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Looking for ppl to play with

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*** I am sorry guys, but we are not taking any more people at the moment ***

Hey all,

I am looking for some people to play the game with, mostly evening and night (weekends at any time). I am new to DayZ but I have plenty of experinece with FPS and many other game types. I own a TeamSpeak 3 server that we can use for comms. I don't want to join nor create a clan. This will be casual gaming and we can also play other games.

In order to make this work for all of us I will list a few "requirements."

-Be on US/CAN.

-Be mature.

-Be a good team member.

-Be patient. With me and other noobs.

-Be a good team member! yes I want to stress this. A**holes are not welcome.

-Use TS3. Comms and tactics are very important to me.

Please feel free to post here or send me a PM if you are interested.

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My name is Louie, I am a new arma 2 dayz fan. I am sick of bandits and running solo. I just downloaded teamspeak and I have a headset. I am a team player and want to see how far I can make it in this game. I currently am traveling inland solo north of cherno(i use the map from google to travel, knowing where you are is very important to me. I get killed by bandits sometimes and I hate it because I don't kill the living. I need a friend to roll with so we can get into towns with loot. I go up to towns and see all the zombies so im afraid to go in alone.

I have one rule tho, I only play on servers that are in the daytime, I think night is way to dark in this game and its not even worth trying. I live in long island, NY.

my steam name is Louie21, maybe we can meet in game tonight?

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Hi' date='

My name is Louie, I am a new arma 2 dayz fan. I am sick of bandits and running solo. I just downloaded teamspeak and I have a headset. I am a team player and want to see how far I can make it in this game. I currently am traveling inland solo north of cherno(i use the map from google to travel, knowing where you are is very important to me. I get killed by bandits sometimes and I hate it because I don't kill the living. I need a friend to roll with so we can get into towns with loot. I go up to towns and see all the zombies so im afraid to go in alone.

I have one rule tho, I only play on servers that are in the daytime, I think night is way to dark in this game and its not even worth trying. I live in long island, NY.

my steam name is Louie21, maybe we can meet in game tonight?


Sounds good to me. I will send you a PM with my TS3 server info. I will be home in about 2 hours and will play all night.

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Hey I would really like to join you too. Been trying to look for a group who has those same requirement. PM me I live in Florida and I have teamspeak.

See ya!

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Hey I would really like to join you too. Been trying to look for a group who has those same requirement. PM me I live in Florida and I have teamspeak.

See ya!

I sent you a PM.


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I'll tag along if we happen to be on at the same time. I live on the west coast and I am having a bit of a rough start keeping myself alive. Just need a group of people to stick with me when the zeds come.

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Hey i am CST Wisconsin i would like to tag along too, am still pretty new to this. I just dont know what the chances are of getting more then 1 or 2 people in a group on the same server seems impossible so far.

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Sign me up. I got Arma II yesterday, but i have got all the basics down. I do not want to run solo any longer, i got tmpk3 and a headset.

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Hey Chalas! I have created something similar as to what you have mentioned. The name to it all is World's End Gaming. Not a clan, but just a community for people to come and team up.

PM me if you'd like to combine our efforts! Look forward to speaking with you!

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Hey I just got Arma 2 and i'm starting the mod install process...would like to join up with some friendly people to get the basics...While i'm definitely no noob when it comes to FPS's, I am a bit green around the gills when it comes to ArmA. I have ts3, and a mic, so communication is no issue. I live in Texas. Steam name is the same as my forum name if you want to add me...thanks and have a good one!

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Last night was pretty fun guys! after 8 hours of non stop game play I think we are able to do great progress.

Hopefully more people will join!

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Last night was pretty fun guys! after 8 hours of non stop game play I think we are able to do great progress.

Hopefully more people will join!

Minus the fact that we all died epically in a house with no ammo...yeah it went relatively well :P lol

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I meant progress as in actually getting somewhere deep inside the map :P

Although. That would had been a good movie. We epically died one by one LOL.

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We are still looking for a few more team players!

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I'd like to play with you guys, but I'm replacing my mic at the moment and would only be able to listen in to your comms. Let me know what you think.

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Interested also.

I sent you guys a PM. I am not on atm. I will see you in the evening.

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Gigglez & RyanEr4th

I couldn't PM you.

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We are a BF3 community but we have a nice group of Day-Z players as well as a big TS3. I'm hoping if we get enough people we can convince the community to put up a DayZ server too.

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