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Repeatedly kicked from US366 (Villayer, used by CQF)

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Personally I find it hilarious people pose as fake CQF members just to try and get a kill. Oh the intelligence..

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Personally I find it hilarious people pose as fake CQF members just to try and get a kill. Oh the intelligence..

Whilst this is something that we've done in the past (This kind of metagaming isn't forbidden), I wasn't actually using CQF tags during the op. I was using my normal ingame name, that i use when I'm filming YouTube videos (Izmak). I was forced to assume a CQF tag in order to join the server without being kicked.

@Johnny - my beef isn't with you, or with the vast majority of CQF in general. As mentioned beforehand, we've had a lot of good fights with CQF in the past, and we'd like that to continue. I do appreciate that my original posts and edits were perhaps a tad harsh on CQF, but this was bourne out of frustration (32/40 members on the server being tagged as CQF, on a server owned by a CQF Member).

I'd love to see an apology directly from the member in question (I'm not expecting you to apologise on his behalf), but I fear that there's absolutely no chance of that happening, because he seems convinced that we were hacking/ghosting, and won't heed any facts or information that we may present otherwise.

Edited by Izmak

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Whilst this is something that we've done in the past (This kind of metagaming isn't forbidden), I wasn't actually using CQF tags during the op. I was using my normal ingame name, that i use when I'm filming YouTube videos (Izmak). I was forced to assume a CQF tag in order to join the server without being kicked.

@Johnny - my beef isn't with you, or with the vast majority of CQF in general. As mentioned beforehand, we've had a lot of good fights with CQF in the past, and we'd like that to continue. I do appreciate that my original posts and edits were perhaps a tad harsh on CQF, but this was bourne out of frustration (32/40 members on the server being tagged as CQF, on a server owned by a CQF Member).

I'd love to see an apology directly from the member in question (I'm not expecting you to apologise on his behalf), but I fear that there's absolutely no chance of that happening, because he seems convinced that we were hacking/ghosting, and won't heed any facts or information that we may present otherwise.

I got not beef with you, and I agree with what has been going on and I don't agree with some of the newer players responses with their new server. What I don't understand is if you have no beef with us why the frack do you guys continue to fuck with us.

Edited by ARBY

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Find a better clan server to play on, honestly. There are a couple great ones out there with awesome pvp. NWO, FoE, TAW, Addictguild, Reddit, FBAZ, CGUnited, LGM, AQ, GSO are some of the ones I've enjoyed playing on.

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I'm been playing with the CQF for 2 months now and I can say that the only time we've had server resets done are when there is massive lag spikes and desync issues occuring. And even then, that's rare. I think it's interesting to see what your claims are based on, and I would appreciate if you run a FRAPS cap of the raid you run to catch people who are acting as you state. I never DC under fire. We've lost tons of gear to bandits and hacker server wipes as this group gets targeted all the time by people who hate our group.

I enjoy cooperative play more than PvP. That being said, I've killed bandits and countersniped in Cherno and NW, which I'd wager is one of the most dangerous postings for a friendly player. The enjoyment I get from the game is getting sweet loot and teamwork. Some people enjoy the hunt of other players.

Some people like lame dog the bounty hunter profile pics and think they are super 1337 op3r8tor for "infiltrating" a group with open enlistment that's full of cool bros.

You can kill our players, steal our gear, hack in our servers, whatever. It's doesn't matter and doesn't have a big impact. If everyone in my group dies, we're all good enough players that we'll be regrouped with basic weapons and full alice packs in half an hour.

I appreciate the tension that bandits bring to the game. I think using CQF tags is lame. It's actually much easier to be an attacking force than to be a defending one. So before you write off our group, know that some of us: want bandits, and are cool people. I like the CQF and have made friends there that all take their knocks and start their treks from the coast. As for people playing off "Official" CQF servers, I will run these new recruits on some of them just to teach them the basics. And to make sure they aren't trying to ghost the locations of all my NCO's that are doing important stuff.

TLDR: When you drop someone with a RCT tag, they aren't any better than the randoms you see anywhere else. They literally spent 30 seconds applying to get considered for a spot.

