GreyFox (DayZ) 1 Posted May 23, 2012 Oh yay we've gone from crying about Goons abusing bugs in an alpha release of a mod to discussing guilt by association. Please tell me more about how Goons are destroying America. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
el mariachi 10 Posted May 23, 2012 fyi anyone can make any name they want in the game and preceed it with any 'tag' they desire.The true 'goon' ARMA 2 squad xml might not even exist anymore, not sure. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
McGee 2 Posted May 23, 2012 'Marou_ said: Quote Are you a redditor? Would you appreciate it if I said all redditors are Pedos because of r/jailbait (and the fact that an admin actually said the pedophilia was ok) but who cares about that a few of 160 000 did something in a video game that made the developer aware of the glitch. It's in alpha and therefore bugs aren't a priority unless you know' date=' someone makes it a big deal[/quote']I wouldn't associate through my name with a large group of people that I can't account for. So, kind of irrelevant. That seems to be the simple fact eluding you. Names are instantly changeable and completely mutable in here. So, it's whatever you want people to associate as YOU. If your name tag is [] McGee it's reasonable that most would take you at face value, since you chose to associate yourself with a forum community known for exploiting.If that site has a sub-forum focused on pottery, it's not very relevant to the perception you *chose* to give to others.The difference being that Something Awful is not primarily a gaming site and the 20 or so out of 160 000 who duped don't make up the majority. You can't control what 1 other person does even in a clan of 2 people and there's nothing to stop someone from putting LLJK after their name because theirs no magic check to see if Lowtax or another SA admin has approved they could use it in a video game. Should we have to force all the people who use LLJK who don't glitch to change their tag in other games as well?The thing about doing to make the developer aware of it was me saying "in an alpha bugs aren't the priority so if people aren't using it there's no motivation to fix it" not "they only did it to make the devs aware". I guess I wasn't clear. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GreyFox (DayZ) 1 Posted May 23, 2012 I think what we're all forgetting here is that Something Awful had humble beginnings as a monster truck newsletter and has now grown into an internet biker gang. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MudFlap 0 Posted May 23, 2012 'Refried said: As someone who is friends with an SA member who was partaking in the duped items' date=' I can assure you that anyone claiming it was done purely to 'make the developer aware of the glitch' is so full of shit that they might explode any second.[/quote']No one said that so I guess we're safe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xXxDoGsNiPeR69420 1 Posted May 23, 2012 It's entirely deliberately coincidental that the so called "Something Awful Goons" can be accused of hacking (duping, whatever somebody has to want to call it) while at the same time can still be the lifeblood of the entire economic industry. Websters Dictionary define duping as a transitive verb, "to make a dupe of". What does this mean for the future safety of this mod? A dupe can be a good thing, a bad thing and also a good thing at the same time. How many times have you been running through Octrevo's air hangars and died to suddenly falling off a ladder? I know for me its been too many times. Ban all the goons, all they are doing is helping the downfall of modern gaming. I hate to be the one to say it, but 9/11 wasn't masterminded by Hitler, if you catch the metaphor.I don't think even Rocket has as much as I do invested in this mods success. In the words of John F. Kennedy, "We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch - we are going back from whence we came." How can this game mature, progress through its puberty stages, and emerge from its invasive cocoon as a mod for Arma 2 without a little elbow grease and a kick in the pants? If you ban the goons, you have to ban every player who isn't a goon also. So why ban the goons at all? I vouch only for the sanctity of basic player rights. By allowing a ban based on pure hypothetical literal conjecture, all you are doing is recommitting the acts of your ancestors. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chief Savage Man 0 Posted May 23, 2012 'xXxDoGsNiPeR69420 said: I hate to be the one to say it' date=' but 9/11 wasn't masterminded by Hitler, if you catch the metaphor.[/quote']i'm afraid i didn't catch this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hajj Podge 1 Posted May 23, 2012 Quote -snip-What are you even rambling about? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Winston The Ripper 17 Posted May 23, 2012 Quote Inane Drivel By god, I reread that post 3 times and I still can't understand it. Didn't even realize it was possible to double-speak in text form. