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Zombies should be much much much more dangerous...

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Just a thought but i feel like the zombies r'getting more and more easier the further the patches go ahead. I feel this is getting boring. I mean, like at my very first steps the zombies killed me every time. It was the fucking hell > :D But now the other players are the most dangerous thing in this game/mod. And it doesn't feels right. I think the players factor is a good thing to keep but the major part of the game is the survival and the mass of zombies, the danger to be killed everywhere if you are not sneaky enough.

Nowaday I just run into a village and keep tracking for a house, because I know there I will find a hatchet and the zombies will not run after me anymore. If I find nothing, i will run out the next door and getting lost of all the hordes followed me. That's the main procedure all the time. I'm not frightened about the walkers and crawlers, not at all. Even if they hit me, it is not the instant dead.

But if you find a gun, and maybe a good backpack, too, then just be fucking frighten about other players, because it turned into a freaking PvP zone out there. Everybody is shooting everybody, no warning, no harm.

Last time we walked through Cherno and ended up at the army tends in the far east of it. Where 3 of us good shot, and while some of us where running back with the hope to save their goods, there was like a big shootout with 9 or 10 guys and a lot of dead bodies. And the least fun about this was, everybody freaked out with shooting and NO absolutely NO zombie attracted from anywhere.

Also, the sniping is much too easy. I mean the rifle is fucking loud. And if there is a noise the zombies should be attrackted and fucking scratch, hit and eat the shit out of that gunner :) :) ...

I really want the old times back where I was frighten bout the zombies and not the players. Maybe anyone is with me, or maybe not.

The idea would be:

- make noise more attracting for the zombies

- include smell. - Like if you crawl nearby zombies or hiding inside a shack or house, the zombies should become attentive)

- make them stronger - zombies would kill you in seconds if they get ya :D

- Include infection - if you're get scratched, it should be your end and you will turn into a zombie after several hours, if you not find an antibiotic, another player helping you or something like this.

- include a stamina - nobody can run away from zombies for ages. or try it by yourself to run in full speed and package for more than 5 minutes ;)

- just make it more realistic - that was at least the interessting part of this mod

(sorry about my bad english ;)


Edited by Terin44

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And you would totally ruin the game forever, nobody would dare to enter a town ever, newbies would be totally raped in every way possible, they just need a bit of buffing nothing like this.

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- make noise more attracting for the zombies

- include smell. - Like if you crawl nearby zombies or hiding inside a shack or house, the zombies should become attentive)

- make them stronger - zombies would kill you in seconds if they get ya :D

- Include infection - if you're get scratched, it should be your end and you will turn into a zombie after several hours, if you not find an antibiotic, another player helping you or something like this.

- include a stamina - nobody can run away from zombies for ages. or try it by yourself to run in full speed and package for more than 5 minutes ;)

On the noise thing, i think zombies should first check out the source of the noise. But when they go there they should instead of run like a maniac, walk there the normal slow way. But the gunfire will have a much bigger range, so firing a gun will cause like 20 zombies to slowly come over to your position meaning you need to loot and relocate. Offcourse the ones that are close enough are going to run your way. (Don't know if they already do this kind of thing)

Could use smell when you've ran awhile, making you smell like sweat offcourse. Running through water would make this dissapear. (could also use a watterbottle or something to mask the smell) But i think the best idea considering smell might be to make zombies smell the blood of someone that is bleeding. So imagne a survivor running towards you trying to get the zombies of his back, but it isn't going to work when he is bleeding becuase that makes him a priority target.

Guess you could make zombies in the north stronger than the one's in the south, although i'm not sure... i kind of expect this to have random spawns sometime...

Infection sounds good, maybe you could turn into somekind of special zombie and kill other players. Although the infection chance should not be that high, it should take quite a while and the medicine should not be available only at high-tier loot places.

As for stamina, i've also thought about this. What's up with my guy running all the time and not getting tired. But walking is a very important part of the game and you need to get somewhere as quickly as possible because the map is very big.

Edited by Aseliot

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And you would totally ruin the game forever, nobody would dare to enter a town ever, newbies would be totally raped in every way possible, they just need a bit of buffing nothing like this.

you could a least add this in a special difficulty setting to just some server for trying and see if this is not only interessting for the hardcore players but also for casuals. what's more ruin for a game if you getting all the best equipment and vehicles in just some hours. it's like you have already everyrhing which is interessting in this game (looting to highend equip). me took to 3 hours yesterday to get map, compass, matches, hetchet, knife, gps, binoculars, clock, a m4 with 10 packs of ammo, a g17 handgun with 4 ammos, a m1 handgun with 5 ammos, a lot of food and stuff . (and all this shit NOT with camping and server hopping. I am againts this!). now it's just like running from one village to another and lookout for other player which i can kill for fun. because its just borring and i have nothing to do ... and by god I'm not a professional pk, I'm really not!

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On the noise thing, i think zombies should first check out the source of the noise. But when they go there they should instead of run like a maniac, walk there the normal slow way. But the gunfire will have a much bigger range, so firing a gun will cause like 20 zombies to slowly come over to your position meaning you need to loot and relocate. Offcourse the ones that are close enough are going to run your way. (Don't know if they already do this kind of thing)

Could use smell when you've ran awhile, making you smell like sweat offcourse. Running through water would make this dissapear. (could also use a watterbottle or something to mask the smell) But i think the best idea considering smell might be to make zombies smell the blood of someone that is bleeding. So imagne a survivor running towards you trying to get the zombies of his back, but it isn't going to work when he is bleeding becuase that makes him a priority target.

