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Looking For Some People To Start Fresh With!

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Hai, my name is Zero, and I bought ARMA: II Combined Ops yesterday, and I don't have much friends that play it.

I would like to stat fresh to get the most out of the experience. I am 15, and mature, willing to take anyone but would like to keep it over 13.

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Your Awesomeness 1-12.5:

Thanks!! Zero-

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Hey dude I'm pretty new to DayZ, I just got it a few days ago... So here is my info.

Name: Jason

IGN: JayRay

Age: 14

Skill: I'm great at being sneaky and I can think of quick idea's.

Awesomeness: You Tell Me =)

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hey dude, i bought this gam on saturday, and would love to actually meet someone ingame

Name: Nahman


Skil: very much a noob

Awesomeness : 120312u12381639123601208315931653173561237812361987351236r5128740910'¿234567890'234567890

skype: nahman_kremer just give me a call

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Name: Deacyde, Axle, TnT, RoidRage, TheBoss, Bunnyeater, Piratemolester, Ace, Hamsterryder.


Age: 30

Skill??: I eat nails and spit out bullets.

Your Awesomeness 1-12.5: 7.3 * 23.7(23+8)

Just got this today, played a little, killed a few zombies, broke a few bones, swam, ate pavement, and died about 7 times, In the name of science.

I'm looking for people to survive and enjoy zombies with, not after banditizing myself, Just wanna kill em if I see em, and see what I can find / do that replaces the previous awesome thing done / found.

And eat cookies.

Edited by Deacyde

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man i just turned 16 im mature i like the game but my experience with it so far is suckish i keep dieing and its making it frustrating i just want to start fresh with some guys who understand me so ugh yea

IGN: marven i normaly play in Us servers

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Hey, im just starting looking for some new fellow players,

IGN = Steve

Age 25

Edited by sping012

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Name: Barack Obama

In game name: Cheeseburger (Friendly)

Age: 24

Skills: Loyalty, sharing, patience for positioning, and reasonable accuracy with a firearm. I can nail a target with 1 hit accuracy at 650m with an Enfield, and can reach out to 850m with 1-4 attempts. I'm not too good when it comes to infiltrating a city or village that is heavily infested with zombies though, but i'd be great at overlooking the situation to make sure no bandits stumble upon someone who sweeps the village for loot.

Awesomeness: 5. I'm not much of a bragger, I have good situational awareness and reasonable accuracy. I'm not good in a conversation, but a rifle, and ammunition is enough to keep me happy. When it comes to DayZ I'm still a noob, but not a total noob at this point. I know to hunt for food, take the paths least used, and not to siloet myself on a hilltop. I've played for 3 days now an I've only died once in PvP which in my defence shouldn't count. I came across an afk player at night and after searching the nearby piles for loot I went back on my way, only to get shot on my way down a ladder by him. My average life should be around 6 hours long of continuous play. (about a day and a half of non-continuous)

I've never fired first and go to great lengths to avoid unnecessary engagements, although at this point I'm not to sure what to think of the world.

Edited by Cheeseburger

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DayZ Campers is a group of people who like to work together to survive in a world filled with zombies and murderers.

All mature prospects are welcome regardless of age. Respect is expected.

If your looking for a group to team up with to survive a bit longer or just keep you company you've come to the right place.


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