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Truth Time Rockett

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DayZ, as it currently is, really isn't what was expected by many. Rocket has mentioned more that is yet to be added, so there's still hope that it will get back to its' premise. If it doesn't deliver, I suspect many will not show up when it becomes a Retail game.

That said, using this thread to announce a potential rival Mod is sleazy.

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Even a sand box has built in limitations that exert outcomes based upon what is possible.

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Would be great if we have one "quest" system

it's just like, many NPC's who will give to you an car, weapons, basic gear, Bagbacks (it's just an exemple). If u senda msg (or this kind of stuff) for another NPC very far to your current location.

this "quest's" will made you prepare yourself to travel, also, get some objeticve in this game.

there's no TOTAL plesure in only kill players and survivor as longer you can, This game might be to much intersting if we have many little objtvs.

i'm not saying: "let's figurate it out in a new left 4 dead" I'm just thinking,why not make this game better?

Edited by ImVictor

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Even a sand box has built in limitations that exert outcomes based upon what is possible.

Which is the best description of DayZ I've ever seen.

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There is a very good reason why this hasn't been done before, Rocket has ample time.

Edited by Wrath

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DayZ is nothing more then a slow call of duty with more players camping the map (The game is drowning in shallow game play and poor community)

Best place to get loot in game? Elektrozavodsk off players! The high end gear is not needed for anything in the game. The AK that spawns in the police station makes you strong enough to sit in one spot and wait for a person with better gear to run by not seeing you; as you shoot him in his back and loot him. With in 20 mins you can beat this game. With in 20 mins you realize your playing 10% of ArmA and the Zombies are just a joke to get you to play this game (Assuming your zombie fans)

I don't want to be a prick here, but I don't think you get it. This game can't be "beat". It isn't about getting the best gear. It is about experiencing player created moments. That is the entire appeal of a sandbox game like this. The zombies, the gear, the world just facilitate these experiences. Nothing more.

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Ah, I wouldn't try to rationalize with the guy. He overlooks logic even though he demands it, changes the conversation when he knows he's being childish and insults everyone and then claims everyone is insulting him.

Let this die, the guy is just a troll.

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I just want to make one statement about the "no direction" comment.

and the "SAND BOX" comment that followed.

Makes total sense! (the sandbox part) the Op is still a dumbass.

when i was a kid, and i played in the sandbox, i had no direction

and i WAS limited by what i had to use in terms of tools... Buckets,shovels, sometimes? other kids were there and in my way..know what i did? i fucking kicked sand in their face and destroyed their shit....

Now i know im taking the sandbox thing semi literally here...But thats exactly what Day-Z is.

A sandbox,...filled with other people, who are in your way. You may make some friends, but maybe not.

Semi off topic.. But the OP is still a dumbass and his thought(s) "blew my mind" in a bad way...not sure what else to say.

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Hello, SilverTrimm!

It's Monday morning, 16th July! It's time for our weekly Project Quarantine update!

Have you had a chance to transcribe any of those notes and design plans? I must say I was a bit shocked when I realized the "notebooks" you referred to were not, in fact, laptops but actual hard-copy, paper bound books. I look forward to you taking the time to transfer these into an electronic format either by hand or through scanning.

Perhaps you might publish some of the plans on the PQ site so we can review and discuss in the forums?

You do have a site, right? And forums?

Anyway, just popping in for the weekly check-in.

See you again on 23rd July!

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The games far from perfect, and devlopment time is super slow. If inclined a Studio publisher will beat DAy Z to the post with a more solid but less brave game. However i doubt that another (at least large) dev team will take it on, 600k users is still no where near what a large studio would expect to see to make it profitable for them. 2 million (for instance Prototype 2) sales is small enough to close a studio these days.

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DayZ is nothing more then a slow call of duty with more players camping the map (The game is drowning in shallow game play and poor community)

Best place to get loot in game? Elektrozavodsk off players! The high end gear is not needed for anything in the game. The AK that spawns in the police station makes you strong enough to sit in one spot and wait for a person with better gear to run by not seeing you; as you shoot him in his back and loot him. With in 20 mins you can beat this game. With in 20 mins you realize your playing 10% of ArmA and the Zombies are just a joke to get you to play this game (Assuming your zombie fans)

Sorry, that completely renders the rest of your argument invalid.

