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Banned from DE9

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I was playing the other day in that server, with a friend, we kill 5 members of the clan who own the server, and now, i cant join there ... we didint insult, well, we didnt even speak with them ... and now i cant play with my friend in that server.

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I guess pretty butthurt Admins -.-

Try to go on an other DE server, because such Admins/members are not really mature.

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I guess pretty butthurt Admins -.-

Try to go on an other DE server, because such Admins/members are not really mature.

i dont want to, i wanna play in that servers, with my friends, dayz have rules ... and i wanna play in that server with my friends. ( we have a server, sp1, and we dont ban people for kill us ... )

Edited by Carranco

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i dont want to, i wanna play in that servers, with my friends, dayz have rules ... and i wanna play in that server with my friends. ( we have a server, sp1, and we dont ban people for kill us ... )


Hast du versucht über deine Teamkollegen mit den Admin's Kontakt aufzunehmen oder mit dem Calntag von den Typen ne Website im I-Net zu finden?

Edited by Warhog

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Hast du versucht über deine Teamkollegen mit den Admin's Kontakt aufzunehmen oder mit dem Calntag von den Typen ne Website im I-Net zu finden?

english pls ? :S

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First: Warhog, before insulting me, inform yourself!


even if you did not read, with a handful of brain you could know why you have been banned.

Banreason: PvP Disconnect; you disconnected while being in a firefight with other players.

There won't be any ban for killing other players, read the official serverrules in the forums.

Read more: http://dayzmod.com/f.....<br /><br />Disconnecting to avoid death is an exploit.

Exploit = Banreason.

Instead of flaming here while not having a clue of the rules, you could have contact us and we could speak about a de-ban..

have a nice day.

Edited by Vendaar
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You killed some people of us but 2 was chasing you and you disconnected after the first shot was incomming

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First: Warhog, before insulting me, inform yourself!


even if you did not read, with a handful of brain you could know why you have been banned.

Banreason: PvP Disconnect; you disconnected while being in a firefight with other players.

There won't be any ban for killing other players, read the official serverrules in the forums.

Read more: http://dayzmod.com/f.....<br /><br />Disconnecting to avoid death is an exploit.

Exploit = Banreason.

Instead of flaming here while not having a clue of the rules, you could have contact us and we could speak about a de-ban..

have a nice day.

WTF? i never disconnect when im fighting, thats is why i wanna play in that server, the ppl dont disconnect, show me any prove of me disconnecting in that server, in fact, that day i die several times, trying to recover my gear, at least 5 time, and in that time my friend was covering my body, so wtf are u talking about ? that is a false accusation, and if u are admin in that server ,pls remove the ban, because i never disconnect in the middle of a fight.

and i wanna play in that server, and i guess u like pvp, my clan love it to, good pvp in cherno ? hell, i will be there dying all the time for it.

i didnt disconnect, in fact, we fight, i kill 3 of us, and u said with admin : nice deatchmacht, after kill those 3, i went to sleep, and yes, then i disconnect. but ffs, i die like 10 times, how u dare to tell me i disconnect, that is totally false.

and i try to contact u, i try to create a account in your forum, but the message i recieve was in german, and without any password, so ... is hard. and i think u are confusing me with someone else... we fight for like 1? 2 hours ? in cherno, and i didnt disconnect for avoid pvp in any momment.

and now im thinking ... i just disconnect after kill those 3, when u said "nice deatchmacht" ... and i didnt recive any shoot, i just disconnect, was late 2 am maybe... u must be confuse about the person, and the reason of the ban ... that or u just shoot when i was offline...

and we really wanna play against your clan, u are organizated, and u play in cherno, that is great for us, we do the samething, we could even put somerules between us, maybe do some "missions" i dont know, but is great have a nice pvp, and i really appreciate that u erase my ban, becase u are making a mistake with me, that guy who disconnect, or wasnt me, or was just when i was going to sleep, after loot your bodys, and without hear any shoot. was a fairplay fight.

Edited by Carranco

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It was definitely you, so don't try to mess around.

Just because you dont get any hit by other players, it does not mean you are not in a pvp fight when someone shot at you.

There is nothing to complain about.

We all love pvp, so we hate DC'ers for sure and will ban everyone who try to get away by disconnecting like a coward and exploiter.

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It was definitely you, so don't try to mess around.

Just because you dont get any hit by other players, it does not mean you are not in a pvp fight when someone shot at you.

There is nothing to complain about.

We all love pvp, so we hate DC'ers for sure and will ban everyone who try to get away by disconnecting like a coward and exploiter.

it wasnt me, is impossible, show me some video, or screenshoot.

im not a coward and i dont gonna allow u call me that. i didnt disconnect to avoid any firefight, and im sure u just ban me because i kill 3 or your guys, with a enflield, in a close fight.

show me any probe, u cant, because i didnt disconnect to avoid any fight, i kill 3 or your guys, i loot them, i go to a corner after that, i disconnect without hear anyshoot, and i went to sleep, so or u confuse me with someone else, or u are lier. and i repeat, i died like 10 times that night, and i never disconnect, think about it.

and if u want fair pvp, with a group of ppl like u, intense fights, u should erase the ban.

Edited by Carranco

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If Carranco was able to go and loot the 3 bodies of the people he shot, go sit in a corner, then log off, without hearing anymore shots, IMO, the admin's clan took too long to counter attack and the disconnect was justified.

2 cents

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Hate these discussions.

They are senseless.