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TimesLLJK 2 Posted May 23, 2012 Let me preface this first by saying I haven't played Day Z yet. I don't own Arma 2 or anything. I don't presently have the free time to devote to the game as of yet, but very much want to, and plan on playing when I get the chance.I also have zero interest in duping, hacking, or whatever. I prefer to play games in the spirit of the game, and avoid cheating. In fact I used to be part of several anti-cheating online FPS groups years ago. I religiously report cheaters and hackers in virtually every game I play.I'm also a very longtime somethingawful poster. I enjoy playing with goons because there is a general shared sense of camaraderie between us. Some of us are dicks. Some of us are nice guys. Most of us just want to have fun with one another and perhaps even do some very bizarre performance art so to speak in the games we play - some of which often ticks off people who seem to be very easily ticked off.Unfortunately, several of the people in this thread have taken to scapegoating somethingawful forums posters without understanding the community, the people from the community, and so on.We're by no means a uniform group. We're more like a larger collection of people with a lot of their own mini-communities. Sometimes we band together for some larger cause as with Eve Online or world of warcraft Goon Squad. But generally we tend to do our own thing, while looking for other goons to play with. People we bump into in online games who are also goons often become lasting friends for us, or people we can play with in other games later down the road. The SA community is a handy way to make a little circle of pals who enjoy having a good time in online games.There is also a minority of people who like being huge dicks to non-goons (and even to other goons) and are big on griefing in online games. Some of these people even engage in exploits, as with the duping in the alpha of this game. I personally frown on the duping and various things that basically cheat the game, but being a dick within the rules of the game isn't something I can really object to. However, if someone is outright breaking the rules, yes, that individual should definitely be punished and I don't really have any objection to that either.Bear in mind - goons will rather frequently grief other goons. In a lot of the servers we run for minecraft for example, we have had to erect whitelists and anti-griefing measures to stop malicious SA forums posters from wrecking servers. Goons themselves are often victims of goons being dicks. We're not immune to the same things you experience as we aren't really a uniform group at all.In any case, I find it both disheartening and disappointing the unwillingness of certain people to hear out or to research the community they've decided to put to their ban-on-sight list. If an individual is acting in a manner that is ban-worthy, they should obviously be banned. But this blanket-banning method is a horrible idea, and is going to effectively bar a lot of people who just want to hopefully enjoy Day Z as the unique experience it is without breaking the rules.That said, have a goon bus: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lizzyinthesky 0 Posted May 24, 2012 Quote :allears:Thank you for making the only worthwhile post in the history of DayZ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZogVarnoka 26 Posted May 24, 2012 Goons are Goons. Sorry I have never met a nice Goon or one who was not looking for some way to screw up a game. Goons will say anything, and I mean anything, to throw off people from figuring out what they are doing or the reasons behind it. Some words of advise: Never trust a Goon. Never believe what a Goon says. And in any game possible always kill them on sight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chief Savage Man 0 Posted May 24, 2012 'ZogVarnoka said: Goons are Goons. Sorry I have never met a nice Goon or one who was not looking for some way to screw up a game. Goons will say anything' date=' and I mean anything, to throw off people from figuring out what they are doing or the reasons behind it. Some words of advise: Never trust a Goon. Never believe what a Goon says. And in any game possible always kill them on sight.[/quote']i pity your small mindalso isn't the point of the game not to trust anybodyjesus man you are really missing the point of this whole thing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mutonizer 78 Posted May 24, 2012 Quote [..] Some of us are dicks. Some of us are nice guys. [..]How the hell can you willingly and publicly remain part of group where "dicks" and "nice guys" are treated equally. That's like group mentality at it's best: oh it's not me who beat up that fat kid, it's my friends. You know, they'are assholes, but they're my friends.Somethingawful is a forum community. Nobody gives a damn about it but people posting on it and in fact, from the little I've read, there are some good reads and interesting discussions.Goons/LLJK is an online gaming clan. People give a damn, because some of their fun is to fuck up other people's fun :)I know some people mix the two, I don't. But don't go about using LLJK/Goon tag and yell injustice when you get assimilated to them when something goes wrong (and something always goes wrong with them, something awful!! (see what I did there?).Anyway, this thread is off the rails completely!! