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US 303 Dallas clansm.net Admin Abuse

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A friend and I were playing on the server, were at the factory near Polano. Suddenly the admin pops in, spawning on my friend and kills him. I got out and up onto the hill. I died immediately, no shots, no sounds.

The admin was saying stuff to my friend like 'haha, this is my server fucker, you're dead, haha'.

Now we can't even get back into the server to see if we can get our stuff back.

Happened about 5:20PM Central time.

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Admins do not have the power to kill players(without guns) or teleport

You most likely encountered a hacker.

That or, an admin with a silenced weapon(or friends) who had just signed in.

You are also lacking any proof and any names.

What exactly do you think anyone can do about this without a name?

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Hello SeaFoam. There are only 2 people with admin access to US 303. I am one of them. I've haven't joined the server all day today (except via RCon), and I believe the other guy, Infinity, has been playing Dota 2 all day. Not only does being an admin not give me the ability to do the things you describe, but I wasn't even around to attempt them, and even if I had the ability, it's not my bag.

I'm sorry you feel we've wronged you somehow, but please trust me that we haven't.

Edited by Mister_Magotchi

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Nice to see the admin pop in and reply. I live in Dallas and am looking for a server with active admins to keep the hackers off.

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WTF i just lost everything on this server too i made thread about it... happening to often to not be admins....

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Yeah. A guy just came into Teamspeak to let me know about it. I was about to go to sleep, but I guess it's time to go into investigation mode. A couple days ago somebody destroyed all the buildings in the Balota airfield (I think with airstrikes). The hacking in this game is nuts.

Regarding it "happening to[o] often to not be admins", you're welcome to believe as you please I guess, but that's absolutely false. I quit about a half hour ago for the night, because all my friends that normally play are on Dota 2 right now.

Anyway, I'm looking through the scripts log at the moment. Hopefully I'll find something useful. The scripters are often able to bypass BattlEye, which makes looking for things a lot more difficult.

If I don't find anything tonight, I'll be on it tomorrow for sure.


Here's the full, unredacted scripts log, as of roughly 2:40am MDT (last server reboot and rotation of log was at 11:03 pm MDT):


Feel free to peruse through it and let me know if you find anything.

Edited by Mister_Magotchi

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WTF i just lost everything on this server too i made thread about it... happening to often to not be admins....

WTF! That makes no sense at all. ADMINS DON'T HAVE THAT POWER!

You, me or anyone could do all the things you mentioned.

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6:40-6:45 pm pacific time everyone is teleporting into the same place... US 303 is getting hacked once again.... This sucks. Lots of my friends and I are getting killed.

Edited by JimMountain

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I'm just getting off of work at the moment and looking into this (and last night's stuff) is my top priority.

If you look through the Cheat Reporting forum, it looks like everyone's getting hit pretty hard in the last couple days.


I'm doing a lot more research into the BattlEye bypasses, but since the most common one is done by directly editing Arma 2's executable in memory to replace the path to the Server Control screen's script with a custom one, it doesn't look very hopeful that there's going to be much in the logs to detect that sort of thing.

Edited by Mister_Magotchi

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7:54pm Mountain Daylight Time: Everyone was killed simultaneously. :-(

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Your prerogative. You'll likely find the same on other servers at about the same frequency at this point.

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Considering getting cheats myself as the cheater to non-cheater player ratio is about 3-1 at this point.

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