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I know this is long, but if anyone can help me out, it would be much appreciated.

Before I started playing DayZ, I began watching videos and gameplays of it on youtube, to see what I am getting a feel of.

I know trust no one, Stay low in town, only fire when you have to, and make sure to get an idea of where your going.

I honestly, haven't really enjoyed DayZ as much as I thought I would, watching others on youtube play online and have a good time.

Finding gear, getting weapons, ghillie suits (*sigh* <3), Attacking zombies with a bunch of friends, Riding in cars, just... looks awesome!

When I started playing, I started to see...

Zombies see me from a long distance, and I have to run for a LONG time to actually get them off my tail. I had one single zombie chasing me for a whole 15 minutes.

With no gear, I am unable to get into towns without being detected, I go in prone through out the whole village, and once I finally get in a house, nothing is in there.

So I thought, go north, and avoid new players taking gear at the coast.

I'm going to be honest, and put an accurate number of a whole 3 and a half hours, Running, from town to town, going through woods, getting lost countless times, and over all the houses I have went in, there has been, NO, gear. Only useless things, empty cans, and if I'm lucky some light sticks.

I have changed servers plenty of times and going back to towns and still finding no gear.

Basacally.... I'm not enjoying DayZ. Its too difficult.

How am I suppost to "only fire when I have to" when I don't have a gun, yet alone ammo for it.

How am I suppost to "trust no one" when all I have to use to my advantage is one bandage.

How am I suppost to "know where I'm going" when I don't even have a map to look at, or know which ways N, E, S, W.

If anyone can help me out in any sort of way. I would be super excited.

Even if your just playing with me, showing where good loot is, where I can find weapons, what areas to stay away from players, how to get into towns without getting suspected, ANYTHING!

Just cause I'm having a bad start off this game, I'm willing to give it a few more chances, maybe I'm not doing things right, maybe I need some help. All i see is a game where its impossible to survive.

Thanks guys, any help will do!


(Add me on steam, or message me with tips, helps, or asking for me to join you! I need help!)

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If you own a microphone and are 18+, download mumble and PM me. I can help. Check my profile for any and all credibility you need.

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Barns are good. You will find a hatchet to defend yourself in a barn, maybe even a gun. Don't stealth until you have something worth keeping, just sprint, when zombies chase you head to a barn, run in the front, crouch-walk out the back. But beware of bad barns with only one entrance, make sure you can see through to the other open door before you enter.

Who you are willing to trust is your own choice.

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also there is a detailed map on DAY Z Database. That will help you the most. Knowing where you are and where to find the best loot. Barns, Deerstands, etc.... Like tonight I realized that Helicopter crashes on the map actually have gear they aren't just a spot where you can repair a helicopter. But all in all I see what your saying ...I'm having a blast but after hour 8 last night I started wondering what is this all for? Find some friends! or become a bandit! This games takes lots of patience which = a large amount of time! I like it the most because it is soooo challenging.

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Those little towns out/up North don't really have any gear. Gotta get in along the shore, and when you run into a building the zombies walk. You should have enough time then to pick up the gear. I'd say if you want a gun way out there check a map online, or just find a farm, military area, and ammo can be in deer stands. Ect, ect...

I lived for 5 days without dying, and I was only chased a long distance 3 times when I'd stated. I also watch a few videos, and was able to mix that with a tiny bit of practice to see where the zombies sights are + distance, and sound too. Again, ect, ect, I could go on...

Edited by CerebralZombie
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honestly after reading your post what i think you need is a group of friends who will travel through the wasteland alongside you. ones who you can trust with your life and will help you survive.

as i myself was once a solo player in the beginning i found it very difficult to accomplish anything but then got a couple mates of TS3 and we've raided nw af almost every day for the past 2 weeks and we all have range finders NV and all the basic tools.

sorry wasn't trying to brag just saying that i think what your missing is people to play with so i'd try to get someone you know irl or have know online for a long time to get the game and play it with you.

