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Shift time of day +12 hours

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I would enjoy having more time to play in daylight, during the evenings night to play on the USA servers during the daytime hours in game. Would it be possible to rotate the time of day 12 hours so that 0600 Central time would really be 1800 Central US time. Maybe set the NYC servers to Eastern Time with a 0600 to 1800 shift in game time of day. Just a suggestion to get more in game day time hours.

And yeah, it's too creepy to be moving around in the dark... ;)

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Maybe instead of doing that, the game could run on a 2:1 scale. The game would have two day/night cycles per real day. Maybe even a 4:1 ratio, so you could play during the day from 6-9PM and play at night from 9-12PM... or something.

As it is now, you pretty much have to plan your day around the game, unless you like playing during the night.

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I actually really like playing at night, but I feel that we'd all be better served to have a 2:1 or 4:1 cycle as Zillo7 mentioned. A shorter cycle might encourage more players to stick around when the real haunting begins. This could hopefully evolve into a more dynamic night scene, right now activity seems to drop at night. A shorter day/night cycle could also address some of the minor complaints surrounding how often we need to eat/drink.(doesn't really bother me though.)

I'd say there's a lot of other stuff that needs work before this type of tweak really needs to be approached.

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Latency matters less in Arma than other FPS's, so jumping between US and EU servers is viable.

Dont like the current lighting conditions? hop on another server :)

I prefer the long cycles, and i frequent servers with 100+ ping without any issues.

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Maybe instead of doing that' date=' the game could run on a 2:1 scale. The game would have two day/night cycles per real day. Maybe even a 4:1 ratio, so you could play during the day from 6-9PM and play at night from 9-12PM... or something.

As it is now, you pretty much have to plan your day around the game, unless you like playing during the night.


I've read that this causes a LOT of troubles. Shifting the server's time up 12 hours is supposedly more stable than trying to force ARMA II to crunch at 2x the speed.

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I don't /mind/ playing at night. Scavenging and moving around is pretty tough with a new character though.

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it should stay 1:1 i have no problem with playing at daytime and no problem playing at nighttime

if your not in for playing night, just change to a server which plays on day. i don't see a problem.. 1:1 just makes it more realistic, i love it.

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1:1 just makes it more realistic

Perhaps.. but does it add anything to the game aside from that? I'll be the first to concede that a feature doesn't require anyything outside of itself to justify its existence - so, gameplay can be the way gameplay is "just because" - just because it's novel or unique, or in line with the original vision of the mod..


I think the 1:1 cycle, if anything, completely detracts from the game and acts as a barrier towards entry.

I like the challenge and unforgiving nature of the night, and especially enjoy how relieved I am so catch even a glimpse of daylight.

However, my current schedule only affords me so much free time to play video games, and unfortunately, it's always during the night (except for the weekend) - so I must be unfortunately unlucky to only ever experience this game in the pitch-black?

And it seems unfair that I should be made to switch to a server in Europe just so I'm not running around in complete darkness without a map or flashlight - I can deal with that, but not if I know that I'm never ever going to see the sun because my real-life responsibilities won't allow it - I want some variety.. I like the dark and I like the night.. I like them because they're different - I only appreciate the qualities of one given my knowledge of the qualities of the other.. if I only ever get to experience night time, well.. that just sucks.

A more reasonable day/night cycle would also allow people to actually experience the transition between the two, and perhaps make the changes in gameplay more obvious.

Let's be honest - a 12-hour day/night cycle is still incredibly long, and most people will still have 90% of their experience take place during the day or the night - but this gives these people to opportunity to also experience at least some daylight (or nighttime) without playing 10 or more hours at a time. The watch should also probably make a comeback as a default starting item.

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Plenty of threads with this. They've already said they simply cant change the cycle. It would cause too many problems with both the servers and the mod.

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You read what rocket said incorrectly: they can't scale the cycle, but shifting it by a constant offset is another matter. In fact even if it can't be done in code in can be done easily by changing the timezone on the server.

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I really wouldn't mind that idea. Living in New Zealand can be a pain when the only Australian server is full 24/7. I haven't gotten in at ALL. This means i have to stay up till at least 10'ish to play in Daytime/dawn for the US servers (Internet can't really handle the RU ones).

I know it sounds like I'm bitching, and really, i am. Another solution could just be more Australian servers but I'm not going to go that far.

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