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Stewart (DayZ)

Whats you standard gear to carry?

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For me personally i usually always find a czheck backpack right when i spawn so i like to carry 4 cans of food and water before i head north, once im north i usually carry only 3 of each. Than i try to divide the medical supplies if im playing by myself i carry 2 morphine 2 painkillers and a bloodbag, if im playing with my buddy i usually like to carry 2 blood bags. Obviously which ever assault rifle i can find. I like to try to carry 3 bandage while heading north and than like to carry 2 around while im in te north. So post your typical gear that you get before you head north

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3 cans of food, 3 beverages, 2 bandages, and 3 morphine are the must haves for me.

Edited by Hendrix27

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Hello there

Bandages are the key must have and really the only item I keep a close track of, I usually have 3 at anyone time in my active Inventory.

After that, a sidearm of *any* type. Preferably a Colt 1911, but it purely depends on what ammo I find.

A main weapon will either be an axe due to sound (or lack of) or again whichever weapon has easy to find ammo.

Lastly its a balance of food/medical supplies.

Obviously Items that fill the lower inventory bar ie.compass, watch, knife, matches etc are must-haves. (not including GPS/Map/compass etc but more the tools)

High end weaponry, whilst nice isn't of a high import for me.



Edited by orlok

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Primary for both players and zombies. Usually at least six mags or clips for it, with a painkiller on standby, a morphine injector, and a canteen.

Secondary with four mags/speedloaders with four bandages.

Ruck with two food items (cooked meat preferable), two drink items OR another canteen (canteen preferable), two sticks of morphine, two boxes of painkillers, and (if available) a box of antibiotics or a heatpack (only during night ops). Usually the ruck is an ALICE or a Coyote Pack.

Toolbelt, at minimum, consists of a flashlight, hatchet, knife, matchbox, map, compass, and a watch. GPS, entrenchment tool, and military flashlight only if they are found.

Edited by SGTFledge

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Main inventory: Assault Rifle w/ 4 mags, Flares, Canteen, Food Item, Painkiller, Blood bag, Morphine

Secondary inventory: G17 (for light) w/ 3 mags and 5 bandages

Backpack (normally ALICE): 2 canteens (or cans of drink), 2 food items, Painkiller, Blood bag, Morphine, 3 spare primary mags, 1 spare G17 mag, Chemlights, rest is space for carrying loot

Toolbelt: Anything I find, you can't run out of toolbelt space (yet)

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When I start over.. I go through some priorities first.

First thing, find an alice pack. Second, find a 1911 to clear out zombies in one shot quickly, and because ammo is abundant. Third, find a decently powered(5.45 or 5.56) semi/fully automatic rifle so I can sweep through towns. Finally, find a sniper rifle so I can fill my role as overwatch.

Between all of those priorities, I start looking for canteens, and hatchet/knife/matches. I can travel without a compass or map if I have to, but if I find a compass, all the better.

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like 2 painkillers, as many bandages as are available, a weapon with as much ammo as available for that primary weapon, maybe 2 clips for a sidearm if available, all the food i can find, and every can of soda i can find. oh, and a hatchet for silent kills.

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Typically I like to carry my main wep +2 mags, sidearm +2 mags along with all equipment i can find. Also carry 2 morphine, 3 bandages, 1 painkiller and one water bottle and one of the most important for me, as a solo player, are cooked steaks.

Regaining blood is a must for the solo bandit and seeing as blood bags are useless unless you have a friend then matches and axe are always required before I head north. I always keep my backpack empty for whatever loot I come across, and typically end up filling that bad boy with whatever awesome weapons I can find to hide away at my tents.

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the way i set up i usually find a cz backpack so 5 morphine 2-3 blood bags 2-3 pain pills 2 bandages and 3 cans of food and that is my backpack full then 2 bandages on my guy 6 pistol mags 2 can teens 1 pain pill and rest ammo :D o and steaks got to have steaks ill drop can food for them

Edited by Ripper0518

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Fresh Spawn priorities are.

Primary with 3 mags, Winchester preferred.

Sidearm with 3 mags, M1911 or Revolver.

3-4 Bandages, 2 Morphine, 2 Painkillers.

ALICE or Czech Backpack.

2-3 Canteens, 2-4 Canned Food.

Hunting Knife, Matches, Hatchet.

Map and Compass are lower on the list and a backup primary just in case is also on the list but low.

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Water bottle. Hatchet. Combat knife. Matches. is all you need to survive

Ghillie suit + my m107. my 1911. my Nv goggles. Rangefinders. the M4A1 CCO in my backpack,. and food/water. ftw.

compass and a gps are lovely to have aswell.

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Alice Pack

Lee Enfield - 4 mags min

Revolver/M1911 - 4 mags min

2 Bandages



2 Painkiller

1 Morphine





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Whatever I can find, but I try to get full hunting gear. Soda is way common so I find no use for canteens.

A big backpack is always nice, and a compass is an absolute must for me.

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