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Playing music through the ingame voice chat?

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how do ppl play music or other sounds through the ingame voice chat?

is there a way to do this without also sending ALL sound that is played on my computer (i dont want teamspeak and the gamesounds itself to also be transmitted)?


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I believe you can change the voice files to insert mp3s instead of the "Cover me" "going in!" and other shoutouts.

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I don't think those commands go out through direct chat, but you can always just set your microphone to stereo mix and start muting extraneous sounds.

Edited by Techercizer

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my crappy laptop does not have stereomix. some tool must exist that allows me to send musicclips to my microphone (so to say) by pressing a hotkey.

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Why the fuck do you want to do this? It is just annoying.

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i dont want to play music non stop but small sound-clips from time to time. if we ever meet feel free to mute me if i ever find out how to do it. thanks for the free bump to the thread.

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i would play this, running through stary

at night

that would be hilarious if i bumped into you, id still kill ya but if i had the drop id wait a while so i could sing along

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Music/other sounds through direct comms is like a person blasting music from his cellphone on the bus/train... Maybe you haven't experienced it, or maybe you are one who enjoys doing that, but it's freaking annoying.

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Personally, I'd blast Bicycle from Queen whenever I was on a bicycle inside city limits.

I mean, its not like it'd get me any MORE killed than I would just for committing the act of being inside a city, but at least I'd spread a smirk or two on my way out.

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Anyone who does this on a server I am on, will stop me doing whatever it is I am and hunt them.

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"And I swear that I don't have a gun,no I don't have a gun, no I don't have a gun."

This is standard for me after a respawn and I KNOW someone is close enough to hear me sing it through direct.

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