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Surrender Emote

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How about a simple emote bound to an unused key (ie "4") that would have you holster your weapon, drop to your knees, and place your hand behind your head. It would clearly demonstrate friendly/harmless intentions (you are placing yourself at the mercy of the other player). I don't think any special bandit/survivor skin is necessary, killing somebody dropping their arms is just plain despicable.

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We already have a disarming friendly emote for people to use. Press the \ key.

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For surrendering yes, but just to show you're friendly, holstering and showing hands up would be find to show you you're friendly.

Is it even possible to holster your weapon? I've not seen it.

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I think you're missing the point of the OP. The salute works most of the time but you have to stand to attention to perform the action, it takes moments to be ready to fire again, often on the person you just saluted to and it looks really dorky. We're survivors, not soldiers.

I think that Day Z, although far from a priority at the moment, should have both a wave action, a drop button and a holster weapon toggle.

Wave is used to get attention from a distance, to signify your willingness to break cover and talk. To flag down passing vehicles and to signify your need for assistance.

Holster is just that, it should take around a second to pull your primary from your pack or your secondary from your holster and cock it, ready to fire. Enough time for uneasy players to deal with them before they have a chance to fire.

The drop weapon button is used to signify that you yield to other more hostile players in hold up situations. Drop can also be used in novel ways like dropping smoke grenades on the run to conceal where you are running to and dropping flares to mark your route for other players.

It would be interesting to see what happens if you begin tracking stats of Murdered after greeting, murdered while holstered and murdered while unarmed to discern self defense and PvP from cold hearted banditry.

Edited by Bribase

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For surrendering yes, but just to show you're friendly, holstering and showing hands up would be find to show you you're friendly.

Is it even possible to holster your weapon? I've not seen it.

I think you can only lower your primary at the moment, it takes a split second to raise it ready to be fired again and is hard to notice. I don't used it at all. I point my weapon away and turn my head to face unknown players at the moment.

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I don't know, if you introduce a surrender mechanic, the French servers would go nuts...

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I just love it, you guys turn up late to two world wars and assume that everyone you allied with hadn't been fighting at all prior to your arrival.

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There is a bind called surrender. Not salute.

Your character puts his/her hands on the back of his/her head.

Petty much as described, except for the "getting on the knees" thing.

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There is a bind called surrender. Not salute.

Your character puts his/her hands on the back of his/her head.

Petty much as described, except for the "getting on the knees" thing.

Thanks Disgraced!

I Would still like a quickdrop and wave button though.

Edited by Bribase

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Menu -> Options -> Controls -> Scroll to bottom -> "Surrender" -> Bind it.

There is already a surrender emote, several other topics have already made his misguided suggestion, and I'm honestly annoyed that it has to be repeated on a daily basis.

The surrender key works - you just have to use your secondary weapon and actually have the surrender key bound.

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