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banned from DE95 for stealing the admin's heli

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Hi there,

i was banned from DE95 because i found the server's clans home - ALL!!! vehicles from the map, including 3 helis and about 30 tents with lots of (duped? 50 NVG's in one tent...) stuff in there...

Just wanted to fly one of that helis, started it, about 1 minute ago a nice little message appears "you were banned... blablah ... reason "HACKING!!!" or something like this...

THIS IS CRAP! That clan is cheating by "stealing and hoarding" all vehicles of the map an then banning all people who are "stealing" the vehicles from the clans base.

Unban possible? Maybe blacklist of that server?

Admin abuse³


If you just want to watch the video of their cheated stuff, you have to take a look here ->


And the final post where they reveal theirself as cheaters is here ->


Edited by Auge
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Helicopters don't even spawn legitly anymore, so he hacked that in lol.

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Why would you want an unban from a seemingly shitty server?

Admin abuse is against the rules, so try to get contact of a dev..

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Ok their clan got some ammoboxes in that base and all stuff from dayz in the tents (a friend looked after it some mins ago), we talked to their admin on teamspeak an its definitely their clan who is cheating. First he said something like heli's re impossible and he doesnt know about any base, later he said something like "did you remove stuff from the ammoboxes and drove the trucks", but i didnt say a freaking word about any trucks and ammoboxes... And he said that he was flying the heli a day ago as i shot it... and tried to ban me... damn bastard

Please ban that hacker clan / server

Edited by Auge

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Why even bother petitioning bans anymore? If it is a shitty server then it is a shitty server. Report them for what they did in this forum and find a better server. Hell...I am going to make a hobby out of testing every server that is reported for bad admins in this forum. Then I will report my findings with detailed information.

You may call me "Inspector Vertisce".

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Hello =)

Iam One of The Admins of this Server. First of all Liar, someone told me you fly with en Heli over Derenzino ( Berenzino, Derenzino i dont know ) That was the Reason i Ban you. Then 2 of my Clan Mates went there and picked up this Heli thats right, that was an Mistake and i told them that and i NEVER talk about Ammo Boxes or all that Stuff.Auge was banned yesterday befor for Avoiding Death Multiple Times, like i said befor on Team Speak, is there any Hack then i Can check the Scripts and find out who spawned that shit and i know many Hackers are there who Spawned Cars, Ammo Boxes and all that Stuff but its Hard to find them. I gat this Server now 2 Months and NEVER saw a Heli Spawned any Where so please dont talk bad about my Server there is no Reason doing that look at all the othere Servers they have the Exackt Same Problem with Hackers / Cheaters. On Team Speak Friendly and here Just a Idiot nice Auge, just go to another Server man this is an Alpha no Reason to Freak Out.

Larst thing, i dont have a Problems with Guys who Used that shit ( Like Rocket said befor) but i have a Problem with Guys who Spawned that shit.

Close Tread.


Edited by Private_Gm

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Almost 50% admins on dayz abuse in someway.

And you got thus fact from some study you did?

Quit talking out your ass with bullshit facts you make up to stir up emotions troll

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And you got thus fact from some study you did?

Quit talking out your ass with bullshit facts you make up to stir up emotions troll

In case you haven't seen Server General or Ban appeals, he isn't far from the truth. Granted, 50% is just some number he pulled out of his ass, but the number of admins abusing their power is too much.

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Hello =)

Iam One of The Admins of this Server. First of all Liar, someone told me you fly with en Heli over Derenzino ( Berenzino, Derenzino i dont know ) That was the Reason i Ban you. Then 2 of my Clan Mates went there and picked up this Heli thats right, that was an Mistake and i told them that and i NEVER talk about Ammo Boxes or all that Stuff.Auge was banned yesterday befor for Avoiding Death Multiple Times, like i said befor on Team Speak, is there any Hack then i Can check the Scripts and find out who spawned that shit and i know many Hackers are there who Spawned Cars, Ammo Boxes and all that Stuff but its Hard to find them. I gat this Server now 2 Months and NEVER saw a Heli Spawned any Where so please dont talk bad about my Server there is no Reason doing that look at all the othere Servers they have the Exackt Same Problem with Hackers / Cheaters. On Team Speak Friendly and here Just a Idiot nice Auge, just go to another Server man this is an Alpha no Reason to Freak Out.

Larst thing, i dont have a Problems with Guys who Used that shit ( Like Rocket said befor) but i have a Problem with Guys who Spawned that shit.

