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Dayz becomes stand-alone game, what happens to us?

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Anyone who can honestly say they don't want to purchase the retail version of the game must be on welfare.

This is the game that PC gamers have been lusting after for a long time.

If you have played PC for 5+ years you would understand.

Games these days aren't even remotely exciting anymore, this is the first one to genuinely make my heart pump.

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"Best game ever! I love it!

But, gee, I sure hope I don't have to contribute to its development or the welfare of the people who work every day to make it a reality and provide me with endless entertainment."

Cheap ass bastards. Get a fucking job.

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My friends will not buy Arma 2 CO to play DayZ because they are afraid of being forced to buy the standalone version, then I think many players are confused about this, one can say exactly what will happen when they launch the standalone version?

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I'd happily pay an extra fee for the full DayZ...

Seeing as we actually payed for ArmA, we have what we payed for.

We got DayZ for free so far.

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Though the only real thing I have against Dayz going stand-alone is that it might still use the ARMA 2 engine (no comformation) if thats so then why move to stand alone?

You lose a lot of limitations that are now there as it's just a mod, not having it's own binary and influence on anything beyond the moment you are actually in-game.

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i would gladly pay 60, and if thats to much for anyone go get a job

Doesn't matter if YOU would gladly pay $60, what matters is what the game is worth to everyone else. I would NOT pay $60 and I have a GREAT job.


To the OP, we pay or get left behind. Hopefully they will turn over the Arma 2 Mod version (at or maybe a later stable build if there ever is one again) over to someone else so those who do not want to pay again don't have to.

I think it's reasonable to ask for some sort of discount since they know very well that we paid to playtest this for them.

Edited by I am a Failure (Destry)

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Doesn't matter if YOU would gladly pay $60, what matters is what the game is worth to everyone else. I would NOT pay $60 and I have a GREAT job.


I think it's reasonable to ask for some sort of discount since they know very well that we paid to playtest this for them.

Cheers to this

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Maybe something like ~35% discount for people who have bought arma II/have played dayz on alpha stage?

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If they made the Standalone free it would be horrible for the game. Have a little think about it. Development would cost millions, where are they going to recoup those costs? Buy having an item shop where you buy items for real world money.




I'm sure 99% of your base will gladly buy a standalone game considering we've all bought Combined Ops for ~$30 just for an alpha mod.

Edited by Wrath

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It would be awesome if they just put DayZ Standalone into Combined Operations. Anyone who bought CO get it for free and anyone who will buy CO in the future will also get it. Also you could buy only DayZ. Everyone would be pleased, or am I wrong?

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"rumored by September"

That date alone should tell you the story is complete bullsh@#$

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Look, I bought ARMA 2 and OA for DayZ. When DayZ when through its rough patches, my friends and I decided to give regular ARMA 2 a spin. Loved it. Now we're becoming avid players, and alternate between this great mod and this great game. Some are even looking into the more structured ARMA 2 multiplayer clans/organizations.

I'd pay full price for a standalone if it had many, many features that were not available with the mod due to engine limitations and whatnot. I mean, if I'm going to buy the standalone version, I want something that REALLY makes it worth my while, something that makes me thing "You know, playing the mod on ARMA 2 is alright, but that standalone version...I want it."

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I purchased Arma2 CO just for the Dayz experience and have found how fantastic the original game is as well, if i have to pay for standalone Dayz so be it, i will still have a great time playing Arma2 CO.

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Personally, I haven't bought ArmA:2 I'm watching DayZ's progression.If it looks good as a stand-alone (I'm sure it will) I'll cough up $60.

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I don't know about getting it for free, i like it enough that i'll pay for it again. And i do not want a "free to play" style game where the basic game is free but if i want higher tier items and what have you i need to pay for them.

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You lose a lot of limitations that are now there as it's just a mod, not having it's own binary and influence on anything beyond the moment you are actually in-game.

Will this result in DayZ never getting ragdoll physics? :(

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It's not the dev's fault you had to buy ARMA 2. Nobody made you. Their collective efforts are free, and that's a fact. This reminds me of people pissing and moaning when Minecraft released for retail. You probably couldn't keep playing the alpha (or beta) because, as someone already stated, the servers will probably shut down. But as to your question? Fuck yeah I'd buy DayZ if it released as a standalone game.

I apologize if I come off as a little harsh, but every user who plays DayZ should consider it a privalege, not an entitlement. Kicking dirt around and saying "but what about us? I was here from the beginning," will only leave you missing out until you decide to actually buy the game.

erm the Devs for DayZ work for the company that Made Arma2. so it KINDA is the devs fault we had to buy Arma2.

it's a good cash model "make cool mod = people buy our shitty 5 year old game again".

and it worked too,

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erm the Devs for DayZ work for the company that Made Arma2. so it KINDA is the devs fault we had to buy Arma2.

it's a good cash model "make cool mod = people buy our shitty 5 year old game again".

and it worked too,

1 Guy works for BI, not the whole team, 1. No one pointed a gun at your head and told you to buy the game lol.

Not to mention Dean and the whole DayZ Mod gets 0 cash, nothing, Buying Arma 2 pays for Arma 2, the Mod is a free entity on the side. So if it goes standalone it is quite possible people will have to buy again, and ofc if you follow the news it will go down the Minecraft route my guess (buy a alpha/beta/etc).

For the download/patching, i think it will also be similar to Minecraft in that you login and it patches in the client. Nothing external. Just guessing though, i think that be best way to do it.

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That way Steam could handle the updates thus reducing tge need for manual updates or the use of Sixupdater. I dont know what will happen, but what are your thoughts on this? Would you buy the mod even though you bought ARMA 2 for it already?

Steam don't allow (as in support for) the Beta patches for Arma 2 so I can't see Steam doing it unless the game is polished to a high standard (In this day and age every developer releases updates and patces after release)

I think Six AND Commander could be easily intergrated into the game (Best of both) or stand alone as a choice for joining servers.

And I'm sorry but I would want bang for buck for a full priced product and nothing like the current experience (Alpha I know!!!)

Arma 2 is a good game / simulator, you can learn a lot from it, I don't regret anything in fact i need something to play when DayZ update / shafts me.

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