of value.


Okey, so the basic mechanics is in place - how can we flesh it out a little?


If there's one thing one usually knows about pens are that there's many qualities of pens, how they operate and looks like. Under this section I wish to give a brief example of what I had in mind.

Qualities of pens: In the game there should be a array of qualities attached to the pens and it should show up through things like thickness and visibility of the letters written on the papers, also how strong the letters are against deterioration. Also how long the pens last and how many reuses it can withstand, if the pen are a fountain-pen with poor quality it might only be able to withstand two or three refills perhaps.

Types of pens: Pens varies in real life and therefore pens should too in DayZ. So in short one should be able to find these pens, I will write them down, and experience their different pros and cons. This mean that one should be able to these kind of pens with variations within each group:

Lead pencil/Soft pencil

Ink pen

Felt pen

Propelling pen

Marker pen

Ballpoint pen

Fountain pen



Aniline pen



Light pen



Of course papers and their qualities, different uses and textures are important and should perhaps also be represented in DayZ. But perhaps this, as with the pens, overdoing this beyond what's reasonable. Anyhow I will continue and give you a example how one could flesh out the papers too in this system.

Qualities of papers: in real life one will find different kind of papers with different uses, like the common A4-paper often used for printing in offices or why not the F-series that's used often for artistic reasons, its ratio is the golden section. But in DayZ it should be a little different and instead focus more on the actually ability to withstand deterioration and how good pens can mark the paper. So, basically, a type 1 quality paper should be of the lowest quality and not being able to persist for long when posted - neither should it be able to 'hold' letters that well and therefore one would see many letters being smudgy/blurry. Further it shouldn't be able to withstand many uses before it really is unusable and, what's in it, unreadable.

Types of papers: just like the suggestion about types of pens. I shouldn't need to describe it more then this but seeing that it's bad manners not doing so and very unprofessional I will anyway. So the different papers one should be able to find in the game should be all of the different formats like:








To further flesh out the system one might want to be able to store papers and pens in a more practical manner then having to carry every item individually. I then would suggest items that acts like containers for these kind of tools, containers like file folders, pencil cases and arcula for holding ink. Also one should be able to create books by papers found, how the quality of the books should be decided might be through what kind of quality of the papers being used is the most common one. Meaning: if one use ten quality five paper but five quality three papers then the book should be of quality four. I don't know but this is just an suggestion and random rantings how it might be nothing more.

Well. This will do for now.

Take care.

Holy mother of zombies, man!!

The idea is now perfect!!

My topic is almost invisible, and yours is more. Can you merge this ideas into yours so we can have more "visibility"?

If you want, of course.

But this idea is really nice.!!

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Someone already made a suggestion for a journal just last night, search function, BUT thats not saying i dont like your idea. I do, and hopefully this make the idea noticed well

Yeah, man. I tried to search but I think I screwed something, nothing came up when I searched.

But I think that boths posts, mine and DreamDragon's will make the idea even better.

This isn't a "must have" but is a nice idea and will surely make the game even more immersive!

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I LOVE this idea.


Ability to leave markings after you, either warning other players, or just to be a douche is an awesome idea.

Not to mention that it would add some sort of a story element to the game. Following in somebody else's foot steps, and then finding their body, or the trail just stopping, would be a great "What happened?" story that we can play in our head. The mystery of it all would be great!

Also a bit more interaction between players, rather than just point and shoot.

Love it!

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I LOVE this idea.


Ability to leave markings after you, either warning other players, or just to be a douche is an awesome idea.

Not to mention that it would add some sort of a story element to the game. Following in somebody else's foot steps, and then finding their body, or the trail just stopping, would be a great "What happened?" story that we can play in our head. The mystery of it all would be great!

Also a bit more interaction between players, rather than just point and shoot.

Love it!

Sure it would!!

Well, I just wait for the devs to implement something like this.

But ppl are now so concerned with a lot of other stuff that won't give a shit to this ideas.

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More power to this idea. I was just in game with the thought. I want to build a little tent area/fort thing. Leave some food and soda in the place and just leave a note that if someone needed it, take it. If they could spare something, please do. Just to try and bring something friendly in to the game world and check back on it now and then.

Devs! Dont leave out the cool/spooky/sad elements that make zombie stories great from this mod! Like leaving notes behind or tags! Thank you! :D

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