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evolution of shoot on sight?

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First of all, I apologize for the long post. Hopefully it can start up an interesting discussion though. Also, I just want to be perfectly clear that this isn't a "turn FF off" or "add safe zones" thread. I'm not here to complain about the PvP in the game in any way. I am here to ask a question or two. I'm hoping a veteran of the game could explain a few things to me.

To me, the community of a game is just as important as the game itself. I am extremely curious if at the beginning of time (when DayZ opened its doors and only a few hundred people or so played), if shoot-on-sight was the unwritten rule as it is now? I think it’s interesting to take a step back and ask how or why the community decided on that ONE AND ONLY RULE. Is it based on the size (and probably different gaming backgrounds) of the community? Or perhaps because very few players stick to 1 server (server hopping, alt+f4)? Or maybe because no one uses in-game voice/text (seems like I'm only one)?

I’m older now and take video games for what they are…. games. I don’t rage when 1) a survivor who is being chased by 6 zombies decides to shoot me as he runs by instead of dealing with his zombie problem first or 2) when someone gives away their position to both every player around us as well as zombies trying to shoot me as I'm the one running from 6 zombies. I find it interesting that in both cases, the player considered me more of an immediate threat to him than anything else going on around him. I understand he has the right to play however he wants to – just as I do. That randomness and free will makes this game exciting! In both cases, both the other player and I ended up dying because of their actions, and in both cases I laughed. I truly did. I have a handful of similar stories to that too, so that isn't a one-time occurrence. Personally, other players killing me isn't my biggest complaint, but for others it is. But it all comes back to the question of WHY did those players think to come after me first? Why are human players so afraid of other human players in this community?

I understand that end-game roaming around just for food and drink is boring, and so it’s more exciting to face off with a human being instead of a twitchy AI. I get it. In fact, I think the PvP elements are required for long-term re-playability of this game. Easy games get old fast. A tough as balls game has you coming back for more.

In the current state of things, the kind of gameplay I think would be amazing cannot exist I don’t think because of alt+f4, serving hopping, and EXTREME lack of player communication. This thread isn't aimed to "fix" those issues as those are purely on the player. A developer can't force a play-style onto a player. That's up to the community to decide. Whatever happens, happens. And so my next question is, does anyone know of a server where some light roleplaying takes place in? One where maybe people would actually try to communicate instead of going rambo on the zombie apocalypse and players with flashlights/hatchets?

I guess my bottom line tl;dr is, has the shoot-on-sight policy always existed or is that something that evolved due to some reason or another?

Also, is there a roleplaying server out there that's perhaps not always shoot-on-sight where me and my friend would be welcomed in? Sometimes cooperation is nice, sometimes it's not. I just wish people would give me a chance to explain myself :)

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it became more prominent after global chat was disabled. you cant really say "that guy in that building shot me!" or "hey anyone wanna meet up at x location?"

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it became more prominent after global chat was disabled. you cant really say "that guy in that building shot me!" or "hey anyone wanna meet up at x location?"

hmmm that's interesting. while global chat does ruin some of the immersion/realism, doesnt vent/teamspeak that we all use do the same thing? That's how I play with my buddies. That's how everyone does it from what I understand. Would be nice to have a way of talking to the other groups of 2-5 players out there.

Edit: Like a HAM radio or something you could scan over some frequencies looking for other survivors

Edited by dreman04

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It's an evolving condition I think. It has a lot to do with the comfort level of people with other survivors. When I started I looked for people to try and team up. Now if I'm not in a program chatting with you I'm probably going to avoid or shoot depending on threat.

Beyond that as much as I focus on the mantra "don't get attached to your gear" as you become more self-sustainable equipment wise you get less interested in risking that by gambling on someone being friendly or not.

Finally, considering the fact it is a gamble to trust someone and the game tends to focus on calculated risks... it's rarely worth it.

I feel you though and essentially the best advice is just to find a group of trustworthy players to make you a less appetizing target.

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It's an evolving condition I think. It has a lot to do with the comfort level of people with other survivors. When I started I looked for people to try and team up. Now if I'm not in a program chatting with you I'm probably going to avoid or shoot depending on threat.

Beyond that as much as I focus on the mantra "don't get attached to your gear" as you become more self-sustainable equipment wise you get less interested in risking that by gambling on someone being friendly or not.

