vandarix 30 Posted July 18, 2012 You said. " (duped? 50 NVG's in one tent...) "I personally don't care or know or even have ever played on this server.... However, what I DO know, is that you can only have up to 10 PI slots filled in a tent (NVGs/MAPS/COMPASSES/ETC.. There for a tent would only hold up to 10 NVGs.. so either this guy is extremely exaggerating or trolling.2cents. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ALCATRAZ126 3 Posted July 18, 2012 You see! Like MacMcdonald said he tell lies (50 NVG´s douped) only to get the server blacklisted so please stop telling lies! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flail 10 Posted July 18, 2012 And you Kick/ban for your own made rules (d/c ing ...) ... don't fight fire with fire. You tell, that he has no proof for your "hacks/abuses" whatever... but you also have no proof for what you are telling about him.Do you have ANY screenshots or videos or some logs? Do you? Thats a self-answering question... 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobJoeXXI 28 Posted July 18, 2012 (edited) I WIll Not unban you until i know you dont hack, Read my Other Post i said everything, and we Changed the Server Name for the Latest Beta Patch Thats why its Called Test, now everything is said. BBThat was my Last Post. he's guilty until proven innocent... nice.+1 for blacklisting. Edited July 18, 2012 by BobJoeXXI 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XAM 48 Posted July 18, 2012 Banning for disconnecting in combat: NOT ALLOWED ( for using a hacked vehicle/item: NOT ALLOWED (Since he could have found it after a hacker had spawned it.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jay1_1 0 Posted July 18, 2012 Clan moved their base, all flying around in a new heli... Saw them again, 4 people of their clan with Aclatraz126 on board.The whole clan is cheating / hoarding vehicles and flying around with helis, banning people who are stealing them.And they disconnect from death and relocate on other servers.Got that on tape with some friends, with their names. All liars, damn cheater clan / server. Uploading 3 videos tonight of their heli action.PLEASE blacklist them.@Mourek: You are right, banning for disconnecting is forbidden. A Dev posted it in the ill jump in..tape.. you using vhs ....o wait wheres those 3 videos u get your friends on server you go to their house get a vhs out and record it..well sence you didnt post video at night your lies will go unheard..think this topic should be removed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smithy0815 6 Posted July 18, 2012 just give away the position of such a camp, the community will handle this problem then.if he bans more ppl the server gets on the blacklist Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alphie(SN) 32 Posted July 18, 2012 *breaks out popcorn*This is good! Cant wait for the next post. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobJoeXXI 28 Posted July 18, 2012 *boring next post* 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
auge103 63 Posted July 20, 2012 (edited) OK guys here you go: As you can see, some hacked in stuff, lots of duped or cheated loot, a dead body of their clan (they said they dont know any base on their server? hahahah) and the servers tag. And this is only 1 of 2 camps, the second one got all the other vehicles from dayz. Later this day we killed their clan - INCLUDING ALCATRAZ - several times in this camp, can upload it too if you wish. Funny thing was, every time we killed them they got there in about 10 minutes - this camp is far up north beyond the printed map border. We shot them from 600m away, all 4 shot back in about 2 seconds. How the hell could they know from where we were shooting (out of the forest)?!?At the end we looted all of their satchels and blew up the base (BIG BOOOOM with >50 satchels :D - see picture below)Now you got your proof, please blacklist their server and ban the whole clan, especially Alcatraz126 and the GM guy. Damn hackers. Edited July 20, 2012 by Auge 15 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 205 Posted July 20, 2012 And there you have it, winner by knockout AUGE+1 to shitcan these fools. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azrail (DayZ) 211 Posted July 20, 2012 Almost 50% admins on dayz abuse in did you come accross this pinpoint accurate measurement? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ALCATRAZ126 3 Posted July 20, 2012 Auge please tell us all that you found the camp with a hacked chopper and what about the serverhopping and disconnecting while we´re fight angainst you and your friends.And then tell me, do you have any proof that "the GM guy" and me use/hack any of this stuff i don´t know anything about fucking cheating because i hate cheating and hacking! And the G36-SD´s we found them in Chernogorsk from any fucking hacker who spawned ammoboxes, vehicles and so many shit !!!And why did you hide your name ?? we know the name of you and your friends (XTTX;Busch;Kaguzuchi) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sephisto69 201 Posted July 20, 2012 12 year old server Admins, so cute! 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dudeh93 0 Posted July 20, 2012 Auge please tell us all that you found the camp with a hacked chopper and what about the serverhopping and disconnecting while we´re fight angainst you and your friends.And then tell me, do you have any proof that "the GM guy" and me use/hack any of this stuff i don´t know anything about fucking cheating because i hate cheating and hacking!And the G36-SD´s we found them in Chernogorsk from any fucking hacker who spawned ammoboxes, vehicles and so many shit !!!And why did you hide your name ?? we know the name of you and your friends (XTTX;Busch;Kaguzuchi)That has to be the worst excuse I've ever heard...Its obvious what you guys are doing there and don't try to put this at "Auge" You guys got busted so live with it... