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Is the average life expectancy accurate for you guys?

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Another reason people die fast is the "got nothing to lose so screw it" mentality too.

I see alot of experienced players, and I done it myself, who simply sprint through nearby villages and rural areas after a respawn just to see if there is useful loot spawned, if not... Stop, die, respawn elsewhere and try again until you have at least a sidearm.

Being sneaky-sneaky with just the flashlight is kinda meh. So why not rush like an idiot until you find something useful and then start playing the game when you got that.

I certainly don't care if I die and lose me bandage at start.

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Its accurate for me but if you take out the first day or so then my average is a whole lot longer. I think all the new players that have to learn how to deal with zombies brings it down a lot.

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My record is 14 dayz ingame wich is somewhere near 48 hours playtime. Right now my char is 6 days old. (~20 hours)

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When i remember at my starting time in Cherno my lifes didnt last longer as 10-30 minutes.

I'm now at 16 Days and i had a lot near death experience.

Playing on this character now since

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Usually i'll live anywhere from 3-6hours, this time i'm currently at 7days and counting :) Changing your play style and avoiding major areas really helps.

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i think its because a ton of people spam respawn until they spawn where they want to spawn.

so i mean if 1% of players hit respawn 5 times before they get where they want thats gonna bring the life expectancy down a big chunk.

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Lmao, my friend and I have found over 6-7 vehicles that were fully functional & even had some gear (aka owned by players) while we have only found I think 2 vehicles that were new spawns. If you know where to look, it's actually quite hilarious how many things you can get without ever going near a town/killing a zombie.

You think you could help me out with this? I've been searching for a week and I dedicated 5 hours into it today and still didn't find anything.

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Think I just had my shortest life yet. Maybe 50 minutes, tops.

After getting a broken leg accidently sprinting down some stairs in a barn, I head to Electro since its really the only place I can get to in under an hour dragging my dick in the dirt the whole way. Needless to say, get caught, get killed. I respawn near NWAF, find no guns as per my luck, so I start heading NE knowing there's two usually easy access barns. Barn 1, crossbow and 2 bolts. Whoopee.

On the way to barn two, I hear gunshots. I know the guy is directly in front of me but as I close distance all sound ceases and I begin to think its clear. With only a crossbow at this point, I'm desperate for anything else. I keep heading deeper in, all's quiet. I get about 25m from the barn entrance, and all the sudden this crazy SoB with a winchester (I believe) comes runnning out, gun blazing, racking up a horde of zeds, so I immediately start cowering in something I remotely see as cover. Next thing I know the guys runs straight at me, spots me, and (of course) starts taking aim. Cue the god damn 50's stooges music.

This SoB chases me all over the place taking pot shots every couple of seconds, zombies in tow, relentlesly trying to ruin my day. Both my bolts miss *gasp* so now I'm trying to lose him in the brush so I can equip my silly hatchet. Finally he either runs out of ammo or actually didn't see me (or maybe the 6 zeds on his ass finally wear him down, who knows) so he takes off for the heavy tree line long enough for me to attempt a change up. Now get this bullshit.

I try to equip my hatchet right away like the genious that I am. It actually goes into the slot, but it doesn't come up as a usable weapon, and my xbow still shows as what I have equipped. Hmm, shit. So I try to move it back to my toolbelt, no dice. Now I try dropping it (since my xbow doesn't show up in my inventory). That seemed to finally work, as my xbow returned. Immediately dropped the bow, equipped the axe. *Tick tock tick tock*

Guess who shows back up as I'm going through the animation to equip the friggin axe? My local zombie hoarding psychopath (or his friend perhaps) with a nice assault rifle this time. At least I didn't get stuck having to reload the god damn hatchet I suppose. But there went life number 3, short and miserable.

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It depends, if I spawn and see a player near by with a pistol or something, I'll try and find a weapon and go at him. If I'm near Cherno I go looking for trouble and normally get wasted by snipers, so I'll have maybe 6 chars that last 10-30 mins and then I'll have one char that lasts 3 days.

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