Finally, considering the fact it is a gamble to trust someone and the game tends to focus on calculated risks... it's rarely worth it.

I feel you though and essentially the best advice is just to find a group of trustworthy players to make you a less appetizing target.

Yeah, I agree. It's almost like this "condition" spiraled out of control because as soon as one sheep turned into a wolf, it's also in your best interest to be a wolf as well.

I tend to play this game with my 2 roommates from my undergrad days. We use vent to find each other and once we do we do a hell of a lot better. In fact, after grouping up, we have never died to another player. Due to bugs, glitches, and hacks though, we always find ourselves back at the shores in a day or two.

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I try my best to avoid other players. That doesn't mean I hide if I see one, or I try to stay away from towns or whatever. It means that, if I see a player, I will announce myself, but then watch them for any signs of danger. I have only ever had two interactions with other players that didn't result in my death. Now, I know this is totally my fault, and I accept that, but I do think other players could be a little nicer sometimes. I love this game for what it is, and I love that it is so hard. In fact, I think it should be harder. But I also think that the community should try to encourage each other to trust and work together sometimes. I'm not talking about, you must work with people to survive. I'm talking about, if you need to raid a town, but maybe you don't have the resources, then find someone to help. I would love to trade with other players for stuff, and I always keep items I can trade with, but I've never found someone willing to trade before, which makes me sad. As for my theory on kill on sight, look at my signature.

Edited by Sandwichx

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Without global chat, shoot on site has taken over because it is much harder to communicate with others and have sympathy for them. I would be much less likely to shoot someone who doesn't see me if I had been talking to them in global chat before.

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I try my best to avoid other players. That doesn't mean I hide if I see one, or I try to stay away from towns or whatever. It means that, if I see a player, I will announce myself, but then watch them for any sings of danger. I have only ever had two interactions with other players that didn't result in my death. Now, I know this is totally my fault, and I accept that, but I do think other players could be a little nicer sometimes. I love this game for what it is, and I love that it is so hard. In fact, I think it should be harder. But I also think that the community should try to encourage each other to trust and work together sometimes. I'm not talking about, you must work with people to survive. I'm talking about, if you need to raid a town, but maybe you don't have the resources, then fine someone to help. I would love to trade with other players for stuff, and I always keep items I can trade with, but I've never found someone will to trade before, which makes me sad. As for my theory on kill on sight, look at my signature.

exactly! that is how I feel as well. there have been multiple times where I prone outside a building and both voice and text "hey guy in church, I'm friendly. Will trade bandages for food." just to be ignored, have the player (probably) freak out because someone knows where he is, and him run out the church as fast as he can.

It's a shame no one trusts anyone. When you trade, you both win. But the community isn't at that level of trust yet. Or ever?

Without global chat, shoot on site has taken over because it is much harder to communicate with others and have sympathy for them. I would be much less likely to shoot someone who doesn't see me if I had been talking to them in global chat before.

when global chat did exist, did you feel less immersed to the point where shoot-on-sight is better to have around than global chat?

Edited by dreman04

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why the community decided on that ONE AND ONLY RULE

read up on the Prisoners' Dilemma

meeting a stranger in DayZ is a perfect PD, and the players here are responding exactly as the evidence predicts

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exactly! that is how I feel as well. there have been multiple times where I prone outside a building and both voice and text "hey guy in church, I'm friendly. Will trade bandages for food." just to be ignored, have the player (probably) freak out because someone knows where he is, and him run out the church as fast as he can.

It's a shame no one trusts anyone. When you trade, you both win. But the community isn't at that level of trust yet. Or ever?

Why should they trust you? Trust has to be earned. It isn't just given to everyone. Telling someone you want to trade while giving out their location will make them freak out. They have no reason to trust you.

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To reply to this as simply as i can in MY own opinion...

Personal witnessing of the Shoot on sight Evolution.

Myself and 2 other players

Friendly as ever! we looked for survivors, we didnt fire on anyone who was unarmed or Armed unless fired on first.

weeks later.

100+ Deaths later being spawn killed, Murdered for absolutely no reason whilst running in an unlootable location by a sniper

Micing to someone. Friendly? they stare...and stare...and ultimately fire at you.

my friends and i have NOT become "bandits" but more like.... Extremely paranoid survivalists, we do fire on sight now if someone is IN OUR WAY.

i.e we see a player 100m away in some building, he runs east, were headed west. well we wont hunt him, or shoot him.