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Suicide Mouse 50 Posted May 24, 2012 It pretty much looks like any other group of people: most of them are dicks just for the sake of being dicks.That's all there is to it, that's human race on a nutshell. Don't see why "Goons" are any different. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TimesLLJK 2 Posted May 24, 2012 'Mutonizer said: Quote [..] Some of us are dicks. Some of us are nice guys. [..]How the hell can you willingly and publicly remain part of group where "dicks" and "nice guys" are treated equally. That's like group mentality at it's best: oh it's not me who beat up that fat kid' date=' it's my friends. You know, they'are assholes, but they're my friends.Somethingawful is a forum community. Nobody gives a damn about it but people posting on it and in fact, from the little I've read, there are some good reads and interesting discussions.Goons/LLJK is an online gaming clan. People give a damn, because some of their fun is to fuck up other people's fun :)I know some people mix the two, I don't. But don't go about using LLJK/Goon tag and yell injustice when you get assimilated to them when something goes wrong (and something always goes wrong with them, something awful!! (see what I did there?).Anyway, this thread is off the rails completely!! :)[/quote']You're still not comprehending this. I tried to explain very clearly in my big post: SA is a large population of people. A very very very large population of people. A lot of us don't know one another. We also can't predict how each other will behave. So your 'oh they're my friends' analogy falls flat - a lot of us just plain don't know one another when we bump into one another in online games, nor are we often even aware that some of us are being dicks until something's said about it.Again though - we're more like a lot of smaller mini-communities than one big uniform group. Also, while our own official forums are VERY strictly policed, we basically have no practical means of policing the behavior of people who break the rules of online games. In the games that SA users play, we are also not ever an actual 'clan' in any traditional sense of the word until we organize and form one as with Eve and WoW Goon squad. Most of the time our only connection is that we post on one of the bigger online forum communities on the internet.We do not know the nature of the people we are going to play with until we play with them. In online games with goons, I've run into people I've become friends with since, and also people who I don't want anything to do with. (And who generally end up later banned from SA anyway for other reasons.) It's just that in general goons tend to get along well with other goons, so we gravitate towards each other. To me the SA forums is like a pool of cooperative players you can tap into at any time.Anyway, it should be up to the moderators/admins/whoever is in charge of online games to ban INDIVIDUALS who are behaving badly - banning an entire group, especially one as loosely connected as the SA community, is a massive mistake. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iWhiskey 2 Posted May 24, 2012 Servers are banning anyone that is part of a 180,000 person strong community because 10 or so of them were duping.So... if someone is wearing a Penny Arcade tag, and they dupe, do you ban all members of the Penny Arcade community?I'm sorry to those who have had bad experiences with members of Something Awful forums in the past, but we are just here to play the game and have fun, same as you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MR DELICIOUS 297 Posted May 24, 2012 As much fun as it's been to read 15 pages of mixed political and individualist doctorates on the concept of "we", "I" and the placing of blame, this has become an echo chamber of he said - she said with a few concealed insults thrown in. Just a few hard facts on closing.Rocket and the mod team understand that some people have been exploiting, and they are working to fix it.We have no say beyond this space, and we're not here to line people up and ban them into the ground, however tempting it may be. If you find someone exploiting, report the nature of the exploit, and the offender.If you do so, we'll understand the exploit, but unless the database catches and bans them, there's a lot of human error in banning people off anecdote and testimony.Please feel free to continue the broader psychological thesis (aka ad hom attacks) in the off topic section of the forum. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites