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Sky-lining and How to Avoid it

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Skylining is correct for UK terms as in the action to avoid, Silhouette is a principal (so related but different) thats how I was tought to instruct it anyway.

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Hello all

First time Ive heard of skylining too.

It matters not though as it's a good tip.

Just remember though, not all "real life" tactics apply in a game, even in a milisim such as this. But the OP's tip does.



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Hello all

First time Ive heard of skylining too.

It matters not though as it's a good tip.

Just remember though, not all "real life" tactics apply in a game, even in a milisim such as this. But the OP's tip does.



Yes, everyone should remember that not all real-life concepts work in video games, and not all video game concepts work in reality. I as a player *always* try and adapt what I know from real-life (Boy scouts, hunting, fishing, shooting with my dad, military, etc.) over into gaming. Sometimes is works, sometimes not, Sky-lining certainly does though.

Thanks for the beans and kind words.

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Incidentally, I like your site. Have given you beanz.

Thank you, I hope you come back often and help spread the word.

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Many thanks for the credit. :blush: Fame at last! :)

No, thank you!

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A good tutorial on using environment to camo yourself, it's in Russian but with pictures. The pictures on the left are "correct" positioning, on the right - "incorrect" in the same situation. If you are good you can hide like in the bottom left pic.


Edited by ZlobaRUS54

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I think most people here are kids who's military experience is video games. That is fine though, I wrote this for them.

Hehehe, I love it when kids think they know how guns work from COD.

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Just out of interest what country are you skyliners from as In my basic we used Silhouetting (U.K)

Seriously I never heard the word before (No offence meant)

I'm from the UK. the RM use Skylining.

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Hehehe, I love it when kids think they know how guns work from COD.

Yeah, times are different now. I shot guns (and still do) since I was about 7 or 8, it's been a big part of my life. Amazing how much does and doesn't carry over to video games.

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Thanks for sharing op!

You are very welcome, please check my site for more. Some very interesting posts coming up.

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