But lets say he was running in our direction? and our building of loot choice was 1 block north.

Hes gone. hes an obstacle and he's possibly armed and dangerous.

Now thats not to say that occasions dont arise where i can meet actual Friendlies, its happened many times.... come across a player whos armed, your armed (sometimes they fire out of fear) you fire back.. and you hear over the mic. FRIENDLY!! just chill! or something? thats when you decide to either give it a chance or dont. If said player is carrying a makarov and you have an AS50 and Alice pack and a Glock17 or something... Good chance hell turn on you eventually.

If you meet players and your equally geared and equally starving/thirsty? You ultimately build a stronger friendship and those players dont become a problem (skype friend/steam whatever)

So yes its evolving.

And to be honest? its not a COD kiddie fest, a PVP battleground... take the survivors. take the bandits. SPlit them in half and set them on opposite sides of the room

Now look at all the survivors. I can almost bet you out of those survivors, 50% of them will shoot another survivor WITHOUT the intent of "LOLOLOL ill just kill them and take their stuff"

its fear, Fear of Losing what you have maybe? fear of maybe they are bandits? or just flat out clueless-ness. Its really survival of the fittest in a way,If you want to find friendlies, either get the drop on them and dont ever give them the chance to shoot you? i.e. someone follows...Make them run in front of you and guide them. that way your not at risk of having a bullet put in your back.

As for the bandits? It happens..Look at any apocalyptic movie, End of the world, Dystopian, cyber punk WHATEVER...anything involving a "fucked up world or/ The end" scenario..

You always have those groups who ride around together firing off shots in the air circling a city or something shortly before raiding it and murdering everyone inside. That would definitely probably exist in post apocalyptic world...

So yeah, i cherish the Pvp aspect, as long as zombies are extremely strong as they should be (They're freaking zombies) shambling or running.. You shouldnt be able to laughably run into 60 of them and just trololol your way through a building or something killing players. Thankfully zombies are a little more aware and such now.

Also last thing. There are people who's sole purpose is to log in, Grab weapons. find players. kill them.

But its a small portion of the community.

BANDITS ARE NOT what these represent.

Last night in Elektro, me and 2 buddies were looting, when 7 people all carefully and tactically raided elektro...killing zombies, players, looting, signaling. and then quietly slipped out of elektro never to be heard from again. If they were just out to kill they wouldnt have done it in an extremely orderly fashion, well executed and planned.

we tried to fight back but they had all corners being watched, scouts, overwatch, and a leader. It was genious! and i was glad to be apart of that situation was something cool to experience.

Anyway im extremely tired and partly rambling! enjoy Day-Z. i know i do :) and if players get in your way? if your first thought is "I dont know if i can trust them"...well you probably cant. so end it there

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read up on the Prisoners' Dilemma

meeting a stranger in DayZ is a perfect PD, and the players here are responding exactly as the evidence predicts

I agree. And a tit for tat strategy means we'll all be shooting on sight over time. Something needs to be done to stop that evolution. Or maybe not? That's up for discussion.

Why should they trust you? Trust has to be earned. It isn't just given to everyone. Telling someone you want to trade while giving out their location will make them freak out. They have no reason to trust you.

I guess you're right. Maybe I'm just more trusting than I should be in this game. I only fire if fired upon, and I haven't gone out of my way to harm someone yet. My buddies and I only have 1 tent and 1 vehicle, so we're not quite ready for bandit hunting.

I just find it hard to believe that in a post-apocalyptic world EVERYONE would have that mentality like it is in this game. Maybe it's because it is just in fact, a game. Death penalty is loosing your gear and not... you know.... death.

Edit: Great post Brachra. I have not seen or been part of a group bigger than 3 at any time. Seems pretty cool and I'd gladly die in-game for a team of players working that well together. Not of course without taking 1 with me :) Kudos to them though.

Edited by dreman04

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I agree. And a tit for tat strategy means we'll all be shooting on sight over time. Something needs to be done to stop that evolution. Or maybe not? That's up for discussion

absolutely not

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absolutely not

that's assuming you have x% SOS and y% not SOS. from my experience though, x% >>>>>> y%. especially since the first piece of advice I got when starting was "shoot-on-sight if it's not us"

edit: I'm actually not going to try to argue that I know game theory or prisoners dilemma. It's been a while since calculus haha

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I killed a guy in elektro supermarket the other day.