You have no proof, i have no proof so the ban was lifted.

If we catch u dc'ing ur ban will be forever :)

Edited by Vendaar
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Props to the admin for stepping up properly on this one. Glad to see you lifted the ban as there was no proof. Shows that there are good admins out there...even if they seem to only be 1 out of 10.

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Hate these discussions.

They are senseless.

You have no proof, i have no proof so the ban was lifted.

If we catch u dc'ing ur ban will be forever :)

thx u very much, u will never see me, or anyone of my clan disconnecting from your server in a firefight, i promise u that :)

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Idiot just play on one of the other thousand servers , ffs grow up this thread is pointless and a waste of everyone's time .

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This was resolved 2 days ago...if anything is pointless and a waste of time, it's your post.

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Banreason: PvP Disconnect; you disconnected while being in a firefight with other players.

There won't be any ban for killing other players, read the official serverrules in the forums.

Read more: http://dayzmod.com/f.....<br /><br />Disconnecting to avoid death is an exploit.

Exploit = Banreason.

You have only 2 reasons to kick/ban a player! Malicious Talk and Racism. All other you cannot proof.

In German for the DE (so should be German) admins:

Man es geht hier seit Wochen immer und immer wieder so, dass Admins denken, sie müssten irgendwelche Regeln durchsetzen. Euer scheiss Job ist es, den Server im Auge zu behalten und ihr dürft nur aus den oben genannten Gründen kicken. 2 Regeln! Es ist NICHT eure Aufgabe, über andere zu Urteilen, ob er nen Disconnect hat (könnt ja auch 24h Disc sein) oder sonstiges.

Das machen Devs mit Logs, aber nicht ihr.

Ihr dürft es nicht! Ist es so schwer 4 verdammt Buchstaben zu verstehen? NEIN

Mir scheiss egal was ihr zahlt für euern Server. Haltet euch an die Regeln oder werdet Blacklisted.

Edited by Flail

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Thats not right.

Disconnect to avoid death is actual a ban-reason. This is official. Read the forums

Instead of insulting me, inform yourself.

Just think about it.. If we would only be allowed to ban for malicious talk/racism, we would not be allowed to ban hackers, etc.. and exploiting is kinda cheating.

have a nice day


Lies lieber mal richtig im Forum bevor du mich hier so anfährst!

Es ist offiziell verboten zu disconnecten um seinem tod zu entkommen, besonders im PvP. Beleidigungen und rassismus können nicht die einzigen legitimen banngründe sein. Da muss man nichtmal im forum lesen sondern nur n bisschen nachdenken um darauf zu kommen.

Wir haben auch Logs mein freund und die devs haben besseres zu tun als logs nach disconnectern zu durchsuchen; und wie bitteschön sollen sie feststellen obs im Kampf war?

du brauchst mir nicht erzählen was ich verdammt nochmal zu tun habe wenn du keine Ahnung hast wovon du redest.. Da werd ich richtig sauer.

Ich werd dir jetzt auch nich die Links zu den 1000 Threads schicken in denen das steht was ich dir grad gesagt hab.

Kannste selber suchen und n bisschen vorher lesen würd ich dir auch empfehlen bevor du das nächste mal große Töne spuckst

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Thats not right.

Disconnect to avoid death is actual a ban-reason. This is official. Read the forums

Instead of insulting me, inform yourself.

Just think about it.. If we would only be allowed to ban for malicious talk/racism, we would not be allowed to ban hackers, etc.. and exploiting is kinda cheating.

have a nice day


Lies lieber mal richtig im Forum bevor du mich hier so anfährst!

Es ist offiziell verboten zu disconnecten um seinem tod zu entkommen, besonders im PvP. Beleidigungen und rassismus können nicht die einzigen legitimen banngründe sein. Da muss man nichtmal im forum lesen sondern nur n bisschen nachdenken um darauf zu kommen.

Wir haben auch Logs mein freund und die devs haben besseres zu tun als logs nach disconnectern zu durchsuchen; und wie bitteschön sollen sie feststellen obs im Kampf war?

du brauchst mir nicht erzählen was ich verdammt nochmal zu tun habe wenn du keine Ahnung hast wovon du redest.. Da werd ich richtig sauer.

Ich werd dir jetzt auch nich die Links zu den 1000 Threads schicken in denen das steht was ich dir grad gesagt hab.

Kannste selber suchen und n bisschen vorher lesen würd ich dir auch empfehlen bevor du das nächste mal große Töne spuckst

Actually, banning for PVP disconnect isn't allowed.


Take a look at Ander's reply in that thread.

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Thank you very much.

Before this post i found many posts about the legitimation of pvp disconnect-bans, which said it is allowed to ban.

So we'll upload evidence in the future

but if DC-Ban isnt allowed, the staff will destroy the game because exploiter-pricks can do anything they want without any consequences..


Edited by Vendaar

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As you see, I was informed about the rules. My language was little harsh, but I had my reason.

The devs can ban global for d/c'ing etc. but they have to see the logs, and thats not the job of the admins, thats the job of the dayz staff.

In German:

Ich denke du kannst das oben lesen :) Lokale Bans bleiben die 2 offiziellen Regeln (ja leider, aber derjenige "könnte" ja auchn PC absturz haben, dann währe dein Handeln nicht richtig).

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[edit] Am replying in the completely wrong topic. My apologies.

Edited by thmsrox

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Hm i hope you keep on banning pvp DC's, every admin should do that.

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