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Green mountain...

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This place is definitely haunted. Me and a friend heard about the stories and decided to go up there at night while only drinking mountain dew. When we arrived we saw a zombie at the top of the tower just standing there doing nothing at all. We also heard footsteps around us without seeing a player or zombie. We were only in there for about 15 minutes but when our food bars turned from full to zero in an instant we decided to leave as our characters are fully geared up and we didnt want to risk dieing.

I will return maybe tonight with a bigger group of guys to investigate further.

You must listen to the X files song when you go back. Gives like 100 times more creepiness.

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In a serious sense its ominous as all hell. Its like the game gives you a feeling of being watched, its weird.

Reading the stories doesn't exactly help either, so just avoid it at all humanly possible costs.

Unless your a bandit. Go up there at your leisure.

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Just read through every post cause i have an obsession with video game myth/stories such as Green Mountain. Didn't even realize someone bumped it from the great beyond.

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Just read through every post cause i have an obsession with video game myth/stories such as Green Mountain. Didn't even realize someone bumped it from the great beyond.

Yea that was great work needs to be added to the list on clearwater revival thread.

Edit: Never mention this location again, we have said to much.

Edited by Steak and Potatoes
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I played DayZ for 6 months now, and still, I have never been to Green Mountain, just...it's...I have a weird feeling when I just look at it..gives me the creeps...

Edited by Dedzal

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I played DayZ for 6 months now, and still, I have never been to Green Mountain, just.it's..I have a weird feeling when I just look at it..gives me the creeps...

That is its way of trying to attract you

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I was hiking through Pogorevka once. Found a diary beneath a pew in the church there. Read it as I continued north. Seems the state funeral director for the district had had a run in with a travelling coroner six years before the outbreak. In the diary, the funeral director details the time the two spent together - sheltered away in the funeral parlor basement - away from the sensitive eyes and ears of the district special police. Most of the entries described their sharing of professional knowledge of the dead - of how a corpse gets that way, and to what measures one must go to make a face frozen in death appeal to the living - one final time before the worms go to work and the maggots colonize.

I pitched my tent one twilight just south of Lopatino, and with an unusually bright moon riding black toothed clouds, set about to finish the diary; an unusual but welcome means of soothing the ever present hunger gnawing my sides and the paranoia which never pauses for a second its soft, cold exhalations along the back of my neck. In later chapters - no longer titled with dates as had been the previous - the funeral director's steady, almost print type neat writing style had become a shuddering mess of blotted ink and scribble.

Though nearly illegible the funeral director's description of the travelling coroner's experience on a mountain to the southwest was strikingly clear; so clear in fact that it clawed at my mind from the very page and shredded the immersive distraction that had salved my sanity these past nights on the march. The formely bright moon seemed to dim as I read, and on the wind I thought I could hear cries of the infected, although I had swept the area thrice before setting camp.

To a high point called Green Mountain, by the local villagers, the travelling coroner had once been summoned by no one less than the district governor himself. With no description of the need for his services there - so far out in the country and above it - the coroner arrived perplexed and quite the bundle of terror had grown within his stomach, as the district governor was locally famous around central Chernarus for his issuance of summary execution orders for lesser political offenses against the state.

Tool bag in hand, the travelling coroner arrived at the summit of Green Mountain, borne by his old but ever faithful bicycle. There the district governor himself introduced him to a scene of charnel savagery that even the coroner had not imagined possible to inflict on the human form. In the shadow of the hundreds of feet tall weather station lay the vacated by human sentience remains of a platoon of more than thirty federal soldiers. Regaining a modicum of his years of experience dealing with the sight and scent and grisly power of the dead, the coroner set about examining the carnage body by body. The long bones of both the arms and legs of both soldiers had been removed - by an unknown means and with incredible strength - had been splintered and used as utensils on the softer parts.

That the platoon had been eaten was immediately apparent. After finishing his recording of the coroner's story of what transpired on Green Mountain, the funeral director had seemed to end his diary. Upon further inspection however, I discovered a sketch several pages separated from the supposed end of the body of text. It was labelled as a drawing of the coroner's arm ... and in great detail was reproduced the scar where the long bone had been removed by violence. A few final words followed the sketch: "What hunger ravenous in darkness rises whence to force a man to remove bones from his own skeleton, to eat of his own flesh so greedily, that less than much of it remains?"

-On Green Mountain the living hunger only for satiation in death-

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Pffft, the tower is an alright place to do some sniping from. Especialy when a chopper flys by. Also you can find a UAZ there as well. Nothing special at all. No good loot iether. Also around the base on the outside, you will find player tents. Normaly flled with good stuff. I think some one started some BS story to keep his tent safe.

