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Bat (DayZ)

Fix the "stand up when you don't want to" bug

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So here's what happened to me : I tried entering a building in prone position, and the game somewhat automatically made me stand up. Zombies around were alerted of my presence and I died. I think it is crucial to the stealth aspect of the game to NOT make you stand up when you don't want to.

Why not just block the players movement when encountering an obstacle? It would make more sense to me and make the gameplay more fluid. And it would save many lives.

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Have a feeling that this is an ArmA2 engine bug and therefore might not be fixable.

Until we know more, just make sure to assume crouch position before entering a doorway.

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I also think this might not be fixable without BIS intervention, but I do have a tip. When you get close to the threshold of a building, turn a little bit and hit Q or E to roll into it. You'll still stand up, but you'll do so in a stationary position, which will prevent you from taking more steps forward and thus alerting zombies. After standing, just rotate in place and go prone again into the building. You should be above the lip then.

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