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From 635184 unique players (at the moment) surely some wont like the game or wont "get it", don't feel bad, a lot of people expect the game to be something it isn't, but it is what it is. If you don't enjoy the game you can always stop playing. I was hooked from the first time I played but I know some people that had a hard time starting, they got really mad when losing their gear, or when getting killed by another player for no apparent reason.

My recommendation, if you really want to play the game, start by watching videos and learn everything you can about the game, figuring out where you are at and where you want to go is important. So far I've been playing solo, but from what i read playing in a group can make things more interesting, you may want to find some friends or group to play with so they can help each other and you wont find it so "hard" this way.

Edited by sebastian.w

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How to lose zombies.

Find trees like this: (sorry, all large images, all I could find on short notice)




and then snake your way through them. Try to stay as close to the center of the tree as you can without running into it. As you pass the center of the tree, change/adjust your direction to cut through the other side of the next tree. You want to pass through the branches to break the zombies line of sight.

This: http://www.sabrinasabino.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/cones-direction-1.jpg

(random images scrounged up from the net)

You can lose entire towns of zombies this way.

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I know this is long, but if anyone can help me out, it would be much appreciated.

Before I started playing DayZ, I began watching videos and gameplays of it on youtube, to see what I am getting a feel of.

I know trust no one, Stay low in town, only fire when you have to, and make sure to get an idea of where your going.

I honestly, haven't really enjoyed DayZ as much as I thought I would, watching others on youtube play online and have a good time.

Finding gear, getting weapons, ghillie suits (*sigh* <3), Attacking zombies with a bunch of friends, Riding in cars, just... looks awesome!

When I started playing, I started to see...

Zombies see me from a long distance, and I have to run for a LONG time to actually get them off my tail. I had one single zombie chasing me for a whole 15 minutes.

With no gear, I am unable to get into towns without being detected, I go in prone through out the whole village, and once I finally get in a house, nothing is in there.

So I thought, go north, and avoid new players taking gear at the coast.

I'm going to be honest, and put an accurate number of a whole 3 and a half hours, Running, from town to town, going through woods, getting lost countless times, and over all the houses I have went in, there has been, NO, gear. Only useless things, empty cans, and if I'm lucky some light sticks.

I have changed servers plenty of times and going back to towns and still finding no gear.

Basacally.... I'm not enjoying DayZ. Its too difficult.

How am I suppost to "only fire when I have to" when I don't have a gun, yet alone ammo for it.

How am I suppost to "trust no one" when all I have to use to my advantage is one bandage.

How am I suppost to "know where I'm going" when I don't even have a map to look at, or know which ways N, E, S, W.

If anyone can help me out in any sort of way. I would be super excited.

Even if your just playing with me, showing where good loot is, where I can find weapons, what areas to stay away from players, how to get into towns without getting suspected, ANYTHING!

Just cause I'm having a bad start off this game, I'm willing to give it a few more chances, maybe I'm not doing things right, maybe I need some help. All i see is a game where its impossible to survive.

Thanks guys, any help will do!


(Add me on steam, or message me with tips, helps, or asking for me to join you! I need help!)

Hello there Moodrich.

Id say 1 thing to you.

Do all the misstakes, break all the rules.

Thats what sets the ground for new players most of the time.

You learn the game better that way.

I followed a few friends raiding castles and high-risk places when I was a noob, the most boring 5 hours run of my life.

They set the phase, I was new, they set the sneaking needed, and the routes.

After all that I decided to hit electro, cherno and all thoseplaces, finding "high value items" such as nice backpacks, AKs, thinking I was a bad motherfucker, just to be shot at and dead by a silly gun.

I stole boats by shooting players.

Have been running around bleeding and passing out around towns for hours, just to get a bullet in my head when I final manage to cook me some meat.

Now I am more prepared, not in love with my loot and dont really care if I die.

A way better player in general, dont kill everyone for the reason of killing.

I know how to re-gear fast once I die, and I still do stupid things for the love of the action and thrill.

Dont be an elitist loot-hoarding inlander!

be the noob, get the action, get friends that will backstab you!

You will learn how zombies work.

You will learn what to do when things get bad.

Having a zombie breaking your leg, bleeding out, and 4 zombies hitting you, you can still stay calm and fix the problem.