Was on a nighttime server looking for an Alice Pack. He was out the front, me in the back. I saw him and crept to a dark corner.

When he came out the back, he had his back to me.

I ran through scenarios in my head, if I helped him and traded he probably would have shot me in the back so I made the decision to shoot him first. Felt bad afterwards :(

I liked it better when global chat was available. I don't care on how realistic the game is. I play games for the social aspect and community.

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I killed a guy in elektro supermarket the other day.

Was on a nighttime server looking for an Alice Pack. He was out the front, me in the back. I saw him and crept to a dark corner.

When he came out the back, he had his back to me.

I ran through scenarios in my head, if I helped him and traded he probably would have shot me in the back so I made the decision to shoot him first. Felt bad afterwards :(

I liked it better when global chat was available. I don't care on how realistic the game is. I play games for the social aspect and community.

Yep. I've done that as well. It's hard to see if the player is armed at night time. In the beginning, I would also feel bad afterwards. but lately it's got to the point where I don't care at all about other players. I shoot then think, "better them than me." Then I loot their 1 bandage and maybe .45 or winchester ammo. I just wish I cared more about other players as I also play games mostly for social and community aspect.

Edited by dreman04

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I've had some friendships break out from simply deciding not to shoot another guy in the face, but those were back in the days of makaroni spawns and side chat. Now, on my way through Cherno I'm greeted by Portugese over direct chat and ax wielding murderous fiends hacking anything that moves. Even up north, I was around stary just chilling in a treeline when a shot rang out and broke my legs. I had my binocs out, not a sniper rifle like some doom seeking bandit, yet someone saw fit to murder me for my czech backpack and winchester even though I was shot with an ak74. The paranoia has grown to a critical mass, and the void left by side chat's removal has given everyone the exact probable cause they needed to satisfy the sociopath itching at their brains.

Edited by thecrackmuffin

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Ok so here's what happened. Back in the day, word got around the Arma communities that there was a cool zombie mod featuring MSO style persistence (FYI DayZ was not the first mission/mod in Arma2 to allow persistent sandbox style play). A couple of servers came up and all the existing communities got on it. This was back when you spawned with food, water, medical gear, flares, and a revolver + 6 packs of ammo. Since no one knew what they were doing, people tended to group up and play together. I remember running with a pack of 20 strangers on the first day I tried the mod. Another reason why players tended to band together was because the majority of Arma2 multiplayer is coop style missions and TvT/PvP missions are usually clearly labelled as such.

The mod got more popular as word spread and I think the first burst of non-Arma players came after a youtube video became popular (forgot the name of the guy). At this point, players had already explored a good portion of the game and quickly realized there was no penalty for PK-ing. I can't say for sure exactly when KoS became the dominant meta, but it was around this time. The combination of lack of things to do + no PK penalty + influx of players meaning more player-player interaction led to more PK-ing. From then on a vicious cycle of distrust broke out and more and more players started to PK. When even more players joined, they were warned about PK-ing so a lot of them got it in their heads that PK was a part of the game. The other effect from the large amount of players joining was that information about loot spawns and how to deal with zombies became more widespread and common so players were reaching a fully kitted out stage (or at least military grade weapons) much faster and were less afraid of the zombies which led to more PK-ing.

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I've had some friendships break out from simply deciding not to shoot another guy in the face, but those were back in the days of makaroni spawns and side chat. Now, on my way through Cherno I'm greeted by Portugese over direct chat and ax wielding murderous fiends hacking anything that moves. Even up north, I was around stary just chilling in a treeline when a shot rang out and broke my legs. I had my binocs out, not a sniper rifle like some doom seeking bandit, yet someone saw fit to murder me for my czech backpack and winchester even though I was shot with an ak74. The paranoia has grown to a critical mass, and the void left by side chat's removal has given everyone the exact probable cause they needed to satisfy the sociopath itching at their brains.

Ok, I'm going to be honest with you. I laughed pretty hard at your post. It's true though. Paranoia seems to be widespread everywhere.

When I'm driving around with my buddies, if we hear a gun shot, I no longer think "poor survivor, he just had to shoot a zombie and give away his position to survive," I think "let's get the hell out of here before we are next on this murderous psychopath's hit list!"

