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Noise (DayZ)

Will zombies ever be 'slower' outside of buildings?

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They seem quite fast .. I'm fairly certain the typical zombie doesn't run at tewnty mph in random directions until they hit you. Will their speed ever be reduced? It's sort of heartbreaking to see three or four zombies running as fast as a player.

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They seem quite fast .. I'm fairly certain the typical zombie doesn't run at tewnty mph in random directions until they hit you.

hahaha... too funny. You know zombies are not real right?

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hahaha... too funny. You know zombies are not real right?

You know the typical zombie isn't that fast, right? I don't care if they aren't real. I'm just saying some of them seem to be a little too fast.

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hahaha... too funny. You know zombies are not real right?

of course they're real.... lets be reasonable here, everyone knows zombies are real...pfft. newb :rolleyes:

but back to the topic. I was wondering the same, I would hope for more and slower zombies....but the quantities i have in mind would bog down the server pretty bad and just wouldnt work well.

Edited by Blackwater

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You know the typical zombie isn't that fast, right? I don't care if they aren't real. I'm just saying some of them seem to be a little too fast.

you ever saw 28 days/weeks later?

its just the engine that will boost thier speed somtimes

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you ever saw 28 days/weeks later?

its just the engine that will boost thier speed somtimes

Of course, but my fanboying attitude is with the walking dead and the slow type moving zombies. I at least hope in time the super-fast running will be fixed.

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The aren't zombies they are infected. Ask Rocket.

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The Major issue I have with the infected are their mechanics and animations, which is being compensated by a an unrealistic movement speed.

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The aren't zombies they are infected. Ask Rocket.

right, you can kill the Zeds with bodyshots... if they are designed as "real zombies" you have to put a bullet in the head ;)

Edited by KamikazeReh

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No those are not Zombies...Zombies are product of raising dead with voodoo magic...i think here we play against Infected... don’t mess things up.. :lol: :beans:

...and the Infected dont bother me..but ppl do..

…and here i am again somewhere on the beach, with bandage in one hand and painkillers in other...

Edited by snowcrAsh42

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From what I understand, this Rocket guy said that he originally recorded all the zombie animations himself, the reason why the zombies has a certain New Zelanderish feel about them. Rocket not being a purebreed ArmA animator, skipped a few steps creating the zombies, which made them a bit too fast and zig,zag all over the place. Something about making them slow down a bit, but not so slow, that if their pathfinding missed a waypoint, they wouldn't be able to catch up. More idealy a bit slower, but running in a straighter line.

Atleast as I understood/recall/imagine Rocket said somewhere/sometime. :)

Edited by Dallas

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The game would be to easy if some zombies didn't run... If they were able to have thousands of zombies on screen at once than maybe it could be a mode, or a different mod itself.

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"They seem quite fast .. I'm fairly certain the typical zombie doesn't run at tewnty mph in random directions until they hit you."

I'm not sure where's your "Typical zombie not that fast " idea is coming from?

I mean ok, maybe in the 80's that was enough to see/imagine a walking dead, but let's face the typical zombie of our new era is more clever and quicker.

Soon you'll learn that zeds are easy to avoid/get rid of...human beings are the biggest threat..


Edited by kajonna

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It has been discussed over and over again. Rocket says, that those are not zombies but infected. They can't feel pain, so there is nothing stoping them from moving really fast. And really, there is no other way Zeds will poses any threat unless you increase their numbers. And you can now lose zeds in bushes, buildings, completely dropping agro.

The only thing, that bothers me is their zigzaging when they get close to you, which makes them harder to hit at close distance.

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Correct me if I am wrong but melee combat is not native to this game. And if that is correct then therein lies the issue. The infected ( zombies, whatever) are strictly melee based (from what I have seen), and they use their hands instead of a weapon with a reach factor. The only way they can conceivably pose a threat is by essentially being faster then you ( the player) to close the gap needed to hit you. I think people have "scripted" melee into the game, but that usually requires an instance to be run in order for it to work.

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Rocket mentioned smoothing out the zombie pathing in the future. Also part of the reason the zombies are derpy is because each "agroed" zombie is pathed by your pc. It is then sent back to the server. IE thats why zombie seem laggy in there movement and deaths. It's done so that the server isnt bogged down by 49827346 agroed zombies.

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