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Crazy Hackers

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So, I was sitting on top of a hill, then...BOOM, BOOM. I see city blowing up, I look down, see two guys in electro running along, I am up on hill ready to shoot and kill easily, then one guy looks up at me...was a bit creepy..then BOOM I'm dead. I see this guy turn right away and look towards me, I am about 800m away, and then seconds later....WTH?

Edited by CaptainPicard

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Not going to lie, that was a pretty riveting story chap.

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Rule #1 is don't be scared. If you're scared, then the terrorists have already won.

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Not going to lie, that was a pretty riveting story chap.

Lol, well...It wasn't fun being blown up...I'm still confused at what happened.

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Scripts in arma can do everything. In original Arma people write scripts which change the AI behaviours, attach markers, glue toghether UAZ and a cannon... Unlimited ways to control the game. So it's a matter of hackers imagination of what to do. So they wrote a script which marks every player on the server with a huge red dot, then they make it so that when they look at this dot they have a button "BOOOM" and the next moment scrip spawns some 5 artillery rounds to explode at your feet. When they get access to launch custom script, their power is not limited and I suggest you logout every time you see weird non-DayZ events happening, explosing cities, nukes, parachuting cows, tanks etc. It's a matter of hackers craziness and lawl-mood unitl he executes a script like this:

{_x setDamage 1;} foreach allUnits;

This script will loop through all network players, zombies, animals and vehicles and kill\destroy them. I'm not a cheater, I don't use such crap, but when you build custom missions scripts make it easier to implement many interesting things. Many old Arma fans know scripting even better and can tell you much more fantastic things yo ucan do with scripts.

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