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Looking for ppl to play with

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Any more room for another member in the group?

http://steamcommunity.com/id/igR :: Hit me up steam or Send me a PM - If interested

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I am very much looking for the same described group of players. Please PM info. I have a good clear mic, I'm mature and wanting to work together to survive.

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Just chilling




LOL @ the chat of the first picture

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Good Times - till I was shot in the head on our second run - however, glad, because the long walk back yielded a bus.....

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Good Times - till I was shot in the head on our second run - however' date=' glad, because the long walk back yielded a bus.....


That finding you did was awesome :D

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Good Times - till I was shot in the head on our second run - however' date=' glad, because the long walk back yielded a bus.....


Can't wait to get it fueled haha!

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Hello, can I join your gang? I meet the criteria though i'm pretty inexperienced with TS3 and dayz/armaII in general (after going in circles for an hour or so I got stuck throwing flares at a zombie and died ><). Definitely think this game would benefit from having a team but don't know anyone who has it :/

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Hey Chalas & friends,

I'm definitely interested in joining you guys, just got into DayZ not too long ago and having an enjoyable time but would like to experience a more group oriented approach and playing with people on the same level.

I definitely meet the "criteria" and also have a 10man TeamSpeak server we can use if ever in need of one.

Steam info is http://steamcommunity.com/id/kheedzali

Let me know & thanks!

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Hello everyone, I too would also like to join. I have never used teamspeak but it looks like if I'm ever gonna roll with anyone organized I'll need it, So I'm going to get it right now. My steam username is Tsukasa Kun. send me a friend req. on there as well as a PM. I'm a mature player and i'm getting tired of looking over my shoulder all the time and praying i won't encounter any other players, and hopping from barn to barn is getting a little boring. so hit me up on steam and on here if you'd like to play!

(US, central time zone)

(steam page thingy: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044647231)

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Hi all. I am looking for someone to play together in the Dayz. Did not know English very well, but to understand each other on Skype or TeamSpeak, I think we can. If anyone is interested, send me private message.

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I am looking for a group of people to play with also, I am a new player but I am fairly good at the game. I know all the controls and I know how to be a good team player. If anyone would like to play add me on steam, I also have Ts3 and a good mic. Here is my steam profile feel free to add me, http://steamcommunity.com/id/xepidemicx

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Let me know if anyone wanna join forces! My first attemp laster 5 days, before another survivor ended it. Now im in 3 day, and starting to get tired of running alone in the woods looking for loot. North European player.

Steamname and nickame are the same.

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Let me know if anyone wanna join forces! My first attemp laster 5 days' date=' before another survivor ended it. Now im in 3 day, and starting to get tired of running alone in the woods looking for loot. North European player.

Steamname and nickame are the same.


We play on US servers mostly, but if you don't mind the ping let me know.

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add me jayjay987666 steam name i am sick of soloing.

join germany 10 look ask for me in chat

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Add me up too. Been playing for weeks, have team speak and ready to have a group of friendlies. I'm packing some ok equipment and got your back. yamajin in game, yamajin82 on steam

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Same here, Id love some people to play with as its so much of a better experience ina group. Only thing with me is iv got a lil hearin problem so i cant hear everything ppl say but about half but it has not prevented me from playin any games so far or being a strong group member.

im desert565 or Wonderland on steam (wonderlands the name). hit me up anytime!

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