Close Tread.


Haha ok then tell me one thing please: You told me you tried to ban me a day before for disconnecting (what isnt true - AAAND its NOT an official ban reason too!!!!).

Ok but you tried to ban me while i was shooting at a flying heli in the night. And you say you did never see a heli before on your server? Aha and why didnt you ban the guy who was flying it that day before? And why were you there, in the middle of nowhere and knowing about me shooting at a flying heli when you didnt know about helis and never be in one on your server????? hahahahaha i think it was your heli and you were in it, otherwise you couldnt know about me shooting it. You asked me "ah you were the guy who was shooting it with a sniper?", remember? ...nothing to add here

In my oppinion that clan hacks. May be wrong, but its reeeeally suspicious what you talked about and what you did.

And again, you are not allowed to ban people for disconnecting and so on. Only banreasons for admins are rassistic talks over voice / comms and real hackers IF YOU ARE SURE IT IS A HACKER! You have to make sure the ban is correct before you do it.

Read the rules: http://dayzmod.com/f...r-read-in-here/

//EDIT: Even more suspicious, now he removed the DE95 and renamed to DE without any number and added "TEST". Server was offline since i talked to them on ts until the first of them went online today, server reset to save their base????!?

Didn't unban me since 1 day now. IP is , this is clearly admin abuse, he dont want people who are talking negatively about his server.

Edited by Auge

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I WIll Not unban you until i know you dont hack, Read my Other Post i said everything, and we Changed the Server Name for the Latest Beta Patch Thats why its Called Test, now everything is said. BB

That was my Last Post.

Edited by Private_Gm

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Auge, send a private msg with as much evedence as you can gather to one of the forum mods. they will pass it on to the dev team and lets hope this server gets blacklisted. its the best you can do.

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if you dont like a server...leave it...and go to another. End of Story...I have played DayZ since early may. Never had any real big problems. Sure i have been kicked from a server for no reason. Had one shut down or restart on me...I dont care....I just move on to the next...There are so many....Get over it!

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Auge what´s your problem???? There are so many Servers where you can stay and then you cry only because you get banned on this one???? And by the way Admins are abel to ban if you avoid death which means disconnecting in PVP so thats a reason to get banned and like you said you get banned a day after that again how is it possible???

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I didnt get banned the first day. All what i know is that your admin - yeah alcatraz you are in that clan too - said he tried to ban me. I didnt know anything about it until he said it, no ban the first day.

Ah and one last addition - this clan moved their base, a friend killed one one them in it after all tents destroyed and 20+ vehicles were gone. Heli is still there.

+ They kick for members. Also not allowed.

Edited by Auge

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Oh please stop the lies 1. we don´t kick for members 2. he banned you because you avoidet a death and 3.you can´t proof any of your lies!!!

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Oh please stop the lies 1. we don´t kick for members 2. he banned you because you avoidet a death and 3.you can´t proof any of your lies!!!

If I'm not mistaken, banning ALT+F4 is forbidden from the DayZ dev team themselves, I know it sucks but admins would have to ban 75% of DayZ players.

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Helicopters don't even spawn legitly anymore, so he hacked that in lol.

They do on specific servers.

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Clan moved their base, all flying around in a new heli... Saw them again, 4 people of their clan with Aclatraz126 on board.

The whole clan is cheating / hoarding vehicles and flying around with helis, banning people who are stealing them.

And they disconnect from death and relocate on other servers.

Got that on tape with some friends, with their names. All liars, damn cheater clan / server. Uploading 3 videos tonight of their heli action.

PLEASE blacklist them.

@Mourek: You are right, banning for disconnecting is forbidden. A Dev posted it in the forums.

Edited by Auge

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I just went on this server and yes the admins are spawning items/banning people for hacking even though they are in fact doing it themselves...

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Ok got the final conformation of his admin abuse, just search for his other posts. Said more then once that he would ban ppl for d/c and i am not the first one who found their camp and got banned. Hahah and the last time he changed the server's name, too. Just search for his posts.

No chance that any main admin / dev reading this thread here to blacklist them?

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This whole whining/policing doesn't help the project at all. Just visit/play on another server.

Being passive of the matter doesn't help at all as well. It is better these things are open in a public forum so that those searching for a home are able to research and find dodgy clan servers like this.,

There's another bleedingly obvious observation... Notice the overwhelming majority of the calls of "admin abuse" are coming from servers run by clans? Can they not handle the peer-pressure of their clanmates to not do the right thing?

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