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US 174 [3DP ON : CH/Tags OFF] Megan Fox - Official Thread

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US 174 [3DP ON : CH/Tags OFF] Hosted By "Megan Fox"

Status: - ONLINE -

Beta Patch: 95168

DayZ Version:

Difficulty Settings:

3rd Person - ON

Cross Hairs - OFF

Tags - OFF

Administrative Team:

Bizmarhk (owner) - Primary contact


Big Wiggly

Our server is located in Texas and hosted by

Host Altitude. Up time is generally 99% except for patch days, which in some cases we take the server down until the hot fixes have rolled out (when they are needed). Lag is minimum, the players are fun and engaging, and our admin team is fair and non-abusive. If you have any questions regarding the server you can post them here, or private message me (Bizmarhk) here on the forum. Server restarts are done at random, however when they are intended (sometimes a server goes down on its own) we will give a 5 minute warning either through Global Chat (Shadow/Big) or through Battle Eye Global (Bizmarhk).

Feel free to use this thread for any discussion regarding the server quality, politics, engagements, etc.

Abuse Reporting:

If in some case you catch either a hacker, logger, or server admin abusing their powers please PM me about it. Rather than reporting it here and discrediting someones reputation, please keep it private and we can sort it out. In the case of reporting, you must have some kind of proof that shows without a reasonable doubt that an offense occured. Unfortunately words are only as good as he said, she said.


If you're interested in donating to keep our server running feel free to PM me and I'll send you my PayPal information.

Server Paid Up Until:

August 27 2012

Edited by Bizmarhk

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Server seems to be crashing every 5 minutes. I am going to take it down for about 30 minutes.

Update: Going back online.

Edited by Bizmarhk

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Updated to beta 95054. Server was not showing on server browser for a few hours, but the issue has been resolved. We're back online.

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Banned a player named Vitor/Viktor after finding a M4A1 Holo CCO SD on his body. This item is not in the database. Following that I found tents with more of the them. Tents were cleared, and server restarted to remove the weapons.

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You were tracked, I did not hack, I did not cheat. What would be the fun in that?

Yes we had been using that UAZ. But that was stolen over three days ago from us. So if you found it in the middle of the forest today then it wasn't left from us. I do not restart the server because I lost a vehicle, I could care less, it's a video game. I do however care when people logoff which is breaking one of the rules that I put in place. I do not abuse the server, I do not cheat, I do not play unfairly. YOU guys however got out manuevered, and are crying admin abuse, when in reality you abused game mechanics, and I took preemptive measures to protect the integrity of my server.

Edited by Bizmarhk

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How did you 'clear' the tents? Whenever I do, they just come back.

Save them when the inventory is empty.

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Pretty likely story. The fact is that the server was restarted once on us already. Again when we log in we had some one "spawn" on us and start taking shots at us. There was at least 2 admins in the server from what I can google. The car was filled with loot and you seemed to be protecting it. What is our coarse of action suppose to be? If the fight seemed fair we would have stayed, but from my perspective you were abusing your power. Its the same story over and over, admin gets pissed because they lose their precious camp and restart server. Ban us all you want but you are the one that restarted and locked the server. I can not confirm you used hacks or scripts to spawn on us, but I also believe that was likely.

No one spawned on you. As I have stated in both a PM now from one of you, and on this forum. I WAS TRACKING YOU. You were stopped at the Zelenogorsk Grocery store. That's the first time I ever knew of that UAZ even being on the map. I have search for days looking for it with my friends not finding it. I kept around 500m behind you guys the entire time. I guess from your post you did not see me, even though you turned right in my direction.

Again, I did not restart the server. Servers randomly crash. I will say it again, I lost that UAZ 3 days ago, and have been searching for it. I by pure luck ran into you guys in Zeleno. The only thing I am frustrated about is you and your group defaming my server. I enjoy this game with an Einfield and some beans in Elktro. I also enjoy this game with the high end gear as well, they are both fun. You got EXTREMELY unlucky with me running into you guys. I drove around the entire map tonight, and happened to get lucky, and unlucky for you, you got caught with the site of my gun. And when you logged off, it happened to be when two admins were on. I had my friend watching the login screen and checking the time as all this happened.

