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And, of course, that was just an example. There are clearly way more situations in which there are easily justified bandit kills.

Yes, but at the current situation it's simply not very easy to recognize bandits unless they're firing a gun at either you or some other poor sod.

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Yes, but at the current situation it's simply not very easy to recognize bandits unless they're firing a gun at either you or some other poor sod.

Right. And that's when you and your group would kill them. Where are we getting confused.

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I just hate being the one to ruin another's hard work and tiem spent. I lsot a character todya with well over 8 hours of time put into and I died becuase soem asshole decided he wanted my shit. I work to hard and would ahte to do the same to another player thus why I don't feel like shotting at another person, especially because msot of the time the opposing person is not looking for a fight.

Me too, I feel kinda bad about it afterwards... I was shot in cherno 3 times in a row after looting key areas like hospitals and fire stations so when I saw a different guy in Elektro the next time I respawned I didn't hesitate to shoot him once I saw he was looking at me, turned out he was looking at me to tell me he was friendly and I killed him... Thanks allot bandits for making me kill a fellow survivor :P felt pretty bad about it

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Right. And that's when you and your group would kill them. Where are we getting confused.

To clarify, I'm not a bandit hunter, I'm a bandit. I wouldn't get myself in a situation where I'd be easily spotted killing someone.

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If there were no bandits the game would be boring. I play the good guy, and only fire in self defence...but i still like bandits. Makes the game far more tense.

Yea, but I don't really care for the people who just killl "for the lolz" when they don't need supplies and I am not a threat

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To clarify, I'm not a bandit hunter, I'm a bandit. I wouldn't get myself in a situation where I'd be easily spotted killing someone.

Right, and you'd ALT+F4 before anyone could drop hammer.

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Right, and you'd ALT+F4 before anyone could drop hammer.

No, I don't ALT+F4, although I suppose it is tempting. When someone fires at me, I accept it and try to return fire. Dying is a part of this game, and you can't avoid that.

I also find it insulting that you should imply that because I'm a bandit I ALT+F4, plenty of survivors do it too.

Edited by Ivanuvo

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No, I don't ALT+F4, although I suppose it is tempting. When someone fires at me, I accept it and try to return fire. Dying is a part of this game, and you can't avoid that.

I also find it insulting that you should imply that because I'm a bandit I ALT+F4, plenty of survivors do it too.

Fair enough, Though my impression is that most survivors server hop for loot, where as most bandits server hop for a back of the head shot.

But what I'm saying is that it does come down to DCing needing to be fixed. Because, if there was some kind of anti-Bandit patrol, and they were hunting down a bandit firing from cover, you know they'd probably hop out of there. You might not, but you have to know that most would.

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Everytime I seem to finally gather good weapons, a map, and some meds I happen to have a run in with a douche. I never fire, I just type in direct friendly and walk away from them, every single time I've died. I'm looking for a group of people who want to play together and if necessary hunt down bandits. I am also interested in starting a group so please post if you are looking for someone to paly wwith, or already ahve a group. Whatever the case there is power in numbers, and I'd really like to finally get a vehicle operational.

Yes, they can get annoying, but have you thought of how fun it would be if there was no challenge? The Zeds in DayZ are incredibly stupid, and don't offer much of a challenge. Players however make you act cautiously and what not. I suggest take more precautions, shoot first, stay low in grass, try to hide if you are unarmed, and if the person saw you and says friendly, don't trust them. Most survivors will shoot you in the back at the end of the day. Only trust people you know im real life. They are much less likely to betray you if you aren't just pixels to them.

Edited by Vladimir Noshamev

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Fair enough, Though my impression is that most survivors server hop for loot, where as most bandits server hop for a back of the head shot.

But what I'm saying is that it does come down to DCing needing to be fixed. Because, if there was some kind of anti-Bandit patrol, and they were hunting down a bandit firing from cover, you know they'd probably hop out of there. You might not, but you have to know that most would.

I agree that DCing needs to be fixed, it's very annoying when someone DCs while you're trying to kill them

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This sounds like a nice idea. A kind of timer that counts down before you can disconnect. 10 seconds would be enough.

But then we also need something that controlls the spawn area to prevent that someone can spawn right behind me.

A rule to spawn that keeps a distance to the next player of minimum 100 or 150 meters.

That would be nice. :D

I hate it to be in the Barracks and someone spawns next to me.

Edited by Franz

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