Guess you could make zombies in the north stronger than the one's in the south, although i'm not sure... i kind of expect this to have random spawns sometime...

Infection sounds good, maybe you could turn into somekind of special zombie and kill other players. Although the infection chance should not be that high, it should take quite a while and the medicine should not be available only at high-tier loot places.

As for stamina, i've also thought about this. What's up with my guy running all the time and not getting tired. But walking is a very important part of the game and you need to get somewhere as quickly as possible because the map is very big.

very good thoughts. i like! :) ... yea with that running it a crap to be like too slow in forrests. but maybe 5 minutes of constantly running is ok, while you have to take a rest. am maybe there could be the possibility for more vehicles like the bicycles. or energydrinks or stereoids which give you back some stamina.

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Zombies, as they are now, are very basic, being alpha and all. They can't even attack properly, running up close to you then stopping to have the animation start, by which time you are far enough away that it doesn't damage you. Give it some time so that they can be fleshed out a bit before all this buff/nerf talk starts. At the moment they are almost no threat at all, even for newly spawned players since you can lose then in pretty much any building with two entrances, so I'm sure they will be buffed. But like I said, give it some time.

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Zombies, as they are now, are very basic, being alpha and all. They can't even attack properly, running up close to you then stopping to have the animation start, by which time you are far enough away that it doesn't damage you. Give it some time so that they can be fleshed out a bit before all this buff/nerf talk starts. At the moment they are almost no threat at all, even for newly spawned players since you can lose then in pretty much any building with two entrances, so I'm sure they will be buffed. But like I said, give it some time.

yea, i know. the dev-team made a very very very good mod and should continue their work for sure. sometimes i which the arma-devs would help them more as they earning a freaking lot of money just because of this mod. myself would not have bought this game instead. sadly that the dayZ devs wont see much of the profits there :( ...anyway, the arma devs could help them a lot to improve performance and server stability. and instead of adding bear traps or something like this they should keep an eye of how to improve the zombies behaviour. and get ridge of these engine bottlenecks like the animation dependence (this is even a weird thing that you cannot stop actions, like if you run and accidentally press a key like 'open inventory', the player stops and getting on his knees and wont run further even if you just punish your 'w'-key ^_^). there should be a interrupt possibility, but this is a leak of the engine I think.

the first step would be to get zombies running inside buildings. a hardcore improvement :) ... but also a leak of the engine and ai-system that makes this quite impossible. they would disappear through walls and so on...I really have no clue how to make this right only the engine-devs knowing.

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You could also use the smell with a sort of wind-direction. They will not smell you if you crawl against the wind direction. (I'm unsure how to say this in English, but the direction of the wind is coming from them, towards me.) But if I was crawling with the wind coming from me towards them, they would smell me and aggro.

Basically in the same way as game smells a hunter.

It would add to realism and also to difficulty when navigating a town trying to avoid zombies.

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The true danger of a zombie comes from potential infection and numbers. Zombies lack any thought or tactics beyond running straight at their prey with arms outstretched and mouth open. I believe use survivors are supposed to be immune to this infection so they only have to worry about being "torn apart"

Why do you believe zombies should have super smell, sight or strength?

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yea, i know. the dev-team made a very very very good mod and should continue their work for sure. sometimes i which the arma-devs would help them more as they earning a freaking lot of money just because of this mod. myself would not have bought this game instead. sadly that the dayZ devs wont see much of the profits there :( ...anyway, the arma devs could help them a lot to improve performance and server stability. and instead of adding bear traps or something like this they should keep an eye of how to improve the zombies behaviour. and get ridge of these engine bottlenecks like the animation dependence (this is even a weird thing that you cannot stop actions, like if you run and accidentally press a key like 'open inventory', the player stops and getting on his knees and wont run further even if you just punish your 'w'-key ^_^). there should be a interrupt possibility, but this is a leak of the engine I think.

the first step would be to get zombies running inside buildings. a hardcore improvement :) ... but also a leak of the engine and ai-system that makes this quite impossible. they would disappear through walls and so on...I really have no clue how to make this right only the engine-devs knowing.

The arma devs are helping. Why do you think all the beta patches that they release contain stuff specifically to help out DayZ, like being able to disable different voice channels, fixing direct comms, etc.

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Do not do not do not do not do not make them harder.

You can pretty much only survive zombies in night servers as it is.

They are tough enough, and too tough before the last patch which reduced their detection %20. I think they are just fine now.

It really depends on what kind of Zombies the developers want. You have Resident Evil style in which they become enormous hideously mutated impossibly powerful monsters. You have 28 days later where they are very fast and strong(looks to be about what DayZ has). And you things like The Walking Dead where they limp over to you very slowly and rely on numbers to get you.

So where they are now seems pretty mid range to me, although I would say harder than mid level because of their zig zag running, they don't need to be any tougher.

Also, what I like to cite. There is the saying that what you should really be worried about in an apocalypse is other people. I've only died twice to people, one only indirectly. I've died many many more times to zombies.

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Rocket has explicitly said that the principle danger is supposed to be from people. This isn't a problem, this is an intended result.

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I'm just gonna put it shortly here, i wouldn't mind if they were a lil more dangerous for example if they noticed people easier, and so on. Sometimes feels too easy and you mainly gotta be afraid of other players than the actual Zombies.

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