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thmsrox 14 Posted July 20, 2012 Auge please tell us all that you found the camp with a hacked chopper and what about the serverhopping and disconnecting while we´re fight angainst you and your friends.And then tell me, do you have any proof that "the GM guy" and me use/hack any of this stuff i don´t know anything about fucking cheating because i hate cheating and hacking!And the G36-SD´s we found them in Chernogorsk from any fucking hacker who spawned ammoboxes, vehicles and so many shit !!!And why did you hide your name ?? we know the name of you and your friends (XTTX;Busch;Kaguzuchi)As I recall from earlier posts in this topic, you (or your admin friend, I assume you both have access) didn't need proof to ban him. When it comes to your own ass you demand proof?All of a sudden a "fucking hacker who spawned ammboxes" comes out of your magic hat, so now you do know stuff about cheating?Just give up sir. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ALCATRAZ126 3 Posted July 20, 2012 Dudeh93 if you don´t know anything please don´t write anything ok! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohntheWalker 2 Posted July 20, 2012 So this is quite huge. Sorry about my commet about whining and policing.The videos defenetly shows some 'exraordinary' items, which cant be acquired the legal way.But there is a little problem linking the evidence to the accused player/admin. If you have any more proof showing the connectionfrom the two players/admin to the gear, I'd be fully convinced. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azrail (DayZ) 211 Posted July 20, 2012 (edited) i cheat and you can't proof it and i troll you allherp derp blerphave some beans :emptycan:awww empty? snap....(wrong quote ftl :() Edited July 20, 2012 by Azrail Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
auge103 63 Posted July 20, 2012 (edited) Auge please tell us all that you found the camp with a hacked chopper and what about the serverhopping and disconnecting while we´re fight angainst you and your friends.@1: Yes sir, you are completely right. I we found your camps using a maybe hacked chopper - which we got from YOU after we killed you and your 3 clanmates @ NE airfield after your landing.@2: Serverhopping is a damn thing. I was really annoying to fight you and your mates logging on and off all the time. Maybe one of us disconnected a bit too early. But you and your mates disconnected AND ghosted all the time.Funny to see how you are angry after we blew up your camp :PAnd for cheats, can you tell me how you got my name the first time you banned me while i was flying your chopper? Nametags are disabled.Ok and now this is an official war declaration on your server and your [//edit "clan" missing here] until it gets blacklisted. (<--Please do it FAST!)15 kills for us for now, 2 for you. You see, cheating doesn't make you better.Last answer to you, i'll follow the rules "don't feed the troll". Edited July 20, 2012 by Auge Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sephri 0 Posted July 20, 2012 Auge please tell us all that you found the camp with a hacked chopper and what about the serverhopping and disconnecting while we´re fight angainst you and your friends.And then tell me, do you have any proof that "the GM guy" and me use/hack any of this stuff i don´t know anything about fucking cheating because i hate cheating and hacking!And the G36-SD´s we found them in Chernogorsk from any fucking hacker who spawned ammoboxes, vehicles and so many shit !!!And why did you hide your name ?? we know the name of you and your friends (XTTX;Busch;Kaguzuchi)Alright, so you openly admit that camp was yours, and that the G36s were found due to a hacker, but what doesn't add up to me is the amount of stuff in a single tent, afaik a tent can only hold 10 items, yet in the video you can see much more then that in a single tent(Example: 5:47 42 10rnd m107) Hell I could be wrong and the tent can hold much more then that, I can't say for sure because I've never actually found a tent of my own, But from what I can tell these guys have been busted and they're just trying to cover their asses. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohntheWalker 2 Posted July 20, 2012 (edited) Ok and now this is an official war declaration on your server and your [//edit "clan" missing here] until it gets blacklisted. (<--Please do it FAST!)15 kills for us for now, 2 for you. You see, cheating doesn't make you better.Maybe blacklisting seems to be the right option, but dont you think "official war declaration" sounds a little bit immature ? Edited July 20, 2012 by JohntheWalker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Genki Dama 49 Posted July 20, 2012 Wow, just reading this whole thread, thus far, I have to say, these admins, don't know what argument to use against this guy. First it was because the OP combat d/c'ed, which in itself can't result in a ban, then the next thing the OP was banned due to being a hacker. Servers like these should be blacklisted ¬_¬ 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jean Jacques Serrault 37 Posted July 20, 2012 Go make an official support ticket to the Day Z staffs at Cheaters must be exterminated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zRaR3 0 Posted July 20, 2012 Alright, so you openly admit that camp was yours, and that the G36s were found due to a hacker, but what doesn't add up to me is the amount of stuff in a single tent, afaik a tent can only hold 10 itemsA tent can hold more than 10 Items 0.oFrom the Wiki:Tents (as of can have 53 item slots inside. (excluding firearms) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites