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Loot spawn rate

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I've given this a bit of thought, and was wondering the communities opinion.

Now I'll start by saying I've not obtained any of the following weapons.

Yet, the weapons I speak of are the only ones I've been killed by. They're also the same types of weapons that players mostly get killed in the youtube, and streaming videos I watch. I'm talking about the .50cal rifles. I've been killed many times by these, and I'm sure you have too.

I've been around looking for many of these, and I've not found any. Yet almost every good bandit has one. I think there are FAR too many of these. I see everyone with these. It may be easy to obtain one by killing the sniper, good luck. But finding one is also a challenge, but apparently not enough.

The fact that many bandits, survivors even, have so many .50 cals is quite disheartening. Whether by legit find, hackers, or dupers, it's still a problem (to me). I don't mind dying, especially by a player's hands, but I've not yet died to a non-sniper rifle.

Anyway, talk among yourselves, what do you think?

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First and only Heli crash I've stumbled across actually had an AS50 in it, so 1 for 1 so far :P Real problem I could see for these is ammo though. Unless theres an exploit like with the Bizon I can't imagine that lasting too long. Either way, the fact it showed up first rattle out the bag says to me its far too easy to find one. Those should really be closer to the holy grail unless there's some insane drawback I'm not seeing to a 1-shot 1-kill long range shoulder cannon.

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Strangely enough, I've never been killed BY a sniper rifle, only assault rifles/hatchets/pistols/beingpushedoffabuildingthatonetimeinCherno (okay so the last on was oddly specific) I'm confused as to what you're asking though. Are you saying that the .50 cal rifles spawn too often? Or are you asking if people constantly find them? Because I've never seen one.

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12+ unlooted crashed heli's and never an AS50 or L85 :( you lucky sod

had a couple of 50. cals though, rather have a DMR or M24 if im honest(much easier to find, dmr works with night vision m24 has the accuracy), its just to big and loud (and its rare to snipe at 800 meters let alone 1600) but id make an exception for the AS50 <3

Edited by stuffnthings

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Strangely enough, I've never been killed BY a sniper rifle, only assault rifles/hatchets/pistols/beingpushedoffabuildingthatonetimeinCherno (okay so the last on was oddly specific) I'm confused as to what you're asking though. Are you saying that the .50 cal rifles spawn too often? Or are you asking if people constantly find them? Because I've never seen one.

I'm saying for what they do, 1-shot-1-kill, they're too easy to get. I think the spawn rate for any .50 cal should be decreased a lot.

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I come across a few 50s on heli crashes.. not really my kinda weapon mind(preffer the SAW/m240/MK 48) Ive only ever come across two MK 48s, they rock!!! The problem with the 50s is yah cant use the scope with NVGs, ammo is common as for em though. (m107 mags) But to get this stuff... you have to be raiding up north, in very dangerous areas. (no electro/ cherno are not dangerous loot areas)

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to easy in that its only crashed helicopters and barracks? m24+dmr spawn in pretty much any military spawn

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I have found like 6 Heli sites 4 were looted, and the others always had a FAL with no ammo, and one with a Bizon and a MK 48 :D

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Huh? Loot spawn rate has nothing to do with so many 50.cal cause there aren't so many 50.cals. Most people get them from server hopper snipers.

Scenario- Joe Blow comes from UK 4 with his m107 to snipe on Chicago 5 he dies in the process by Chicago 5 normal sniper in cherno. Normal Chicago 5 sniper has 2 m107's. Though its not really the case most of the time but possible.

When someone dies with a M107 or a AS50 people will risk death many times to get the gun from the body. I see a dude with a fal I might not even check it or just grab his tools and let the gun and body disappear.

All I do is hunt heli crashes usually on foot but my route usually lets me check about 20 possible spots in about a hour on foot. I have seen 1 AS50 and that was yesterday I got it. I also have a 107 too.

Usually snipers camp the same spots at the same places on every server so usually the geared sniper usually ends up with more gear. I play on the same server for the most part and I don't think there are to many people with 50.cals cause most don't bring them out unless they are specifically hanging in cherno or elektro to snipe. I know most of the of the people on the server that have them.

50.cals are going to be on snipers around Cherno, Elektro, Stary, NW airfield. That about it really, so thats 4 locations out of many across the map its just those have the most traffic. Go hang in berenzhino and you probably wont hear so many 50.cals.

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I'm saying for what they do, 1-shot-1-kill, they're too easy to get. I think the spawn rate for any .50 cal should be decreased a lot.

You know in real life a 50 cal sniper is pretty much a 1 shot 1 kill? Back story this area in ARMA 2 there are 2 opposing factions with military bases. Hence the military bases in the area. After the infected breakout. Its not cod people aren't just running around with them.

