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DayZ Steam Group(The Anti-Bandits)

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We got a steam group going called the Anti-Bandits. It is our goal to improve the overall experience of dayZ a couple steps at a time. Our first way of doing this is by not letting our fellow members shoot on sight without due cause, and banning anyone who does not follow this rule. We have our own Teamspeak server, with our only requirements being that you follow the rules. no sign up hassle, nothing! If any of you are interested, feel free to join the group chat in the link below to be invited in.

No Mic required.

(Noobs, Minors, Carebears, etc. Welcome. Bandits obviously are not :P)


Edited by darknight558
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i would like to sign up.

Only thing is i play mostly EU times, but we need good people over here as well...

I'm a 31 y/o guy from Oslo, Norway.

I just starded playing DayZ the other day, and although i've figured out the basics, i'm still a total noob, and in need of some teammates.

i had my first encounter with a bandit today.

Or, at least someone sneaking up on me and attacking me unprovoked.

I had just respawned, and was not carrying anything of value, when this bastard Jhonnyjohndoe or something like that jumped me.

Seeing as i was utterly defenseless i began to run. He followed me, so i ran some more, and he was still hellbent on killing me.

I decided that there was no way this murderer was going to get the best of me, so i bolted for the nearest town, hoping he'd understand what i was up to, and stop chasing me.

Well, he didn't.

So i ran in to town, aggroed four or five Zeds, and bolted back towards him.

I would have liked to have seen this guys face, cause he turned an ran like the lightning.

I followd with the Zeds on my heels. For some reason I was cathing up to, and eventually, outrunning him, and then the Zeds changed their target.

I kept running until i heard that the Zeds overtook him. I watched from afar as he tried to fight them off with his crowbar as they ate him alive.

Lucky for me, he managed to down a couple before he died, and the two that were left, quickly filled their stomachs i guess, and left.

I of course, headed over to the corpse of my assailant and got all of his gear.

But as often is in this harsh world, my luck soon ran out.

Unfortunately between the Zeds and my attacker, i had sustained heavy bloodloss, and my vision was fading.

Finally, while searching for food and meds. I got overtaken by an Army Zed, and i became food instead.

This has not, however, in any way dampened my spirit or crushed my resolve.

I'm as intent as ever on finding some good friends out there. Travel partners who one can rely on through thick and thin.

Vidar Theisen - Survivor

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It would be so much easier to change the rules of server rental. I.E. kicking players and password prtoection. I mean why pau for a server if you cant kick anyone for being a bandit and thus ruining alot of peoples day

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It would be so much easier to change the rules of server rental. I.E. kicking players and password prtoection. I mean why pau for a server if you cant kick anyone for being a bandit and thus ruining alot of peoples day

We are the Anti-Bandits, not the Bandit free server group. If we just kick any bandits that hop on our server that just undermines the entire groups values. We WANT to improve the dayZ community and not isolate ourselves in one server. And half the fun in this game is stomping on bandit filth :P.

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i want to sign up here cause the biggest con in day-z is, are bandits and i always try to negotiate or trade but i ALWAYS get shot. i already met up with Pvt. Sir Castic. i have 2 weeks of Day-z experience.

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Hi There! Just started playing a couple days ago and definitely need a solid/reputable group to be able to play with. I'm actually stranded on the NW edge of Elektro and in desperate need of a blood transfusion at the moment... I'm a decent player (pretty much understand most of the game by now) and have a mic. I would love an invite to the group!!.... and a blood transfusion... :P

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Hi There! Just started playing a couple days ago and definitely need a solid/reputable group to be able to play with. I'm actually stranded on the NW edge of Elektro and in desperate need of a blood transfusion at the moment... I'm a decent player (pretty much understand most of the game by now) and have a mic. I would love an invite to the group!!.... and a blood transfusion... :P

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Hi. Looks like a brilliant group!

I tried to join your TS but no avail. I can't join Steam chat and the steam group is by invite only. My steam name is luizfcsilveira, count me in if you need some help (including help helping others).


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Hi. looks like the type of group i need also would be nice if someone had my back when saving people, already been back stabbed after i helped a person :(

im a bit of a newcomer

Edited by Madsen1337

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Hey whats up, been hanging out in chat today. Id like to join up.

Steam name Dorsilfin

throw me an invite,

30 year old gamer

Mic - english

Looking for like minded survivors to play with and not get stabbed in the back

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Hey my steam name is Anti204 and i started playing Day Z the other day and i know the basics of ArmA 2, but im still a noob lol. Also its not good to play alone, so im looking for a good dependable group and It would b awesome to join this one :D.

Edited by Anti204

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looking for some friendlys to group up with my ingame name is "shadow" looking for a group that doesnt kill eachother

Edited by Kiole

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Hi, uh, my name is Spencer, and I'm from the LA area. (hope this doesn't cause any latency problems :l). I'm on the group chat right now, waiting for the admin to come back on. I'm a friendly player, and looking for some other friendlies to play with. Hoping to establish a safe zone within cherno, and probably will never shoot on sight (even with 10 sec). Steam ID is "Pinky1121". Looking forward to playing with you guys :D!

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Me and my little group(about 7 or 8 people) are trying to do the exact same thing, we give out guns to new players, help the injured and what not like that. Maybe we could team up some time? my steam id is nonwillknow

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Me and my little group(about 7 or 8 people) are trying to do the exact same thing, we give out guns to new players, help the injured and what not like that. Maybe we could team up some time? my steam id is nonwillknow

Our group would love to team up with fellow Bandit Hunters. Just head into our group chat when an admin is on and we can setup something. We got a giant teamspeak you can use with us. Or maybe even letting your most skilled members into some bandit hunts when i reinstate the BRTF.

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People, banditry is an important part of DayZ.

LEGIT banditry, that is.

It's the player-killer trolls that shoot people just to shoot people -- usually on the coast and in Cherno -- that harm the game. You know, the players that just wanna make the Murder number go up on their debug monitor, under the delusion that it's an accomplishment.

So this talk of 'PvP free servers' and kicking any bandits is just silly. The post-apocalypse is gonna have people who try to enhance their own survival at the expense of others, guys. Trying to remove that element from DayZ is *not* part of Rocket's vision.

edit: clarification... my comments here are also citing discussion I've seen on the Steam page you link to

Edited by cogwheel

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Of course bandits are a part of the game, and i wouldnt have it any other way. But some of these deathmatch esque bandits really need to go. Now with all of these new antibandits starting up. I hope to get them at their source, the new players.I cant see these deathmatch bandits having long attention spans. So if we just get all the new players out of the shoot on sight style dayz. It would be a much richer experience. Instead of just pulling a trigger. You'd need to think about every encounter and see if you trust them enough to work together. I think that was more of what rocket had in mind.

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Sign me up steam ID is blackwolfcriza iv been looking for a group i can join only mic i have tho is built into my laptop that i can use just dont know how well it will sound.

tho i am new at dayz "4-6 days" iv picked up some of the basics "naving were items spawn and so forth" just want to have some fun and like to help out wen i can.

Edited by Blackwolfcriza

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I'd like to join this group. I've been shot on sight every time I meet someone, it would be nice to actually group with some friendlies.

Steam name: eridor0

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