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I wonder how much time would it take to include spawns (zombies, loot, new players, etc, the whole she-bang) for the Takistan map?

I know it's not as big as Chenarus, but Takistan has more detailed cities which I think would add some interesting play. It would also add more replay ability to DayZ without having to do too much work (as far as I know).

Also, this would be a good way to implement a "second character" system, as in you have your Chenarus character that's only for Chenarus and your Takistan character that's only for Takistan.

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But... its soo damn open. Snipers would reign supreme

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But... its soo damn open. Snipers would reign supreme

Make snipers ridiculously rare, only have 2-3 available, etc. That's a problem easily fixed.

rocket has stated it would take him about an hour to make a map work with day z.

Then why hasn't he done Takistan yet? :P

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I'd like to have the major bugs fixed before we even consider expanding. I haven't even traveled through all of Chernarus yet, so please, let's not rush into this! :P

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Make snipers ridiculously rare, only have 2-3 available, etc. That's a problem easily fixed.

Then why hasn't he done Takistan yet? :P

i imagine he either likes the current map, or sees it would be stalling actual development. as you know there are a plethora of bugs in teh game, haveing only one maps makes thigns simplier to diagnose and repair these issues. it also give players the exact same familure unchanging landscape, which allows testing easier. then theres the persistent issues. it might not be easily possible to add in a unconnected map, and still work properally with the hive, giveing errors logging in cherno and logging into elsewhere.

rocket stated he wasnt much larger maps in the future, unless he absolutly has to (such as sqitching from arma 2 to arma 3) i dont see him doing any more maps, until hes ready to start working on his larg ones.

as for the snipers, the map we have now is extreamly open, and snipers are already dominate in the landscape in theoretical power. but remember, large open areas are just as bad for a sniper, who has much less to hide with and conceal his vantage point.

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the problem with takistan is that its smaller and at the same time the towns and villages are even further spread out, couple this with the inherant lack of vegetation and a much more mountanous terrain and you have a map that would be really boring for dayz, the problems that people have with pvp would only increase as there wouldnt be a whole lot else to do and you could see people no problem from 2k meters, zargabad would be a better option from a city standpoint (prob about 2x the size of cherno and every building is enterable), but that map is incredibly small and would only be suited to like 10-15 players max.

...maybe they SHOULD implement zargabad now that i think of it, have servers that want to focus more on PVP be running zarg and servers that want to be more survival running chernarus... hmm... i actually kinda like that idea...

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If you have played the Wasteland mod (which is set on Takistan) you would know the gameplay is extremely boring due to the way the map is set up.

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