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TyGuy (DayZ)

Question about Saving, and Servers

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Quick question. I noticed you can quit, and resume your characters status on a completely different server. I also find, as a noob (I've only played this game a week) going to Cherno or Elektro is almost a death sentence, being that I am more often than not, picked off by other players, never mind the high concentration of zombies.

So, what keeps people from starting their own private server, password protecting it, and raiding towns with their friends to get supplies, then rejoining a more populated, public server, and competing for dominance? Is this a strategy? Or is it completely frowned upon?

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I am not an expert but to my knowledge you need strict permission from the DayZ crew to start up a server and they frown upon smaller let alone private ones due to the fact they help out less people and are easier to "cheat" on like you have stated, I think it is frowned upon as well.

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Well i hope for one when they release the final "product" they allow private servers then. I'd like to play with my friends our way!! (Team V's Team)

Its not everyones cuppa tea as it is.

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You also can join a low populated server and raid it with your friends and get supplies !

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I submitted two servers for passwording and having 3 slots -> noone cares. So yes, people do this and noone gives a shit.

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Of course we care. IF we find out anyone is doing this, we'll issue a warning. If it persist we'll blacklist the server, and worst case DB ban your player.

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Of course we care. IF we find out anyone is doing this, we'll issue a warning. If it persist we'll blacklist the server, and worst case DB ban your player.

Is it technically hard to implement an automated system than auto blacklists passworded or < 30 slots servers ? Obviously noone can manage it by hand. Nor the players submitting, nor you banning

Edited by Roboserg

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I figured as much. But as far as joining a lower populated server to gather assets safely, and with less probability of PVP, that is a legit strategy, yes?

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I figured as much. But as far as joining a lower populated server to gather assets safely, and with less probability of PVP, that is a legit strategy, yes?

Noone said it isnt. Wise way to do.

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I submitted two servers for passwording and having 3 slots -> noone cares. So yes, people do this and noone gives a shit.

Your servers are probably going to get blacklisted and removed from the hive... lol

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Your servers are probably going to get blacklisted and removed from the hive... lol

Thats why I submitted them, right?

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