You will probably just run into buildings in isolated towns, to the right building, instead of sneaking for ages.

Everything will be better.

But before it gets, you will have the best time of your life! : D

Today I ran past a place I havnt been in a long while,

Remember when I had a AK kobra and was sneaking around those parts, "sneaking" like a retarded hippo up in the open for all to see me... jikes I was such a noob.

Edited by catstyle
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See to many posts about "I saw DAYZ on youtube and saw guys in cars with cool gunz so I started playing and can't find/do crap". More people should watch videos by guys like Sidestrafe, they will give you a more realistic idea of what Dayz is.

If you going it alone you likly wont get to do half the stuff you see groups of people do in youtube videos.

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Hi! Idk if anyone has said this yet, but if your ever being chased by zombies and your by the coast, your best bet would be go onto a dock... For some reason zombies wont go on them, then you can change servers or goto the other end and get away... Also it's more fun to takes risks, and dont be afraid to die, If you see a player in need of help try to help him and start a group. It's always fun if you think of new ways to play! :D hope this has helped! :lol:

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Zeds are easy to lose now, just run around a building and fall prone. Then slowly crawl away.

Dont be afraid of losing loot. Its a game. If spawned near Balota, go past the village, and behind it there is an airstip - raid it. If even you are shot, you have nothing to lose. Go to cherno and elektro, hit supermarkets for tools and packs, town-houses for a weapon, dont stay in the village outskirts of the cities (many zeds, little loot). You will find plenty of food, keep 2-3 units of eat and drink with ya constantly, if gonna travel, get more. When you have at least a winchester/enfield, go hit a firestation for military gear and a hospital for medical supplies. When done, leave the city. Now it's a good time to find a group and hit the NWAF.

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Hey Moodrich!

1.spawn during the night/on a low pop server, next to one of the main cities or Balota.

2.RUN into one of the hangars/fire stations/hotels with multiple entrances/exits (zeds can't run indoors, they'll slow down and loose you eventually).

3.TRY to grab a gun.Kill all the zeds following you.

Do it with firestations, hospitals, shops, offices.


hope this helps,


Edited by kajonna
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Kudo's for all the helpfull reply's to this post. I came expecting trolls, left disappointed. Well done!

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I must admit Im in a very similar place to Moodrich, in that Id seen some of my BF3 buddy's playing, and thought it looked cool.

After seeming to take for ever to get it actually working, I couldnt understand why every server was dark, evern with a -8GMT offset, but once I got going last night for a few hours, I find myself at work today planning what route to take tonight when the kids are in bed to get me some stuff of value and use!

Love this game...so far!!

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It's just a steep learning curve. They should put that in the requirements.

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About finding which direction to go, you can observe the sun bearing in mind it rises in the east and sets in the west, as long as you know what timezone your server is in you don't need a watch. So if its before midday the direction the sun is, is east, after midday it's west. Also the night sky is accurate, so you can locate the north star. But I understand that may be difficult/impossible depending on your personal skill with it, so a easy but less precise way. Watch where you first spawn, if it is says any spawn location, except three valleys, eg Kamenka, Electro, then put your back to the coast the way you are facing is now north. If you spawn at three valleys put your back to the coast you are now facing west ( as it is on the east coast).

To easily loose zombies do this; Run through any dense bushy area and make sure you put 2 pieces of cover, Ie bushes trees, between you and the zombie after you get through the second piece, crouch and walk slowly away. The first bush breaks line of sight, the second bush stops the zombie reacquiring line of sight when it bursts through, and by crouch walking the zombie won't be able to hear you. If you carry on sprinting as is probably instinct it will quickly find you again.

I would recommend avoiding towns, and instead hitting barns/deer-stands to start, at least until you have some means to protect yourself. When in towns, try to keep 15m from zombies. If you double tap - on the numpad it will zoom out slightly, giving you an increased field of view which can be vital to spot zombies in towns. Also keep an eye on the blurry white dots on the side of the screen, these simulate "peripheral vision" due to a monitor inherently limited FOV. Also never, ever walk anywhere there even may be a zombie, or player to a certain extent. If you crouch walk/run it is slower but will decrease the chance of something spotting you.