I just wish I could trust the community more. If I can't, well, then it effectively turns into a single-player game for many (and in my case a 3 player game) with a mixture of zombies and tougher, smarter "humans" out to kill you.

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Have not read all posts but will give my brief answer.

To start off there was a lot of teamwork because players didn't know what to do, they feared the zombies and sought strength in numbers. As people learned that the zombies pose little threat they felt safe enough to go it alone and sought a challenge else where, que Banditry.

Some less significant drivers are that for a fair while in game voice chat was broken, so there was almost no direct communication when players crossed paths, outcome should be obvious.

The bandit model experiment was the first time the 'shoot-on-sight' mentality became a norm, after the bandit model was removed the mentality was already set in stone and that's pretty much it. With out some strict control mechanics it will not change.

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While I understand that some people want that sincere immersion into the game world, and have been given it through the removal of Side/Global chat, I think that it will hurt the game in the long run.

I mean, and lets be honest here, the people that wanted Side/Global gone were 2 week+ Vets of the game, and they are on Mumble/TS/Whatever with their group of friends.

Isn't that taking away immersion as well?

I think the removal is just so the people who got sick of hearing newbies ask wtf do I do on global don't have to hear it anymore.

And, it ruins a very large and enjoyable aspect of the game IMHO.

Put yourself into the shoes of someone who has never played before. I'd get sick of the game after getting shot while having nothing on me, nor knowing where I was or knowing what buildings I need to look in.

I understand the realism part, and the immersion people want, but quite frankly, this game caters SPECIFICALLY to veterans now.

I loved helping out newbies through side chat.

Meeting up with them, regardless of the outcome.

While a large portion of the playerbase hates this kind of "Carebearing," I can assure you, I am very much a bandit. I have 11 kills on my char that has been alive for 3 hours.

But when it comes to people with only axes or completely unarmed running around looking only to find a can of food.. I have a soft spot.

I remember what it was like having no idea what I was doing. I actually ran to a zombie thinking it was a person on my first life.

The only way you can actually organise anything in this game now is externally. Via a VoIP. Which, IMO, ruins the immersion FAR MORE than side chat.

The choice to remove the Global chat has definately contributed to shoot on sight.

Though I have met more than a handful of friendlies, who have survived alongside me until they got shot themselves. And I have to say, those meetings are what make this game what it can be. Not this pre arranged shoot on sight team culture that is currently happening.

Not that it will ever change, there is no incentive whatsoever if you have decent gear, or a team of friends to be a "good" player.

Whats the point of risking yourself, honestly?

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Ok so here's what happened. Back in the day, word got around the Arma communities that there was a cool zombie mod featuring MSO style persistence (FYI DayZ was not the first mission/mod in Arma2 to allow persistent sandbox style play). A couple of servers came up and all the existing communities got on it. This was back when you spawned with food, water, medical gear, flares, and a revolver + 6 packs of ammo. Since no one knew what they were doing, people tended to group up and play together. I remember running with a pack of 20 strangers on the first day I tried the mod. Another reason why players tended to band together was because the majority of Arma2 multiplayer is coop style missions and TvT/PvP missions are usually clearly labelled as such.

The mod got more popular as word spread and I think the first burst of non-Arma players came after a youtube video became popular (forgot the name of the guy). At this point, players had already explored a good portion of the game and quickly realized there was no penalty for PK-ing. I can't say for sure exactly when KoS became the dominant meta, but it was around this time. The combination of lack of things to do + no PK penalty + influx of players meaning more player-player interaction led to more PK-ing. From then on a vicious cycle of distrust broke out and more and more players started to PK. When even more players joined, they were warned about PK-ing so a lot of them got it in their heads that PK was a part of the game. The other effect from the large amount of players joining was that information about loot spawns and how to deal with zombies became more widespread and common so players were reaching a fully kitted out stage (or at least military grade weapons) much faster and were less afraid of the zombies which led to more PK-ing.

Thank you for that re-cap. Seems like there was nothing to prevent that from happening as the game is truly open-world, sandbox

Have not read all posts but will give my brief answer.

To start off there was a lot of teamwork because players didn't know what to do, they feared the zombies and sought strength in numbers. As people learned that the zombies pose little threat they felt safe enough to go it alone and sought a challenge else where, que Banditry.

Some less significant drivers are that for a fair while in game voice chat was broken, so there was almost no direct communication when players crossed paths, outcome should be obvious.