I'd appreciate you stop thinking that this was all server abuse, and either continue to play on our server, or leave in peace. You got outplayed.

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I was a passenger in the UAZ, in third person searching for heli crash sites. Not once did i see a "white pickup" trailing us. I understand the server was under heavy load with the whole 6 players in it, but that "coincidence" was far too convenient. Enjoy your server, keep resetting everyone's tents while keeping your loot secure.

You're an idiot. I was behind you where you could barely see me. Learn to play the game. Ever heard of tactics? Yeah I kept my distance on you, I was directly behind you quite far away.

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so explain to us how your looking for "heli" crash sites SOUTHWEST of zelenogorsk in the woods....?

someone is upset that they got outplayed and want to run to the forums and cry about it when things dont go there way!

requesting cleanup on thread please! thanks

Edited by shadow0240

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The above posts have been reported. I also will gladly send my full server logs to any DayZ staff in order to prove that no wrong doing occurred on my server, other than Boof, turble, and Reeve disconnecting from my server in order to avoid combat/death (I could barely even hit you guys with my L85 FYI so I started shooting the tires). I promise that my server is fair, that my admin team is fair, and that if any hackers are on our server while admins are online, we will do our best to remove them ASAP. Ignore the above posters who jump to admin abuse when they can't explain how someone knew how to properly track them, and out play them.

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DayZ servers don't crash often, at least mine don't because I've never encountered a crash on my server. You must of started the mission incorrectly.

Regarding heli crash sites, they're not hard to find if you know where to look. I found TOO MANY as I go solo without my squad I search for them and I find them and my squad comes in neutrilizes them and takes the gear. I move on to find more and that process takes 6+ hours which in then I restart every six hours for optimal performance and players don't complain.

I've now stopped looking for crash sites and also restart every 16 hours or so now.

This admin seems legit and pretty epic, I doubt he's cheating and you're holding him up with no proof, get proof then report please don't point fingures it makes you look like an idiot turble... If I were the admin i'd completely ignore you.

(P.S. I don't give two shits if I lose my camp, if people whine about that they're not seeing the point of playing then you'll find it ALL AGAIN! )

Edited by Venzire

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DayZ servers don't crash often, at least mine don't because I've never encountered a crash on my server. You must of started the mission incorrectly.

I don't honestly know how it crashed. I was playing, and then the connection was lost and the timer started happening. I've had a few instances where I woke up in the morning to find the server offline, not sure why but I just would start it back up. Could be completely different between my server and yours due to hosting. My server is a managed one, not it's own dedicated box. I have very limited control over it.

As I said, the vehicle that they were in was lost several days ago. I don't randomly restart the server without a warning, and I especially would not do that in a case in order to disrupt game play. If people want to believe the above posters, then prepare to see legitimate servers hosts like myself no longer support this game. I pay $50 a month to have a place for my friends and I to call home. We don't care about the vehicles, we care about fair play, and having fun. Hell, the primary reason we got a server was so we could play during our timezone, with the settings that we like. Vehicles honestly are a pain in the ass. But as I've said, I will defend my server rules, and I will not allow people to abuse mechanics if I catch them in the act, and can prove it via the logs/watching the player menu.

Anyways, I am done replying about this incident. I've reported this post now, which will hopefully get cleaned up, and offered to send DayZ staff my server logs.

Edited by Bizmarhk

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This admin seems legit and pretty epic, I doubt he's cheating and you're holding him up with no proof, get proof then report please don't point fingures it makes you look like an idiot turble...

How am I suppose to get proof? I have a SS of a server lock(which is against the rules). He admits to a server "crash" previously. He also admits to be randomly patrolling the area just after the reset that his UAZ stacked with gear was. I am just trying to warn people that this server is sketchy. I have no logs, but I do have a strange story.

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We were looking for dupper camps in the woods, like we find all over this server. There is one at 42, 34, another we found shortly before we found the truck, aprox 9, 96. We take all the weapons out and leave them on the ground for server reset.

So just because you find random duper tents on my server, it makes it sketchy now? I can't control what everyone on the server does. In fact, I do the same thing you do. When I find a tent, I clear it, and I save it as empty.