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Whilst this is something that we've done in the past (This kind of metagaming isn't forbidden), I wasn't actually using CQF tags during the op. I was using my normal ingame name, that i use when I'm filming YouTube videos (Izmak). I was forced to assume a CQF tag in order to join the server without being kicked.

@Johnny - my beef isn't with you, or with the vast majority of CQF in general. As mentioned beforehand, we've had a lot of good fights with CQF in the past, and we'd like that to continue. I do appreciate that my original posts and edits were perhaps a tad harsh on CQF, but this was bourne out of frustration (32/40 members on the server being tagged as CQF, on a server owned by a CQF Member).

I'd love to see an apology directly from the member in question (I'm not expecting you to apologise on his behalf), but I fear that there's absolutely no chance of that happening, because he seems convinced that we were hacking/ghosting, and won't heed any facts or information that we may present otherwise.

Maybe post a video from the entire hit to show what went down? I'd be curious to see what happened.

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Sadly there isn't any fraps footage from before this whole thing went down.

I haven't filmed in 5-6 days, because my HDD's been full of footage and I've been too busy out of game to sit down and actually render something. When we started getting kicked, I tabbed out, deleted the 800gb or so of EVE Online footage that I had 'pending', tabbed back in and hit record. As such, I only have fraps of the kicking, and our exfiltration from Kabanino to the East afterwards.

What happened tactically, is described perfectly in the OP. I do wish I'd frapsed it though, as the footage would have been absolutely awesome. Other members of our squad have confirmed exactly how the op went down, whether you choose to believe that, considering I've proven previously in other videos on my YouTube channel that we don't use hacks or otherwise (case in point: the previous CQF video that I uploaded) or otherwise is up to you. *shrug*

Edited by Izmak

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I believe you're legit. I just wanted to see the hit go down. It's harder to defend against guerrilla tactics and you guys are dangerous. Definitely something I would like to prevent happening to me. = )

And as for accusations of hacks, it might seem like a cop out, and I apologize if you feel offended, but the reaon most of us are so paranoid about it is that every day in the 3 or 4 hours I play, I will have some obvious stuff happen on our servers. Examples include someone spawning an A10, helicopters, hundreds of bear traps, nuking the server with kill scripts, etc. We also do have issues with ghosting, which I think IS easy to define: Logging during an engagement to achieve a better position. Easiest countermeasure would be a 10 minute wait to relog onto a server.

Anyway, hope to see you in game. I've got some ammo I'd like to give you ; )

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I think we would respect the rivalry a little more if you guys didn't impersonate us.

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I think we would respect the rivalry a little more if you guys didn't impersonate us.

no one is looking for your respect. we just want your beans... and for y'all to stop acting like little cry babies.

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no one is looking for your respect. we just want your beans... and for y'all to stop acting like little cry babies.

What server do you play on Hunter? I'll come give you some ammo.

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What server do you play on Hunter? I'll come give you some ammo.


I play on US21, US20 sometimes EU1 and EU2. If i haven't been killed by any of your members as of yet, i don't expect you to do any better.

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i don't expect you to do any better.

That's why this is going to be so easy. I'm PST though so I wonder if you'll be playing the same time I do. I normally play from 9:30 to 2 am.

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easy? Quite entertaining coming from a clan that has an abysmal track record of killing bandits.

I'll be on.. I'll be {CQF}CPL Krobar or maybe I'll go with {CQF}SPC FRESCODUDE for tonight... what do you think??

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Or maybe we can go with our real tags and run in a server that has hardcore, no 3rd person, no tags.

I'll be "TheLaw" and you can be "Dog The Overweight Burnout Fanboy".

It's easy to tag people that are out in the open working on projects with new recruits. It won't be easy when I find you. Maybe I'll just shoot you in the leg and let you wonder where I am. Of course, you'll probably D/C and go to a friendly server to beg one of your friends to patch you up when you get dropped.

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Can we all just fucking grow up accept your differences, We all make mistakes. Mistakes have been made. This thread is going nowhere but a useless argument.

Come the fuck on, I thought you all held a little more dignity than this.

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Alright, lets 1 vs. 1 arma 2 in the city of your choice. No outside interference that way, and you pick a time after 9 PM PST> I'll record on FRAPS and post results.

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