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Looking for a group.

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I'm just looking for a group of two or three people to start off with that won't kill me while my back is turned and are looking for a way to stay alive longer in Day Z. Message me if your interested:

Steam: pyroguy8686

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just added ya on steam, message me up whenever im down to play :D, plus i could use a transfusion so this would work out well :P

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added ya as well. i'm up for playing whenever, and i could use a friendly player or two for help.

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Alright, lots of responses in the first few minutes, way more than I first imagined anyway. Alright, I'm just looking for people who aren't going to take a shot in someone's back the minute the get a chance, people who are cool to travel in a group so we've all got a higher chance for survival.

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I'm a friendly player, I'm in a game atm on a rooftop and I saw someone getting chased by about 10 zombies, threw a smoke grenade so she could get away. Felt good.

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DayZ Campers is a group of people who like to work together to survive in a world filled with zombies and murderers.

All mature prospects are welcome regardless of age. Respect is expected.

If your looking for a group to team up with to survive a bit longer or just keep you company you've come to the right place.


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