The bandit model experiment was the first time the 'shoot-on-sight' mentality became a norm, after the bandit model was removed the mentality was already set in stone and that's pretty much it. With out some strict control mechanics it will not change.

Could you explain what the bandit model experiment is/was? I just started playing 2 weeks ago, so I'm not familiar with that.

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You wanna know the easiest way to solve this problem. Stop asking why and just start telling the people who run the show to change server rental rules. I wont have to worry or see one group of bandits running over people all day just as they spawn. I mean you do pay for it and do all the hard work to maintain it; why not he able to run it like you want. You figure a company would try to maxamize their sells by not limiting its customer base.

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I haven't been here "from the beginning" but I was here long before side chat or bandit skins were removed, and I can tell you neither changed much about the "stranger danger" mentality.

Side chat removal didn't really impact it as far my experience is concerned, and the stats didn't seem to swing swiftly in the direction of banditry or murder after side chat was removed. You could say "friendly" and people would say "yes" but that was still only reliable about 25% of the time at best. If people saw you had a better weapon or larger backpack, they were as likely to shoot you as anything even if they did say you "friendly" before firing. People claiming side chat removal somehow created this environment of shoot on sight either didn't really play the game much before it was removed, or just had some particularly notable experiences one way or the other.

I personally haven't seen the game change significantly with respect to shoot on sight in the ~5 months I have been playing. It has always been a risk to run up to someone you didn't already have an existing relationship with.

Now the risk is slightly reduced since they won't always be carrying a weapon... but as soon as they find one you better watch your back.

You wanna know the easiest way to solve this problem.

What "problem?"

Stop asking why and just start telling the people who run the show to change server rental rules. I wont have to worry or see one group of bandits running over people all day just as they spawn. I mean you do pay for it and do all the hard work to maintain it; why not he able to run it like you want.

Uhh, okay? What exactly are you suggesting? What rules would you like to see changed and why?

You figure a company would try to maxamize their sells by not limiting its customer base.

FYI DayZ is not developed by "a company" and their goal is most certainly not to "maxamize sales."

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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The only way you can actually organise anything in this game now is externally. Via a VoIP. Which, IMO, ruins the immersion FAR MORE than side chat.

The choice to remove the Global chat has definately contributed to shoot on sight.

Though I have met more than a handful of friendlies, who have survived alongside me until they got shot themselves. And I have to say, those meetings are what make this game what it can be. Not this pre arranged shoot on sight team culture that is currently happening.

Not that it will ever change, there is no incentive whatsoever if you have decent gear, or a team of friends to be a "good" player.

Whats the point of risking yourself, honestly?

Exactly. I play on vent and every youtube video I've seen also has the player on vent/TS/mumble. It's the only way of playing I've ever known.

You wanna know the easiest way to solve this problem. Stop asking why and just start telling the people who run the show to change server rental rules. I wont have to worry or see one group of bandits running over people all day just as they spawn. I mean you do pay for it and do all the hard work to maintain it; why not he able to run it like you want. You figure a company would try to maxamize their sells by not limiting its customer base.

I do find it interesting that the DayZ mod has very strict server rules that try to make it "fair" for everyone. I honestly don't see the harm in letting people have their own personal servers with passwords or player counts lower than 40. But that's another topic for another thread probably. And as ZedsDeadBaby said, DayZ isn't made by a company or making money off of this mod.

I haven't been here "from the beginning" but I was here long before side chat or bandit skins were removed, and I can tell you neither changed much about the "stranger danger" mentality.

Side chat removal didn't really impact it as far my experience is concerned, and the stats didn't seem to swing swiftly in the direction of banditry or murder after side chat was removed. You could say "friendly" and people would say "yes" but that was still only reliable about 25% of the time at best. If people saw you had a better weapon or larger backpack, they were as likely to shoot you as anything even if they did say you "friendly" before firing. People claiming side chat removal somehow created this environment of shoot on sight either didn't really play the game much before it was removed, or just had some particularly notable experiences one way or the other.

I personally haven't seen the game change significantly with respect to shoot on sight in the ~5 months I have been playing. It has always been a risk to run up to someone you didn't already have an existing relationship with.

Now the risk is slightly reduced since they won't always be carrying a weapon... but as soon as they find one you better watch your back.

That's actually interesting to hear. I still think people's idea of an in-game item for global chat sounds interesting though.

Edited by dreman04

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