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Should I risk going to electro?

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I just spawned at Cherno and ran to the tents quickly and picked up an AKS-74 Kobra.

This is the only item I have and I still need an axe,hunting knife,compass,map, side arm, morphine,painkillers.

Is it worth the risk going to Electro to get those items?

Note: I do have a tent that I could place somewhere outside electro to store my gun until I get the necessary items.

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Then just store your gun in that tent and go for it. You have nothing to lose.

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To be honest, if you have to ask something like this chances are you will end up dead, unless the town is deserted.

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I would just loot barns. Benzio's a pretty good place like electro, but with less people.

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Head North, hit deerstands and barns. Loot grocery stores further north for increased odds of survival.

It is likely someone in Elektro will either kill you for your AK, or for lulz.

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Come to Electo, I have beans and pepsi waiting for you

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I would just loot barns. Benzio's a pretty good place like electro, but with less people.

Berezino is really nice it has 4 tents 2 super makets 3 deer stand and there is a airfield north of it. Only problem is that it's really far from the main cities so it can take a while to get there.

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Honestly it's not really worth it.

You can get everything you need elsewhere, a hatchet seems to spawn everywhere and it's all you really need at the start.

If you do go in for shits and giggles or whatever, store the Kobra and run around like every other fresh spawn until you find some good loot.

Keep looting until you find an Alice pack, once you do, get the hell out of town. (keep in mind that players will kill you for stuff they want, if you look different than the other "fresh spawns" you'll stand out.

Bottom Line: It's just as easy to find the stuff you'll need further North, and nowhere near as dangerous..

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Perhaps you can find other means. But all in all, you're not going to make it very far if your hesitant about running into other players. March in there balls deep and take what you need. You're not going to live forever.

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I would, it's not like everything you need is in the north. If you do decide to be sure to check the sniper hills first :P

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You'll most likely run into another AK with Kobra sight in one of the two fire stations in Elektro. You don't have much to lose yet.

I really do just carefully sweep around Cherno/Elektro in the beginning of every life until I have all necessary means of survival and basic tools.

...Then GTFO and never return.

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