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Dont lay down next to tent........

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I was having a great time. I have EVERYTHING I need for a long long time. A vehicle (that i stole) alice pack m14 with aim sight, a DMR, I have everything but medical supplies........... well ther was a bunch of crap in my stolen truck like flares and wood and stuff. I had heard that tents were "buggy" and i wanted to test it since i have 3 tents to use. Well i find a nice spot and the tent is literally in the tree. I couldnt open the tent. I walked around this tent trying to get an Open tent indicator and couldnt. So i layed down next to it........when i did it broke my legs.........so now my buddies have to go to some town and go into the hospital and hopefully not die to get me some crap for my legs...... So to everyone DONT LAY DOWN NEXT TO TENTS! IT MAY BREAK YOUR LEGS SOMEHOW!

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I've never really laid down next to tent and broke my leg, but I've set up like 3 tents and immediately after getting the tent up, I broke my leg and lost like 8k blood.

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Well regardless I cannot open the tent so its useless. Probly glitched out or something. But for now on im definetly not going to lay next to a tent or tree again for that matter lol.

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I found this out, but when going prone on a rock, cuts you up and breaks your bones (It was 3 weeks back I havent tried it lately)

All i wanted was a good place to look from (I'm not a sniper - I can't shoot for shit)

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I once got Shoryuken'd by a zombie that flew up from under the stairs. Snapped my legs like twigs.

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My friend has been killed by trees twice and was left with a broken leg, in shock and pain once. Just for lying prone close to a tree. So, yea, definitely a tree problem.

That said, I once disconnected from a game close to my tent, and the next time I spawned, I died immediately. Ran all the way from spawn to there, and my body was still there, with all my equipment, laying next to the tent. So, I'll never disconnect near a tent again.

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Actually, anything can break your legs. A car broke my legs once, a tree, my friend who walked around me, I got killed by a fence once, I was like yeah lets jump over it and I fell unconscious, was bleeding too...'tis tough world yo.

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I got eaten by mine the other day. It's the Zombie Apocalypse... even the tents can't be trusted.

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I got eaten by mine the other day. It's the Zombie Apocalypse... even the tents can't be trusted.

Whoa, infected tents.

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Same thing happened to us. Found a perfect place for a tent, got it to drop jammed between four trees. Couldn't find a menu, we both tried for 20 minutes. He's crawling around prone and suddenly I hear him cursing on TS because he's unconscious, in shock, bleeding with a broken leg. I see him, not 2m from me, prone slightly towards him to get close enough for a bandage and bam, same thing happens to me (but in a different spot). We both got out alive, I'd stay away from getting between tents and trees, especially if you need to be prone.

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I got eaten by mine the other day. It's the Zombie Apocalypse... even the tents can't be trusted.

I'd add doors, trees, and even your own friends (they can run into you too close and break your leg) to that list also.

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That sucks man!

But to be honest it is kind of your fault for not having any morphene on you.

ALWAYS carry atleast 2-3 morphene with you! Its one of the first things I go for (after a gun) when I start off.

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Yea sadly medical supplies are the last thing i ever go for. I tend to avoid cities as much as possible. I usually hit barns for a crappy gun and axe and then hit tree stands. Then i usually hit a market for backpack food and drinks and luckly a hunting knife and matches. Then im off to the woods near deer stands waiting for a sniper rifle. Medical supplies have moved to a new spot in priority to me now that this random crap has happend to me. Whats funny is me and my bro's were talking yesturday about a trip to town to get medical supplies(only morphine cuz we just eat steaks for blood if needed) just in case............

Edited by killashrub

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Honestly I think an almost universal rule of thumb in DayZ is don't do ANYTHING next to ANYTHING ELSE.

Seriously. If you are about to do X next to Y, consider whether you can remove Y from the equation.

Case in point: One of my squadmates got out of a vehicle next to a tree. He appeared at the TOP of the tree and fell to his death, losing his gear and a motorcycle in the process.

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