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Cheater's view using a glitch for extra ammo

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I like the part where he said "shut the fuck up"

but seriously this was mildly entertaining :D

but who cares about the unlimited ammo glitch? i bet you use it with the m1911 i bet everybody does, it doesnt need another forum post there is already heaps and im quite sure rocket knows about it

Edited by Pwnography
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I really couldn't listen to that dude for too long.

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Why do you people keep dragging more attention to things you DON'T want people to do to you? Are you that shortsighted? Think about the things you post and the repercussions they have.

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I had the youtube sound bar on the very lowest end and that shit still hurt my ears, just wow. And the guy is annoying as fuck and a he sounded like a fucking prick.

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Cheating is cheating. This guy was using a glitch to get extra ammo in game.

If Dayz is serious about banning cheaters then this guy should go.

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Funny Part in the Video from Min 4:00 "I have infinite Granades" and the other guy says " You have to Edit that when u put it on Youtube" << Why? cause its a Glitch :D Stupid

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Cheating is cheating. This guy was using a glitch to get extra ammo in game.

If Dayz is serious about banning cheaters then this guy should go.

Then they should ban all of us a this point since we all do it if we want to or not, log out with 1 bullet in your clip and when you log back in it's full again. For me these are things that are currently part of the game, zombies are spawning in constantly while you are still killing their friends 5m away. Bugs are everywhere, once in a while one in our favor balances stuff out.

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yeah, i saw this video and i think there is some kind of hack there, as he shoots a lot a throw a lot of nades, and never runs out of them.

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Why do you people keep dragging more attention to things you DON'T want people to do to you? Are you that shortsighted? Think about the things you post and the repercussions they have.

That would hold more water if I was the one that posted the video publicly, and we weren't in the forum for reporting this kind of thing. If you have private submission guidelines of cheaters please do explain to me and I'll do that in the future, until then if I see something like this I'm happy to report it here.

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I did not hack or cheat anything. The grenade counter didnt go down when i threw first 2 i thought i was out. i am not a cheater, i did click the ammo and change it back and forth EVERYONE does it but since i have been informed i dont do it anymore, secondly i didnt know i had more grenades after i threw first 2 thats why i was excited as shit when i could throw more you would have done same thing. this game is in alpha and their are bugs and glitches. I am NOT a hacker and have never hacked or cheated in a video game in my life. this video was made for fun and the fact that you are so mad confuses me im not a hacker killing in debug forest or spawning shit in or using hax and dropping people i HATE HACKERS and CHEATERS this video was made for fun.

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The grenade counter didnt go down when i threw first 2 i thought i was out.

I understand the grenade issue is simply a bug. I take no issue with it.

i did click the ammo and change it back and forth EVERYONE does it

You're 22, and hopefully out of middle school. Stop using "everyone does it" as an excuse for your behavior. This isn't even ignorance of rules, this is common sense. You did something on purpose to perpetually refill your magazines.

but since i have been informed i dont do it anymore

If its not cheating, then why don't you do it anymore? Were you unaware you were effectively duping yourself more ammo? What other reason would you convert your magazine back and forth in middle of fighting hostiles?

I am NOT a hacker and have never hacked or cheated in a video game in my life.

I'm not claiming hacks, I'm claiming cheating through the use of exploits.

You exploited a bug to gain more ammo with the clear intent on using it against players and judging by your reaction you had used this numerous times before. You shot down if I remember correctly three or four players after the first duplication and blew up a vehicle with duped ammo that your purposefully duped. What the hell constitutes cheating to you?

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So the major exploits have been solved and now all that we have to solve is an ammo exploit. Thank god the devs dont have your priorities

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Hes glitching, but i think the bigger problem is this guys temper. This guy is insane.

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Sounds like someone is just mad they died. I guarantee you these people bitching about the ammo glitch do it. If the hive logs were checked they would be embarrassed for complaining about someone glitching when they do it too.

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I did not hack or cheat anything. The grenade counter didnt go down when i threw first 2 i thought i was out. i am not a cheater, i did click the ammo and change it back and forth EVERYONE does it but since i have been informed i dont do it anymore, secondly i didnt know i had more grenades after i threw first 2

Ya right, even your mates on voice coms knew you had ' infinte grenades' because they immediately without hesitation told you to ' edit for youtube' the moment you said you were throwing infinte grenades. No ' What? how did you manage that? or anything, they already knew you had them.

Your either a cheater or a duper or an exploiter, and most likely your buddies are too.

'Since you have been informed you don't do it anymore'.........Bullshit

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Ya right, even your mates on voice coms knew you had ' infinte grenades' because they immediately without hesitation told you to ' edit for youtube' the moment you said you were throwing infinte grenades. No ' What? how did you manage that? or anything, they already knew you had them.

Your either a cheater or a duper or an exploiter, and most likely your buddies are too.

'Since you have been informed you don't do it anymore'.........Bullshit

think what you like hes my mate and was looking out for me cause i screamed i had infinite grenades, i was stoked! you think i would get that excited if i already knew i had infinite grenades? and u also think id charge a group of people with a nade in my hand? i had no idea until i laid down but w.e think what you want i ADMIT that i did it with DMR in video and have not done it since. So HATE all you want your just mad your on the coast with a lee enfield

Edited by xxnickpwnsxx
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It's just a small exploit get over it, I'll be patched up next patch I bet.

Lol Anyways "Eat my grenade B****." Lmao made me laugh abit.

Sweet video he murdered 5 people, a lot of screaming sweet sweet victory for him.

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Ya right, even your mates on voice coms knew you had ' infinte grenades' because they immediately without hesitation told you to ' edit for youtube' the moment you said you were throwing infinte grenades. No ' What? how did you manage that? or anything, they already knew you had them.

Your either a cheater or a duper or an exploiter, and most likely your buddies are too.

'Since you have been informed you don't do it anymore'.........Bullshit

You can honestly hear the surprise in his voice. I think the game randomly glitched and gave him some extra's. Notice how they ran out? Jesus some of you guys bitch worse than a girl.

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If they banned everyone who has used an exploit, there would be <10 people left, who just bought the game and are still on the shore.

i am guilty of using the unlimited ammo glitch for my DMR mags, and M1911 (When i still had it).

Maybe if when i shot my gun, 30 zombies didnt spawn around a shed in the middle of no where, in that case i would not do this glitch.

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Deserves a ban, cheating is cheating.

Used a bug to kill those guys, or he would of lost that fight and that other team would of gotten away. His direct cheating gave him a huge advantage and he does deserve a punishment.

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