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Zombies spawning too fast and too close

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Anyone else notice this? As soon as i login...where there is a structure near by..zombies spawn all around me..and i have no choice but to runaway or just dc my ass. It wasnt like this before. Any thoughts?

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Then don't log out near structures, is it really that hard to figure out?

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i have been playing for about a month..i'm not that nooby. All i'm saying is..even if you logout inside a city w.e...the spawn time for zombies should be much slower rate then it is right now. Instant spawn of zombies right next to your ass is ridiculous. I know its also alpha but the movement of the zombies once they aggro you..is also kinda unrealistic. No undead...when their bodies are pratically rotting away...would be able to move that fast towards ya. I heard this is the most realistic zombie game there is. However..it could be even more realistic if they fix up these small issues here and there.

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Actually, this is pretty true.

Today me and two of my friends decided to unload our mass quantity of ammo. We totaled 200+ zombie kills without ever moving from one spot inside a building. The loudest gun we had was an 180m range audibility. Zombies poured in at a nonstop rate. It was fun, but in all honesty that's a bit ridiculous for a single area.

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I've had that without logging in that suddenly groups of 5 zombies suddenly appear in front of me. Kinda annoying when you've been sneaking through backyards.

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I like instant spawn zombies...makes life for DCers and thoughtless players a bit more difficult.

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It just looks silly, imo.

Here I am, sneaking around, and POOF out of thin air, I have to turn back around and find another route. If I decide to kill them, tho, new zombies will spawn (not be attracted by the sound, but outright spawn out of thin air) again in seconds.

This especially aggravating around heli crash sites. You kill the four zombies roaming around the heli, isolated amid the wilderness, and before you can find the crash loot in the grass, there are another 5 or six newly-spawned zeds around. Keep, killing, and they keep showing up. Where the hell were they hiding?

So, yea, zombies should spawn from farther away so you can plan a route as you approach a town, and the area should stay clear for at least 10 minutes after you've killed all. Being surprised by a zombie that was well-hidden is ok, but should be avoidable with careful scouting. This is supposed to be semi-realistic survival game with limited ammo; crazy spawning a la left 4 dead shouldn't exist.

Edited by takfar

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