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Day 7...guilt

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It's day 7, we've been surviving out in the wilderness in the small town of Krasnostav for days now. A few of us managed to gather up some supplies and ammo from a local grocery store while the remaining members were able to gather meat from a nearby cow at the NE airfield. Scared and not quite sure where to go next, Murphy and I set out west to see what remaines of Devil's Castle. The rest of the members are too tired or scared to continue on, so they've made camp in the woods near Krasnotav. Before we set out, we hit the airfield one more time. Luck is on our side today, We find a Sniper Rifle and a Coyote pack. This should give us plenty of room for whatever we find at Devil's Castle.

As Murphy and I make our way west we hit several small towns and farm houses. There are no survivors. Only the mindless horde. We can hear their groans as we hunker down in the barn waiting for them to pass by. Our plan is to hit a nearby woods to steer clear of any main towns or roads. If we're lucky, maybe we'll find a deer stand or two with some supplies, perhaps a rifle.

We found a nearby deer stand, sadly there was nothing in it. Either someone emptied it before we got here, or it's been abandoned for some time now. We continue on to Devil's Castle. It's just over yonder, up the hill, so far, there are no signs of life.

Devil's Castle turned out to be another dead end-more mindless zomibes and very few supplies. Murphy and I make a quick call that we are going to press on, despite our groups request, to the NW airfield. There have been rumors that bandits have taken up that area, but if we're going to find better gear, this is the place to go. We head SW towards the field hiding in the tree line in hopes that no bandits spot us. We've devised a plan that I will stay back and provide lookout using the Rifle while Murphy enters the base.

It's 2:15pm. Murphy's ransack on the Barracks at the NW airfield turned out to be for naught. Knowing that we risk a great deal, we head in further. I have taken up a spot in the fire station. Here I have a great view of most of the airfield. I can see if any bandits are on the field or nearby. I'm tired and hungry, We haven't eaten since morning and my stomach is starting to growl. As I keep watch on Murphy, I notice the Barracks door is opening and closing. Could someone be in there? Is this a sign for help? Or are bandits messing with us? As I focus my sniper rifle more, I see that my eyes are playing tricks on me. It must be a reflection from the scope that makes it appear that the door is open or closed depending on how I hold the rifle. Fearing that I may not be providing the best cover, I reach into my pack and pull out some beans and a canteen. As I finish, I double check Murphy's position-he's at the last hangar, but luck is with him this time. He finds an M16 with some ammo. Wait...I....feel....


His name is Mike... i'm not sure where he came from or how he got up here on the 3rd floor lookout. As I reach out and close his eyes, it's clear that he has been scavenging for a while, like us. I don't know why I shot. Maybe it was my own selfishness not wanting to lose what our group has worked so hard to achieve. Have things degenerated into such a state of chaos that we're now killing anyone who even looks like a threat? I feel a knot developing in the pit of my stomach.

We made it back to the woods outside of the airfield. I had to take out a few of the infected on the way out who heard my sniper shot, so Murphy and I have decided that it's best to leave before bandits show up. As we head out, I feel a sudden surge of guilt. Murphy keeps telling me I did what I had to.

This is how we survive...

To Mike...I am sorry, I hope you understand, it was nothing personal...

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Great story, it was gana happen sooner or later.

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"I didn't sleep again last night. It rained all night and the damned cold kept me away anyway. I'd give anything for a heatpack at this point, and if I only had a hunting knife I could finally eat something.

We came up here to get away from it, the murder, the hordes, the constant fear that anytime there's a weird moan you have to check your back. Things were going to be different up here near the airfield, where we'd share what we found, and we'd protect one another. The airfield was the promised land when we were many and constantly being ambushed or sniped in Big C. We were going to be smart, keep heading northwest, be careful.

We started out six, and by the time we reached Stary we were down to four. Only Biggles and I ever laid eyes on the military tents. We offered to overwatch the other two as they ran into the town, we even gave us their binoculars. We postitioned ourselves in the deer stands adjacent to the town as they slowly made their way through the treeline to get closer. I didn't even register the shot as I was climbing into the stand when Biggles shouted that he spotted the sniper. By the time I drew my weapon and looked around both our friends were dead. Biggles took a shot and missed, the only time I ever saw him miss. But it cost him, and I heard another sniper rifle report, deeper than the first this time. Biggles was gone, and I knew I wasn't far behind.

So I ran, and ran. I don't know how long it's been, it seems like a blur. I just know if I could get to the airfield, somehow, it will be okay, someone's gotta be there to take me away from this nightmare. My legs ache and cramp up, my stomach is tossing wildly from hunger and morphine withdrawl.

But here I am, finally, the runway in sight. I'm scared to search it, but I'm delirious from fatigue and lack of sleep. I think I'm beginning to develop a cough. If I don't go now to find help, I'm going to die out here.

Update -- A few minutes ago I saw some infected folks coming out from behind the tower... It's like they smell something.

Update -- There are some guys around, I see at least one down on the airfield, checking the hangars. There's another guy on the outside, providing sniper watch. They don't look too bad, hungry like me, and I saw the sniper has a canteen and a can of beans. I really need water, badly. My throat's swollen terribly and its hard for me to talk, but he'll see in my eyes I only need help. I'm going to put my gun away, so they know I'm not a threat. Maybe the rifleman can help me, at least point me to some kind of safe zone, give me a bite and send me on my way. I'm so tired. God, please, help me through this. Please let there be one last desperate shread of humanity left in us all.



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You did nothing wrong and should feel no guilt. It is shoot on sight in NWA, if you did not shoot him first I am 100% certain he would have shot you. Also I love that town Krasnostav, the super market is nice and there are a fair few lootable building. Also close to the NE airfield and Berzino. Still you need to be carful there as many players stop by in the way to the airfield.

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Thanks for the support all! I'm having a blast with this mod. I hate to shoot on site but at the same time I know full well that I'm a high value target with a large pack and sniper rifle. So far we've been lucky and I've only spotted one person in Krasnostav. Sadly he didn't last long and soon got overrun by Z's. (That's what happens when you do a full sprint through town...) Either way, he provided us with a GREAT distraction.

I love Krasnostov and spend most of my time there, at the airfield, or at Berezino. I know my luck won't last forever, so I'm having a blast with what I have now.

And nice diary entry there Dead. :) Sadly, he did have his AK74 out when he spawned on me. Which is kinda why I didn't exhaust too much time. I'm farily certain the guy was still loading in when I shot him. :(

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... As I reach out and close his eyes,..

I really like that expression! Such soft wording for the only ultimate thing in ones life.

Edited by *=LP=*Cpt.Kawa
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Nice story. It flowed well, sounded good, and you could make yourself get lost in the narative for a few seconds.

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Thanks Kawa and Red. :)

I really enjoyed typing that up. It's been a while since I've been able to get immersed in a game like this.

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hahaa, wow nice read from both the shooter and the victim...damn cool!

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