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In a serious sense its ominous as all hell. Its like the game gives you a feeling of being watched, its weird.

Same feeling the GTA SA forests give me since I read about the creature in those forests. It's all in your head

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With the latest patch that ruined deer stands, Green mountain is one of the few remaining places where you can still find a gun. Pro-tip: Once you are inside the compound, zombies will patrol only on the outside, acting as security guards alerting you of incoming players. There's also plenty of trees and bushes where you can hide.

Edited by Leto

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Just forget that mountain...

trauma... trauma...

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I am attempting some Halo jumping from a hovering helicopter to the upper "unreachable" platform, so I can explore the otherwise inaccessible top portion of the tower. Expecting nothing, but the experience should be interesting.

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Love reading the stories, and then you have the people who are not interested in Green Mountain and try to derail this thread. We all know its a video game, just let people enjoy the fear that place brings.

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Now here's a true story that happened to me just an hour ago. I signed in just to post this, since this is further evidence that GM is a place to be avoided.

My friend and I both bought this game just a week ago. Tonight, we were making our way from Sosnovka to Pustoshka along the road. I had a map and was perfectly aware of where we were. We were just about to arrive in Pustoshka, when suddenly the server goes down. It must've been a server restart or something, but I had not seen any warnings. Also, usually on server restarts I just get the text "No message received for XX seconds." and my character stops moving, but this time we both just suddenly disconnected.

A couple of minutes later, my friend and I rejoin the server. When we spawned, we instantly realized that we were not where we disconnected. Instead, we had spawned several km south of there. And when we spawned, we both stared at - you guess it - Green Mountain, with the radio tower rising ominously from its hilltop. We had never been there before, but I instantly recognized GM from the numerous videos and urban legends.

My friend was not as well versed in DayZ, so I told him about the weird shit going on in there. We decided that since fate had pointed us that way, we had to go and investigate. Immediately after that decision, my friend's screen went white. He couldn't do anything in-game, he was just looking at a blank white screen. His game or computer had nor frozen, he could go to desktop and the game appeared to be running perfectly fine. He could use the net etc. My friend's character had disappeared from the game. He disconnected and rejoined the server. Meanwhile, I made a campfire and filled my water bottle at a nearby pond. I got a cough, probably from the unboiled water I drank. We continued on our way to the mountain. Near the courtyard of the radio tower, we got attacked by a horde of zombies.

Literally a couple of seconds after the zobie attack, my game screen went white. It was not a bright white, it had shades of gray. My task manager told that the game was working fine, and I could still navigate on my desktop and jump back in to the game (the white-gray screen) anytime I wanted. My friend told me that I, as well as all the zombies, had just disappeared from the game. He decided to get the hell out of that place and started running away. I quit the game and rejoined the server, spawning next to the radio tower. I, too, ran as fast as I could. We had run separate ways and didn't manage to find each other quickly. Soon after, my friend got into problems with zombies and died.

I will never got to Green Mountain again. First, we miraculously warped near it even though we had been far way from it. When I spawned, I was literally staring at the mountain. Near the foot of the hill I got a cough. My friend disappeared, his screen turning white. Later, the same happened to me. I don't think the white screen could have been caused by infection (cough). My friend got the screen before I drank the dirty water. I got it just as I was nearing the mountain, mere five minutes after starting to cough. It's difficult to describe the screen, it was not pulsating or varied, just flat white and gray. Later, as I was running away from the mountain, my screen flickered with the same gray-white again ( you know, the diamond-shaped flicker), but it was just instantaneous and went away after a few seconds as the distance between me and the mountain grew.

Seriously, stay away from the mountain. And I'm not a native English speaker, so excuse me if my text was difficult to understand at some points.

Edited by Comrade Nikolai

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I had some footage of me approaching Green Mountain on foot and finding no Zombies on the summit. Just nothing, nothing at all but silence. The footage was just me arriving, looking about and running off scared at the lack of anything. Even a zombie would have been a comforting sight, instead I got nothing but the sound of flies and my own thoughts. Damn Green Mountain.

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Rule number 1: Do not talk about Green Mountain

Rule number 2: Do NOT talk about Green Mountain


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Rule number 1: Do not talk about Green Mountain

Rule number 2: Do NOT talk about Green Mountain


You just broke rule 1 & 2 lol

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They say they've created the slender games after "happenings" on green mountain. When you go there at certain times (maybe full moon or smth) bad things can happen but i dont really wanna talk about it... :|

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I got close to it by accident the other day...I'm no longer close to it because i ran the other way :P

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I got close to it by accident the other day...I'm no longer close to it because i ran the other way :P

You will die in five dayz time from infection

Edited by Steak and Potatoes

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