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Humanity - and a way to make it useful

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Hey there,

i thought about this whole humanity-thing. there is a solution to make it useful, integrate it well in gameplay, for bandits and survivors.

there should be merchants ( or other item-giveaway-possibilities ).

you need humanity to buy stuff there, or some sort of stuff ( examples ).

survivors so have advantages, and less survivors want to be bandits because it is kind of bad-boy-cool.

but those who really want to play bandit can shoot those survivors and just loot them. no need for buying or humanity.

this should balance that a bit.


what do you think ? ( sry for band english )

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A merchant where you would give stuff to new/respawning players to earn humanity would be neat. But it would be also a dead trap :(

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Ignoring the fact that most would just want to kill the merchant and take all his stuff, even if you couldnt, someone else would just be waiting nearby to shoot you when you stand there talking to the merchant.

Not to mention the fact that it goes completely against the realism bit of this game.

If you want merchants in this game, just start your own shop somewhere...

But ill promise you that it wont last very long (even if you have guards)

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or other benefits for survivors, which have to do with stuff / gear. like spawning nearly naked for bandits or something.

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or other benefits for survivors' date=' which have to do with stuff / gear. like spawning nearly naked for bandits or something.


A thousand times no. There needs to be benefits for high humanity, not punishments for low humanity. The punishment for being a bandit is that 99 percent of players shoot you on sight and some actively hunt you, even if you spam 'friendly' into the chat.

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or other benefits for survivors' date=' which have to do with stuff / gear. like spawning nearly naked for bandits or something.


A thousand times no. There needs to be benefits for high humanity, not punishments for low humanity. The punishment for being a bandit is that 99 percent of players shoot you on sight and some actively hunt you, even if you spam 'friendly' into the chat.

but with the removal of bandit skins, this will happen less likely. I do agree that high humanity should be rewarded rather than low being punished though.

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maybe if you have high humanity you can recruit some lost npc in the map, is easy to implement in arma 2

will be nice if sometimes you find a lost npc and you can recruit him an you can armed him to and give some orders to

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I think an NPC survivor would do more harm than good. Shooting the wrong zombie, or shooting at all, or even if he just strays a teensy bit to the right of where you want him, a hundred zombies are now after you. It might be a good incentive, but I don't think it should be the ONLY incentive.

Also, I didn't realize they were definitely getting rid of bandit skins, I thought that was just a maybe, my mistake.

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I believe there shouldn't be any added benefits no matter what you're humanity is. As it stands there are already benefits for both sides.

The benefit of being a bandit is self reliance, and not having to share loot. If you don't work well with others, this is you're chance to test you're skills against other players and the environment. Playing as a bandit is completely risk vs reward. Is engaging those survivors worth it? Do they have any gear that could benefit me? If you are a bandit and are continuously engaging large groups of survivors without any help or the element of surprise... You're doing it wrong.

If you are a survivor you're benefit is in numbers. A smart bandit won't engage larger groups of players unless they have the advantage. If you are playing as a survivor and NOT grouping up with at least one or two other players... You're doing it wrong.

I feel like a lot of survivors just assume anyone that shoots them is a bandit... which sometimes is not the case. If a player feels threatened, or is paranoid they might pull the trigger. That player may not have enough experience to tell the difference between bandit and survivor, especially with the new influx of players.

Now, to you're suggestion... I feel that any interaction in game should consistently be player-player. If you'd like to be a merchant get a couple of friends to hire as guards, fix up a car, and travel the land trading you're goods.

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The humanity points should reward or punish u in some way but to have a npc merchant or character would hurt the play of the game. I agree it should stay player interaction only, that is what makes it so fun, you don't know if friend or foe. Having npc characters would create a place for bandits to troll and vice versa, that would become a hunting ground like the spawn points are.

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