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About pyroguy86

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  • Interests
    Surviving the harsh world of Day Z.
  1. Steam name is pyroguy8686, just trying to get back into Day Z and I'm looking for a new squad.
  2. pyroguy86

    A friend or two to play with.

    I'd like to join you, I played Day Z for about 7 months before taking a hiatus for a while and I'm just now wanting to get back into it. Skype: pyroguy86 Steam: pyroguy8686
  3. pyroguy86

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Yes that would be fantastic, but the problem is I'm not sure exactly where in Prigorodky I am since I got teleported there.
  4. pyroguy86

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Are there any medics near Prigorodky? I was playing Day Z yesterday and some hackers warped me there from the NW airfield. I've got broken bones, I'm bleeding out (currently at 9.5k) and I'm unconscious.
  5. pyroguy86

    I Need Major Help

    Alright, so I need suggestions. I was playing on server 755 last night, waiting for a friend to come back up to the Northwest Airfield to get the stuff they lost when the glitched out of a building when I got warped to a town by a hacker. I managed to 'alt f4' before I was killed but now I'm bleeding out, unconscious, with broken bones and no idea where I am. So my question is, is there a way to tell where I am right now or is there no hope for me?
  6. pyroguy86

    Food and Drink

    What happens when your food/drink icon is flashing red? Will you start losing blood, die immediately, or just fall unconscious?
  7. pyroguy86

    Looking for a group.

    Alright, lots of responses in the first few minutes, way more than I first imagined anyway. Alright, I'm just looking for people who aren't going to take a shot in someone's back the minute the get a chance, people who are cool to travel in a group so we've all got a higher chance for survival.
  8. I'm just looking for a group of two or three people to start off with that won't kill me while my back is turned and are looking for a way to stay alive longer in Day Z. Message me if your interested: Steam: pyroguy8686
  9. Nevermind, answered my own question.
  10. I would love to join, but I've got extremely bad trust issues since I've been killed twice by "friendly's" already. Steam name's pyroguy8686 if you want to add and talk about this new group. Skype name - pyroguy86 Arma 2 name - pyroguy86