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being able to create a group , and then progressing within in that group

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So I'm at work and got this awesome idea. So I think you should be able to create a group with other survivors that will be saved to your current server, when in group you will be able to see your friends blood status, bleeding , broken limbs or If they're in pain. The fun part will be progressing in the group, if you have bandaged lets say 20 people in the group and done 10 blood transf you'll get a medical clothing in your bag, and I'd you've done a lot of sniper kills while near your group and maybe spotted some people you'll get a sniper outfit. You probably get my idea I think this would encourage people to group up but not punishing pvp in the same blow. Please comment with feedback. Wrote this in the mobile can be some spelling errors xD

Happy Hunting!

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I reckon its a good idea but it just dosnt' suit the game's enviroment. But you should be able to find medical clothing in the hospital and their is a sniper outfit(ghillie suit).

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Okey but there are a A LOT of different sniper camos, a ghillie suit is just one of them. For example bright fields or city environment the ghillie is worse than starting gear.

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This idea has some merit as it makes it easier for groups to maintain order and avoid friendly fire. However, this would not encourage people to group up as one can just as easily snipe or heal people on their own. Your point about the camos/skins does make sense however as identification is a pain in the ass.

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The thing is that I dont think that this would mess with the games environment since if your going for the more realistic feel there would be no endgame since in real life you would just stay low hidden in the forest however in dayz a end game challenge is of need because there is nothing left to do when you have a tent and some vehicles. I know I know it's a sandbox game and you make your own challenges but I still think you need a goal, something to aim for if that's going to be possible.

Of course you can modify my original idea, maybe the seeing blood status and so on is a bit too easy for dayz but being able to create a group and having some basic goals and some more advanced that won't directly effect how powerful the group is would be excellent. And if it doesn't bring any sort of necessary end game solutions then simply delete it in a future patch, no harm done :)

And as someone said you can easily accomplish these goals alone, then make them only achieve able when in a group, or only put in harder goals? I really think there is a lot to this idea we only have to figure out the right ingredients to put in it.

And please write WHY you think it's a bad idea!

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no to making thing where you need a group to do it not everyone likes groups.

in real life you don't know the blood status or health of someone until you ask or see it. you don't have any indicators in real life saying your friend is hurt help him. adding more skins is planned already, I think finding a medic suite in the hospital could be given to the medic of the group but you shouldn't have to unlock it in real life you don't unlock clothing when you do something repeatedly.

if you want group goal try taking over a city and keeping control of it get a large enough group set up barriers around a city or small town and have people either trade things for entry, if they don't pay up shoot 'em. there is plenty for groups to do just not enough people can think past shooting something and hoarding gear.

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If you want ranks and group professions, join a group and designate everyone to a job. I'm my team's overwatch sniper, so if we find ghillie suits or DMRs they go into my stash. Our lead looter gets all our silenced weapons. So on and so forth.

Also, seeing your group's HUD (medical status and so forth) doesn't fit with the authenticity of the ArmA engine or DayZ itself. If you want to know how your friend is doing after taking a 9mm to the stomach, ask him or look at his character for, I dunno, spouts of blood coming out of him.

Don't ask for hard-coded mechanics when you can do the same stuff with a little effort with what's already in the game.

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To me, having more starting and/or findable skins is priority. Identifying other people is artificially difficult, and it hurts teamplay.

Let us start with civillian doctor/mechanic/suit and tie/running clothes/etc, and let us find skins that are more advanced from there.

Regular camo/desert camo/medic camo/camo and no shirt (rambo)

Hell, even add things like wet suits and neoprene backpacks that prevent loss of items in water.

The current system where client and server don't match is a load of horseshit.

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