You can't relate this game to Call of Duty. Considering it is somewhat a zombie apocalypse simulator, saying that people "camp" is fucking stupid. Are you just going to run around in a zombie apocalypse? No. Unless you're a moron.

"The high end gear is not needed for anything in the game."

Hmm, let me see...

If you were in a firefight, like many people are often in, would you rather an AK47 or an AS50? Perhaps an AK47 or [if you're playing at night] NV goggles and a silenced M4A3 CCO?

You need to rethink a lot of things.

P.S. you can't "beat" DayZ.

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when i was a kid, and i played in the sandbox, i had no direction

and i WAS limited by what i had to use in terms of tools... Buckets,shovels, sometimes? other kids were there and in my way..know what i did? i fucking kicked sand in their face and destroyed their shit....

That doesnt prove that thats what happens in sand boxes. It only proves that you've ALWAYS been an asshole. Congradulations.

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the only thing that is old and tired is imature people squabbling in forums, seemingly with nothing better to do.

damn, and I just skimmed thru this pap.

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Said developer will not have the designer that made a simple game 500k people and growing want to play. They will have the designers, managers and marketing dopes that have produced trash titles. Let them spend another 100 million, 300 million, whatever on a game that's missed fun by such a wide margin it will be F2P in 6 months.

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There can't be too many testers.

What you're really seeing is a community coming together to test a mod they're exited about.

Anyway wtf OP... how many games or apps have you developed that went viral and left you reeling to keep up?



Let me say this,

Nobody is coming together as a community to test a mod. They started playing because either someone told them it was good GAME, or they saw a youtube video and found the GAME was advertised on steam, or something inbetween. There is a very small minority of people who had Arma 2 and played before Day-Z. An even smaller minority came to playtest an Alpha.

They stayed for the most part because it used to work fairly well save for the occasional disappearing loot when you dropped it or similar minor bugs. Now it's plagued with random bugs that cost you all your stuff and your life. People who came because they thought it was going to be higher quality are disappointed. I know it's in "alpha" but how many of these people actually knew that? It's being advertised as if it's developed like Minecraft (Able to be released any time but just not yet because they want to add more). The thing is, if you wanted to get in on the game you HAD to buy Arma 2 and then buy the game later. You have to pay twice here because you're "not paying for Day-Z." I have enough money not to care too much- but I don't think that's going to fly with a lot of people if this Alpha continues to take forever with no apparent plans.

P.S. I'm not in love with Minecraft but I think the devs should have gotten off of Arma 2 a LONG time ago and started a Minecraft/kickstarter standalone model.

Edited by I am a Failure (Destry)

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Well I am not going to post in this anymore because I have yet to see a real conversation starter. One liners from the generation of kids who got awards when they showed up. Bet mom still has the picture :) I wouldn't expect much from you Cav. we know how the New York Education is. Who cares right? How that Obama tattoo working out? (can tell your a liberal, you change subject or just name call)

My bad, I will now address all comments to you that are for you. I will no longer hit 2-3 things in one post. Sorry for the confusion /palm face

With that said, shotgun blast. If the pellet hit; it hit. Never the less everything I have said has yet to be talked about based on merit. (and there is) Just name calling and YOU CAN'TZ! I think it's funny how when someone doesn't like something AS MUCH as you; they have to quit and never talk about it again. Conditioned much for take over?

Spawn, Kill, Loot, Die You can take your time doing it.. or you can CoD rush it and get to Spawn, Kill, Loot Die 10 x More!

Its like the turbo button! Again.. You should pick up an RPG for intelligence. CoD is melting your mind.

Again with the one line of nothingness. It's like I'm on XBL

Sarcasm wins my heart. I will msg you when I can with the details. No plans for it to be as pretty as this game, but then again; it will be our game :)

See now I'm confused because I was being nice and writing you back a decent reply, but then I re-read your trash and /facepalm again!

Must eat 1 can-o-beans per hour

Must drink 2 can-o-coke per hour

With a good bag, I could snipe for DAYS with out coming down. Mix in the fool that doesn't look before he climbs and that more food/drinks. so...

HOW WILL A 30SEC LOG OFF HELP? Oh, someones coming up the ladder? Let me AIM right where he is going to be forced to pause for 3 seconds after reaching the top.

