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Still can't play DayZ? try this!

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First of all, no I did not get to play DayZ on the first install, in fact it finally worked on my 7th try in a week, I know how you feel right now. Take a deep breath and let me show you how I did it

All downloads can be found on ARMA official site and DayZ, if you still can't find them, google

Install ARMAII

Now most retail version DON'T COME with the updated version (1.01) so this is what you need to do

  • Download ARMA2_update_111.zip and Install it
  • Download ARMA2_update_105.zip and install it
  • Run the game as admin once, check bottom right to see if your version is what you installed


again most retail version don't come updated even CO

  • Some of the retail version will update for you while been installed, but it may not be 1.6 so CHECK AND SEE
  • Download ARMA2OACORFT_Update_160.zip and install it
  • Run the game as admin once, check bottom right to see if it's 1.6


  • ARMA_OA_Build_XXXXXX (Now my very last install i updated with the latest patch and i could not connect to any servers at all, so be careful about this. The good new is that if you update the wrong one, just download the one you need and install it again, it will overwrite regardless of if its newer version or not)

That damn BATTLEYE

sometimes you will get instant kick from server because your battleye is not updated and ARMA didn't bother to do it for you so what you do now:

Now for the DayZ

Six launcher- not going to cover it, check other guides

Manual- Download DayZ mod unpack it in a new folder and you should see files like XXX.pbo and so on. Rename the folder to addon with a lower case “a” and put it in another new folder and name it @DayZ

  • Put @DayZ where your OA.exe is located
  • Now some of the retail version puts OA in its own folder but some also puts it in the folder where ARMAII is located, that will NOT effect anything, just put it wherever you see OA is at

Your almost there! One last thing to do

If you have followed all the instruction you should see another .exe in your ARMAII folder:

Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch (shortcut)

Now what you need to do is to right click it, properties and change the target, it should look like this:

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion –nosplash –mod=@DayZ

Now launch it, and click expansion, this is what should be in it

ARMAII (actually, I don’t know about this one, some have it and some don’t)

Operation Arrowhead

PMC (lite)

British armed force…or something (lite)

If you do not have the 2 Lite, that means YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG

From now on whenever you want to play DayZ remember to use the OA BETA PATCH (SHORTCUT), not ARMAII, not OA, not CO, beta patch damnit!

Let me know if this still doesn’t work, I’ll see what I can do for you

Sorry my English is not good…well because I am not an English teacher XD

Edited by FaithSeeker
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great guide, perfect english for my eyes, very very understandable so dont worry about that :) i hope this guide will ease alot of pain that has been caused by trying to get this mod to work, gj OP, good to see you got it working

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I should have added some more colors to make it look serious/pretty...oh well

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Tell me what exactly happened

let me know your version for both beta and update

sometimes it crashes at loading because the server you are trying to connect are/are not updated and compatible to yours

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just curious about something. OA updates the game to version 1.59. I didn't install the 1.6 update, only the beta patch and it still worked.

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I downloaded ArmA and CO through steam and then ran the sixlauncher and everything worked fine. Don't know if I am going to have problems in the future though, for now i'm pretty content eating animated :beans: 's

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Hawc, if it's working right now, leave it that way, but if you start getting kicked out randomly or unable to join because of keys/not the same version i would suggest you do update it

Chr0mEBomberr, if you have ARMA CO from steam than steam will update your patches and beta to the latest (so i'm told) that's why i made this one for people having problems with the retail version

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Great guide, linked to it on our forums for new players as its a nightmare talking them trough all this. Thanks for saving me from all that stress.

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Mine loads all the way in right until just before I can play and then it goes back to a loading screen and just sits there the whole time. Ive been waiting over a week to play this thing D:

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Nice Guide !

All I had to do though was Download and install both games through Steam.

Run ArmA 2 CO once.

Download and run Six Launcher (It installed DayZ for me aswell)

and I was done.

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NODemonZ, again this guide is for retail since hardcopy and downloads from other site do not come fully updated and sometime you will have to update it multiple times, steam does everything for you already

Mahoni, if it got past the server list and the players in one server that means you have installed the game correctly (most of it) now, stuck at the loading screen may be due to the server overload, wrong beta or battleye problem, here's what you can do

  1. there's nothing you can do for server overload, just sit tight and give it sometime, remember if you connect and disconnect instantly it will result in lag and overload, the people in the server will hate you for that
  2. every server has its own beta version, you may have joined one that doesn't work with yours, use the "filter" option and type in your version's name for EXP mine version is 1.61.94878 atm so you can set if and make it only find any servers with the beta version 94878
  3. For the BattlEye, just follow the step again and download n' paste them into your folder

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Can i ask is this for the non steam version?

EDIT just seen the reply for me, well i hope thats the case, i did the battle eye steps too, so ill keep going at it. Thanks for the quick response.

Edited by mahoni

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Mahoni, if it still doesnt work, let me know what version of arma you have, should be 1.6x.xxxxxxx

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Well, in game it says 1.61xxxx but when running from six launcher its 1.7x.xxxxx

Ive been trying servers all night no good. I also make sure the server hasnt got an X next to it indicating the server version doesnt match

EDIT. apparently i downloaded the wrong beta patch. will let you know how it goes.

Edited by mahoni

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LOL well you gotta give me the Beta patch number not just xxxxxxx XD

OKAY so DayZ uses the OA beta patch so when you get to the menu it should be 1.61 xxxxxx that's your ARMAII OA's version

the 1.7.x.x that shows up on the six launcher is not the version of your OA, it's the version of DAYZ

Edited by FaithSeeker

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yeah downloaded executed ran and the version hasnt changed

im on 1.61

k WAIT, i ran it from the beta launcher (which i didnt have before) and also set launch options in steam. lets see what the result is, so far good as the version number as changed to the right one.

Edited by mahoni

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I have it working on a totally different beta patch atm because the latest is making me wait at host. but at least im in :)

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Good to hear that you got it to work :) congrats!

hmm did i forget to mention you have to launch the game from OA beta to play? lol let me check

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