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I can't join any servers !

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Heeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooo !

I'm not well ;'(

I explain my problem :

I bought Combined Operation by Steam.

Before, I could join all servers !

In the way, what happens in NZ server ? ( It disappear from my list ).

Now my problem is :

When I update mod from SixUpdater : I've got @CBA; @CBA_A2; @CBA_OA; @JayArma2Lib. ( I said that in all scenarios, dayz was installed and updated by the official website! )

When I try with all mod : - Invalid key for two mods @CBA_A2 & @CBA_OA

When I remove these mod ( A2 & OA ): -Battleye : Corrupted Memory #1

When I remove CBA mod : -Battleye : Corrupted Memory #1*

* This case worked for pre-alpha of the mod.

When I remove JayArma2Lib : -Arma 2 Reinforcements stop to working

When I remove DayZ ( to see if DayZ make this error ) : -Arma 2 Reinforcements stop to working

Problem : I can't launch the Combined Operations without JayArma2Lib !

For BattleEye error : I tried to reinstall it by Steam, but same problem.

I totaly download Arma 2 and a part of Arma 2 Operation ArrowHead ...

Why JayArma2Lib make Combined Operations crash without it ?

How to resolve it ?

One of my friends have the same error !

I tried by launching by SixUpdater ( with and without beta program ).

I tried by launching by Steam with -mod=@DayZ

Nothing is working ... WTF ?

Thank you if you find my error ! I will try to complety download Operation ArrowHead tonigh, but if that not working ? ! Maybe because is in Windows Register ? ? ?

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Wow, you've got a bunch of issues there.

The only way I can tell you for sure to fix it, would be to uninstall everything and start from scratch following the install guides. This will get you playing DayZ, but you won't have your CBA and JayArma2Lib anymore. I understand if you don't want to do that, but you have too much going on at once to properly diagnose the issue over a forum post.

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I'm going to delete Combined Operations, and SixUpdater, don't need it ! I don't need it ?

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See you tomorrow, I come tomorrow to say if it's working or not ! I go to bed ! Good bye !

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-> I just see a black screen !

But if I return to Windows and return to game, it's re-starting and working ! ?

When I join a game -> It say in Chat : You miss following mod : CBA_MAIN !

And some french servers have a better version of Arma 2 Combined Operation, How to get it ?

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Ignore any CBA errors when joining with only @Dayz

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