Also I did not "Name" call. I pointed out how shity New York was (and CA too since we talking about it) and if you had a fucking clue about life you would understand that NY and CA are nothing more then the Greece of your union. They have yet to balance a state budget and for some reason you fools (if you live in CA or NY) keep voting for the same shit. No wonder why 3 cities in CA already had to file bankruptcy to get out of bad deals the dems made with the unions.

NO WAY!! A Soldier who know politics and programming? Also stop with the 2+2 = 5 shit. The "hes attacking everything we got for free" vibe I'm getting only shows it's not just the random community who is horrid at this game, its the ones helping build it

< Shock > Talking about bad parts of a game only improves it < /shock> Minequest on XBL anyone? Its 100 points cheaper then Minecraft!!


I retract the win statement :( Must of gave you to must attention and made you excited.

Every response beyond the first, is a reason to laugh.

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Stop editing your shit kids. What would you do if the internet didn't hide your identity. It's ok. Your children won't be able to be cowards.

I think it's more about being sure our arguments or statements or insults are all organized in a cohesive manner. Since when is spell-checking and editing frowned upon? You're a "FUCKING MORON"

Hey look I called you a name, and kept on topic. (despite your post being completely off-topic and irrelevant).

Hey look at me guys. I'm a douchebag. And in 30 seconds I'll probably fix that typo.

Edited by Caviano

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Well Good afternoon.

Noticed a few things since I turned in.

1) Anyone who agreed or tried to make a point about the gameplay was flamed

2) Not a single "but if they did that, or this.. then it wouldn't work because of that

3) If your not American, it doesn't matter. If our market continues to die under Obama you will feel it.

4) Rocket(t) liked my comment. I have nothing against the guy (besides how he got his name; just a bad story) I have followed him Notch for awhile. (Not so much Rockett) Knowing my time in the Army is almost over and I got nothing but college money to burn though; I want to be a developer (good one, no more app shit) and I look at successful people, learning more from there mistakes then their successes.

5) If you can't see the red underlined word after you type it, Get a better browser; and stop making excuses!!!! You can fucking spell check prior to posting. You going back and editing your wild comments to try and make them sound intelligent does not make for smarter people. just people who get less done during there day.

And now I'm going around pissing off all the snipers in CTown by logging on behind them, killing them.. looting them and hiding there body. Go have fun again PROS! Looks like I win. Next Server!

G) Your right, I am a little nuts. I have seen many people die in real life. When your in town and your friend your playing with gets sniped, yeah.. more then re-spawning on the beach. I deal with turds everyday who couldn't understand the second and third order of effect of eating. I am an ass in real life, unless you prove your not worthless to me! I can't help that you will never be meaningful to me via the DayZ fourms (most) and I will treat you like your the children you post as. With that being said; I'm alone. So I often bring myself down to visit others. I don't like to name call over the internet; I do enjoy it in real life. Good way to test people!

After) I did go back and reread my post, I don't think it was aggressive in anyway. Post followed were only "You mad bra" and "QQ more" <- shortened em up; but 0 comments about what I said. Yet I changed the subject? I wonder if its the gaming community that is falling off the wall or the progressive wave of no child left behind; never the less; it's apparently that reading and story problem solving must of been cut from the budget. It's funny that the community can't see it. Then again; You only get to see your whole life for a flash before you die. You will see it :) Just in your kids lol !!! (No spell check or even proof reading becazus I don't know to do it prior to posting..

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Well Good afternoon.

But you said you were going:

FFS, I'm out.

Why would you come back? No one really cares what you're saying, as it's been said a 100 times before:

"Waaah DayZ isn't my vision, I'm going to go on about how it should be like how I think because I'm amazing and can't ever be wrong."


And now I'm going around pissing off all the snipers in CTown by logging on behind them, killing them.. looting them and hiding there body. Go have fun again PROS! Looks like I win. Next Server!

Wow you're as bad as the people you were complaining about, way to be a complete and utter tool.

Edited by SuperCalleh

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You should learn the correct use of your and you're. Just saying.

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OP is F.A.G.


Think I'll go look at porn.

Beans me Jonesy.

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Your = Possession?

You're = You are replacement

Don't get me started on English. <3 meeting English majors. I loose at the start but by the end; they feel like the wasted there money

When I type your and there, I always use this spelling. I know it's wrong of me and I should be a better example to my children. There I go, responding to a 1 liner :)

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