I'm in the military my Armsroom has 5 50.cal emplacements not the snipers but the defensive version for gate points/camp points. Mmmm about 200 m16's. 20 m4's with holo sight, 9 M9's. Thats pretty much any military company basic load out. You know if you go 15 feet out the front door and then 10 feet to left into the other bay you know what you will find? The same thing!!!!

You know how many companies are in my building? 6. You know how many are in the building next to my building? 6 etc

If this scenario happened where I'm stationed it would be a ton of this stuff running around. I'm willing to bet all of my servers or your servers Chernarus doesn't have even half as many m16's on it that is on the base I'm stationed at.

Example when I was stationed in Germany there where 100,000 soldiers there. You can guarantee that there where at a MINIMUM 100,000 M16's if you where to assume that everyone there was just a basic soldier and not infantry. Special forces is Stationed in Stuttgart, Germany. So you can imagine what goodies they have there.

TLDR its not to many

Edited by oZiix

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Apparently relevance to location and whether or not anyone on a helicopter in Charnaus would have a .50 cal sniper rifle vs. a more standard issue rifle makes no headway here ;) But anyways...

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@ oZiix I like some of your points, but regardless more and more are being found, with the existing ones staying. Your example was sound except you forgot to add that snipers with .50 keep them, and so do the people that kill them, WHILE more and more people find them. If the drop rate were decreased, less people would FIND them, and have to kill for them. I'm also not saying it's not realistic to have less damage. You also have to count for how many people play the game, percentage of them with the .50, and realism. Realism being, that 20 people in a 32 player shouldn't have a .50.

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Apparently relevance to location and whether or not anyone on a helicopter in Charnaus would have a .50 cal sniper rifle vs. a more standard issue rifle makes no headway here ;) But anyways...

Oh way to pick out the standard issue rifle part and poke at it lol.

Guess what m107 can spawn in barracks gasp!!! AS50 is not the only 50.cal in the game Gasp!.

If the 50.cal spawns in the barracks which it can then my post is relevant in the fact that there are military bases in the game. So the amount of 50.cals per server is not to much. You gotta do better than that man get your facts straight 50.cals don't only come from heli crashes in the game.

Edited by oZiix

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@ oZiix I like some of your points, but regardless more and more are being found, with the existing ones staying. Your example was sound except you forgot to add that snipers with .50 keep them, and so do the people that kill them, WHILE more and more people find them. If the drop rate were decreased, less people would FIND them, and have to kill for them. I'm also not saying it's not realistic to have less damage. You also have to count for how many people play the game, percentage of them with the .50, and realism. Realism being, that 20 people in a 32 player shouldn't have a .50.

Actually that is more realistic. I don't want to really throw realism around cause we are talking about Zombies. 20 people have them cause 20 people joined that server that have them. Only way to really satisfy your point would be to have everyone pick a server and be stuck on it with no hopping.

Realistically if this happened where I'm stationed at and only 32 people where alive 20 people could have a 50 cal sniper rifle if they wanted they could have more assuming that they had the code to the arms rooms on base or the arms rooms where left open. They could also have tons of NVG's ,Tanks, 249's, AT4's, Grenades, and MRAP's too. Most just probaby wouldn't know how to use them.

Edited by oZiix

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That's the thing. IT may be IRL realistic, but for in a game, with a working community, in a survival situation, the .50 cal is NOT rare at all. The .50 cal is suppose to be VERY RARE because of it's awesome power, range, and functionality. However I still see it way too often, whether people already have it or not, I think the SPAWN rate should be decreased for increased rarity, to make up for it's power. You seem very set on thinking it's perfect the way it is, that's fine, but you run out of working points easily. I don't care if your in any military, that's your choice and job. This isn't a game, it's a Zombie survival MOD on a simulator. If you wanted to be realistic I'd say you don't give 15 infantry all .50 cal snipers. It's not functional, there's so many .50 cal in the game, it's happening. I love the rifle, but when I get it, I want to be one of few. Not the popular demand. It's rare, it should be hard to loot.

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I'm saying for what they do, 1-shot-1-kill, they're too easy to get. I think the spawn rate for any .50 cal should be decreased a lot.

The enfield can kill in one hit. Even if the person survives the shot they usually go unconscious and bleed to death. It can be used effective up to 500m away as well if you have a spotter and is extremely common. The M14 AIM basically the Enfield++. The DMR and M24 are somewhat common and both kill in two hits and are accurate up to something like 800m away.

My point with the above is that the .50 cals are not the only guns that are easy to snipe with. Removing them just means that people will start using the other guns. So no, I don't think they're too common or too powerful.

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