A few tips for your inevitable PvP encounter as well. Always try to stay in the tree lines, hedgerows when out in the country side and move slowly in towns peaking round corners, that will reduce the chance of someone spotting you. If you have to cover open ground, sprint and zigzag erratically, also if someone shoots at you do this. If you stop even for a second, or god forbid lie down they will kill you. But hitting a fast randomly moving target at range is going to be more difficult for them and you will be more likely to get out alive.And if you ever get in a team, make sure you are not all bunched up, spread out and don't walk in a single column. All watch different directions. And it only takes one person to loot a building, 2 at most for larger ones, so get the others to watch different angles. I can't tell you how many times I have wiped a team out easily because they all stand close together and don't watch more than one direction, or because they all crammed into a tiny building. The phrase "Shooting fish in a barrel" comes to mind.

There pro tips for pretty much the entirety of DayZ.

If you want any more pro tips, just PM me.

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It's just a steep learning curve. They should put that in the requirements.


Edited by Rane

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dayz is not about fun, or hanging out, having a good time at the beach or so (well you can try :D)

dayz is about challange, totally unique experience upon every spawn/login/encounter, immersion, emotions!

i actually consider it way to easy once you learn how to deal with the annoying parts.

i expect the challange to raise a good bit when shit goes real, but that will take a while.

bearing in mind rocket is busy goofing around with all sorts of stuff to add, thats totally fine.

if that doesnt work for you, consider to stick to something else, dayz will make you pull

your hair out, i speak from experience :D

there is always arma 2 and the countless other mods you can play, there is so much more

to arma 2 then just dayz. i suggest go explore a bit and see what works for you.

Edited by Azrail

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Replyed to everyone below (:

Edited by Moodrich

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Let me just start off saying I am completely amazed at the community on how they will come to help anyone in need of assistance in Dayz. So I already love the community.... unless of course I come accross you in game, then somehow we all just wanna kill each other.

I have been reading every post posted here, word by word and trust me, you all help me out alot.

I tried out the tatics on how to avoid zombies, and it did work for me! :DD

I studied the dayz map http://dayzdb.com/map , and figured out when I can find loot on the map, manily looking for barns, and military bases like most suggested, and staying away from towns where I was told "Lots of Zads, little loot." I wish you could have seen my face when I found my first rifle after reading your guys tips, and running straight for the buildings, I was amazed how I slowly gained power to myself, so I had a chance to live.

Oh, yes I died. It hasn't even been 24 hours, so I learned off it, found where lots of expierenced players like to camp out and snipe others, so I rememeber those places on the map and try staying away until I'm with a bigger group or got okay gear to risk it.

Learning off from my own deaths Deaths, I get farther and farther now gear wise. Gaining new weapons, backpacks, food, everything.

Couldn't have lived sometimes without other friendies out there. When your alone, and got nothing to survive, some people do team up and are willing to work together in order to all come out well prepared for the DayZ world. So I have ran into friendlies, who have defended me, gave me supplies and have got me farther then ever till this day.

So....yes. Playing with other players OR your friends, who are trustworthy, is something worth trying.

I didn't know much about bandits, running for my dead body hoping nobody looted it, thats when I ran into two of them.... thats also when I was taken hostage for the first time ):

They told me to go into the city (Cherno) and loot a hospital asking for blood bags and what not.

I soon came back, and they held me at their location for a bit.

Later they told me to kill another player with an axe......and... I did (x

Thats when they gave me a rifle for doing the job/s, and told me to leave and never come back, or they'll shoot me.

So I can tell where people do get the thrill and emotion of this game. I found this isn't only a survival game, its alot more then that...

Thank you all for the tips and hints on where loot is, how to get away from zombies, where good start out spots are, what to stay away from, and how to hide.

I will continue reading any other posts on here since there is alot more to learn about this game!

Yes, I gave people "my beans" only if your information helped me above and beyond what I was expecting (:

Oh, and yes, now I am enjoying this game, because of help from the community! :D


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