When we were "found" or more likely spawned on we were around 7, 108 heading into the tree line. We were not "outplayed," we had a server respawn on us once with a loot filled car, and some one find us in a random forest and start taking shots when we exited the car.

I have told you, time and time again where I found you. I drove from Vybor, down south towards Zelenogorsk, hunting for players at night. Like anyone with NVG's and decent gear, I like to play at night. Most of the time I don't find people, but it was pretty damn obvious with Zombie's spawned in Zelen that you were there. Then I saw your UAZ driving away from the grocery store. So I waited a bit, noticed you on the main road, and started to follow from a distance.

Pretty weird that the admins happened to be on the server when we happened to come across their "lost" UAV and the server just happened to crash. I really do not care about being "out played." I die all the time in this game and do not really care.

Pretty weird we were on OUR OWN SERVER? Come on man, this is ridiculous. For one, we lost that UAZ three days ago. I had a camp with a Ural, White Truck, Dirt Bike, and some Pedal Bikes. All of which minus the White Truck were stolen. Sure I was disappointed, but I knew I'd come across more stuff, hence part of the reason why I have been traveling the whole map the past few nights. Also if it makes you feel better, the server crashed when I was in a vehicle too, I was driving in Berezino when it happened. I have no idea where you were, I only know where you are from when I first got eyes on your UAZ in Zelen. I suggest you read the sticky in this forum that states what admins can/can't do including what powers they actually have. Player locations NOT being one of them.

Though when admins pull sketchy stuff like server locks


Not sketchy when you logoff during gameplay. This server was locked for 10 minutes while I checked the logs, and prevented your group from either

1) Switching servers to get away from where you logged

2) Logging back in on top of me while I was at the UAZ

Had you obeyed by the server rules, and a common knowledge rule of DayZ, you never would have been locked out of the server that YOU LOGGED OUT FROM.

and also use server resets to their benefit, I am not going to dignify them with a death. Maybe you should have randomly crashed the server agian, or maybe it was easier to follow us because you knew where to look. I mean how far could we get in less than 5 mins in a UAZ with no gas. Two ways to go and it seems like you had your other admin checking pusto.

By the way we got your ammo, though I bet your server randomly crashed again and you got it back.

I don't know how we used a server reset to our benefit? Looks like if anyone was it was you, looking for downed Helo's! Again, by pure luck I found you, by skill I followed you, by skill I scared you enough (and missed a lot) until your crew disconnected and got caught doing it.

You drove into an open area with some trees nearby, then stopped, that's when I opened fire. I used my GPS to get a rough grid while my other admin/friend was on his way. When I told him I was firing, that's when he started watching the lobby.

I already have ammo by the way, I have no AS50 on me, and I don't restart a server to get back ammo. Now you're accusing me of even more stuff I don't do. Clearly an admin who did the actions you are saying that I am, wouldn't defend themselves and get as upset as I am about this. They'd ignore it, and let this post die down.

Edited by Bizmarhk

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I've cleaned the thread, I don't want to have to come back here again.

If you have no proof, I mean solid proof do not accuse.

Thats all.

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I've cleaned the thread, I don't want to have to come back here again.

If you have no proof, I mean solid proof do not accuse.

Thats all.

Thank you, I appreciate your help and time.

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I've cleaned the thread, I don't want to have to come back here again.

If you have no proof, I mean solid proof do not accuse.

Thats all.

I still do not understand how I can have solid proof. I do not have access to the server logs. I do not understand what the problem is, people should be able to decide for them self what happened. I gave my side of the story and he gave his. Like I said I broke no rules, but he did. I may not be able to prove he restarted the server, but I do have proof that he locked it.

Before making a post in here I read the forum rules and believed i followed them. I searched for a relevant topic and this came up, I also made a new topic in a another sub-forum.

I love this game, but I believe there is a problem with admin abuse and hacking in this game. I do believe the devs are doing their best to take care of this. Though I also believe that when server admins abuse the system it should be brought to light.

This will be my last post in this topic, unless I am able to find this "solid proof" which is nearly impossible for the average user to obtain.

Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc.
Edited by turble

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