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Got attacked by the Predator

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Attacked a guy in the woods NW of Cherno, (a tip of my hat to the fine gentleman for not DC'ing, he stuck around during a running gun battle - I think his name was Lance or Justice or something) and after I put the killing shot into him, I went to loot him for his ALICE. As I was reorganizing the contents of my backpack, I hear someone eating very close by.

I look to my right, but I don't see anyone. I wait a few more seconds, and suddenly I see the grass about 20 feet from me being flattened by an invisible person. I got an immediate adrenaline surge, and NOPE'D the fuck out of there, running the craziest zig-zag I could manage, all the while a 1911 was banging out shots behind me.

I hid behind a tree and DC'd, because no way am I losing my loot to an invisible guy. My hands were actually shaking. Between the funny eating noises and the invisible guy, it was like being attacked my the Predator. So cool.

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Does anyone else smell a huge pile of bullshit?

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Invisible my ass, you just didn't see him and bounced the fuck out because he got the drop on you.

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Does anyone else smell a huge pile of bullshit?

Just you. Spawning invisible is a known bug. I'm fairly sure the guy was just trying to fuck with me, and it worked. The eating nearby, the whole mag of 1911 shots that missed - it just all felt too contrived when I look back on it. In the moment though, that shit was terrifying.

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Why would he lie about it? It'd be pretty pointless. It wouldn't be the first time someone reported an invisible player.

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Why would he lie about it? It'd be pretty pointless. It wouldn't be the first time someone reported an invisible player.

I can understand people being skeptical if they'd never heard of invisible players before. It does seem far fetched.

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I've encountered invisible players before, my friend has even sniped people after an update before realizing why they never shot back,

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think the best invisible person story ive seen in a while was some guy at a deer stand and suddenly someone starts talking to him, a flare appears from no where and flys over his head ..and then its all back to normal

although you the title got me thinking youd run into this guy

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Its possible alright, my friend spawned in invisible. He became the guardian of Electro by killing zombies chasing people before he realized it was way more fun to torment people and kill them.

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