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Things that Amplified KoS

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1) No global chat. I believe that removal of the side chat greatly affected communication, which lead to more KoS. Re-adding side chat in radio form is a great idea.

2) Disconnecting/Alt+F4. I believe that bandits don't even bother to rob players anymore because of this. They just kill the player whenever they see one, rather than trying to make contact and giving them the option to keep their life. Where is the resolution that rocket claims was so easy to come up with? I see the thread in the Announcements section, but I don't see any changes being made regarding this.

Anything else you can think of?

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Removing global chat did no such thing. It made it worse.

This is my 2cents:

-CoD kiddies who care nothing for morality


-"Becuz I can XDXD"

Thats about it really. This all started due to people just being dickshits and just firing at others for no reason other to steal their beans.

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Removing global chat did no such thing. It made it worse.

This is my 2cents:

-CoD kiddies who care nothing for morality


-"Becuz I can XDXD"

Thats about it really. This all started due to people just being dickshits and just firing at others for no reason other to steal their beans.

That is what I said. Removing global chat/side chat made it worse.

I do not believe, however, that the community is entirely at fault. We need tools to communicate with each other. The game must provide those tools.

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I've been killed a lot of times, I decided to give players a fare chance of running away, or speaking/typing something. If they keep walking around although they seen me, I shoot them before they shoot me first.

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You misinterpret what I said. Global chat is BAD. It spammed up my chat log, just gave people locations of players, and was just all around obnoxious with the questions like "hurr how I eat beanz"

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I kill on sight because i'm tired of being killed while hoping that the survivor i meet won't shoot! Global chat might help, but there's still that greedy human nature that drives many to go for someones gear!

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The game must provide those tools.

Actually they are not required to do anything of the sort. Especially since mumble/vent/skype and other programs exist. Often times a lot of players prefer a 3rd party program as well.

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Actually they are not required to do anything of the sort. Especially since mumble/vent/skype and other programs exist. Often times a lot of players prefer a 3rd party program as well.

I don't mean communication with your friends. Communication between strangers.

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Removal of global definitely ramped up the KoS. If the server I'm on has side chat then I usually have no problems finding somebody to run with when 'm not with my main group. It also facilitates trade.

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Super simple fix for ALT-F4/Server Hopping/Farming:

1. You institute MMO style log-outs (which were implemented decades ago for the exact same reason), it takes 30-60 seconds to log out.

2. ALT-F4/Otherwise severing your connection results in your character/avatar persisting in the world for 30-60 seconds. Yeah, this means if you disco legitimately you may die. Get a better connection, buy a helmet.

3. Implement a delay on seeing/interacting with items when you log in... i.e., if you log on to a server, you cannot pick anything up for 120 seconds (just an example). Now a server hopper has to wait to see items, and wait to log out with them. Bango.

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